• It was too late for Tori to get out of the way of the truck. As she turned, so did Max, just in time to see the giant truck barreling over the hill just before Tori. He instantly, without thinking, ran across the road and smacked hard into Tori as the truck flew by, scraping his back. Slowly, Tori began to get up. Max was on top of her, the truck all ready out of sight.
    Shaking Tori stood and helped Max up. "Um, those speeders, huh?" she nervously said, trying to break the tension.
    Max looked at her straight in the eyes. "Look both ways next time, Tori."
    Relieved, they both laughed there as Tori's parents drove into the driveway.

    It was friday, the start of a three day weekend. Somehow Tori had managed to keep her ears hidden. But everyday she ached just to show Max and be over with it. They were real good friends now. Finally waking up, she stretched her arms and legs and threw off the covers. She did her daily routine, shower, dress, breakfast, then called Max.
    "Hey Tori. Whats up?"
    "Nothing at all. Thats why I called. I am soo bored."
    "Wanna go see a movie?"
    "Sure. Which one?"
    "I don't know. Lets pick when we get there."
    "Ok. See you in a bit."
    Then they hung up. Tori went to go get her jacket, when there was a knock at the door. Unthinking, she turned around and opened it, to find a wide eyed Max. Her heart skipped a beat. She wasn't wearing anything to cover her ears. Not knowing what to do, She slammed the door in his face and sat down on the otherside, crying. It was quiet for a moment, when she heard Max faintly, "Tori?"
    Shaking, Tori stood up and flung open the door.
    "Here," she choked, "Take a good look. They're real, okay? I'm a freak with cat ears! There, I said it.
    Max stood there, not blinking but staring at her ears. "Tori," he whispered, "What are you?"

    They did end up going to the movies that day. They didn't talk much, though. Tori had told Max all about Travelers and her special ability to control storms. Tori worried, afraid she might lose her only true friend.
    Would she?