A Teen Titans / Naruto Tale TT: Teen Titans N: Naruto : Both Together
N: Naruto Uzumaki woke one morning knowing that something was wrong. Not wrong with him, or Kyubi the Fox demon that took residence inside him, but just that something wrong would happen. As he got out of his bed, a strong wave of nausea swept over him. He didn’t have time to dash off to the bathroom. Doubling over, he could only vomit on the moderately clean floor. Wiping his mouth on the reverse side of his arm, he hurried off to find a towel to mop up the mess.
With his stomach now empty, Naruto set out to fill it. Ramen in a cup. One of the young boys favorite meals. Downing that quickly, Naruto made his way out onto the nearly empty streets. He was on his way to meet his teammates and was probably already late. Although he was not going to be as late as Kakashi, he would most likely get an earful from Sakura. The young Uzumaki boy didn’t mind these mornings. His liking for the girl made him pretty much a zombie whenever she even uttered a single word to him. It was Sasuke that he didn’t like. Thinking it was later that it really was, he rushed to the meeting place. However, he ran with a freshly full tummy and soon he felt sick. Although he managed to compress these feelings, the traditional ‘talk’ from Sakura was too much. He had the same sick feeling as earlier, only it was stronger and more vicious. Just a Kakashi arrived, Naruto fell at Sakura’s feet and leaned to one side. Thinking it was just an act, Kakashi kept walking at a slow pace to the young ninja. It was when he heard Sakura shout in disgust and a loud wretching sound that he became concerned. His gaze turned to Sasuke who looked equally appalled and he then rushed to the boy in the orange. Sitting Naruto up, he asked him why he was sick. Naruto didn’t answer, and passed out.
TT: It was a normal day at Titans Tower. Beastboy and Cyborg were attempting to kick each others butts on the Game Station, Starfire watching anxiously from behind the couch. Robin and Raven were nowhere to be seen, but you could hear a weights straining from Robin. If you were to walk past Ravens room, you would hear the soft chant of ‘Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos’. Even though Raven was meditating, she was having visions. The same visions had been occurring throughout the week and were becoming more and more frequent. Every one of these visions contained a young blond boy in an orange suit, a girl with pink hair, and a dark haired boy with almost no facial expressions. She still had to learn any of their names, but Raven sensed that they were far away, and that something was extremely odd about all of them. Today’s vision was slightly different. Blondie had thrown up on Pinks feet and a grey haired man had come to his aid. As the boy lost conciseness, the vision faded. She had not much time, but just enough to ask, telepathically, what the boys name was. The voice was faint, and yet dominant. It spoke only two words. ‘Naruto Uzumaki’. And all was silent.
Slowly Raven lowered herself down onto her bed and she walked to the door of her room. Exiting to the silent hallways, she carefully walked to the living area where all her fellow Titans (with the exception of Robin) were gathering. Beastboy was doing a victory dance in front of the screen. Cyborg ranting on and on about how he had misjudged the corner for his character to win. Annoyed, Raven floated to the kitchen in order to make herself some herbal tea. Unnoticed, she made her way back to her door, memories of the voice and the vision still fresh in her mind. Without looking where she was walking, she bumped into Robin as he entered the room spilling her freshly brewed tea all over them. Robin let out a gasp as the hot liquid touched his skin, Raven, however, was used to this, as Beastboy would regularly push her buttons and cause her to create a spillage. The three at the couch turned to see Robin rubbing his spandex suit and Raven hastily moving toward the towel cupboard. Cyborg was fighting hard, trying to suppress his laughter. Beastboy, on the other hand, let it all out and rolled on the floor laughing until tears spilled from his eyes. Starfire looked confused and worried as she made her way to see if Robin was all right. Eventually Beastboy calmed down upon seeing the look on Ravens face as she wiped herself dry and handed another towel to the wet Boy Wonder. His laughter returned when Cyborg finally popped and laughed, once he started there was almost no stopping it. The only thing that would stop him did. He opened his eyes to find a very angry Raven, executing a perfect death glare. As he laughed more sheepishly, Raven decided that this was the perfect time to exit, but not without a concerned green shape shifter in pursuit. Yet as she walked, the voice of this ‘Naruto’ character echoed in her mind.
N: When Naruto came to, he was still on the ground. His head was throbbing and his stomach was once again empty. He was about to sit up when he felt a sharp pain in his head. He remembered the dream he had while unconscious and the girl with short lavender hair. She had asked him a question. ‘What is your name?’. Her voice had reminded him of Sasuke and Shikamaru. It was emotionless, almost bored. Very much like Shikamaru. He answered honestly ‘Naruto Uzumaki’. But he fainted before he could ask hers. Mainly he wanted to know how she had contacted him. He knew it was done by thought, but how? He had no idea, and no idea on who to ask.
He stood up and looked around. First he noticed Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke sitting not far from him. On his other side was a puddle, presumably from trying to either wake him or wash the vomit away. As he swallowed, he could still taste it in the corners of his mouth. He walked shakily over to his teammates and sensei. He knew that they would want an explanation as to why he was sick, why he fainted, and why he didn’t say that he wasn’t feeling well. But all he could think of was what the strange feeling of ‘wrongness’ was. He wanted to ask Kakashi but was afraid to in front of Sakura for fear that she would laugh at him for being paranoid. Sasuke was first to notice him and made a quick remark about how Naruto was moaning while supposedly ‘completely out’. Kakashi gave him a look and invited Naruto to sit next to him. Sakura and Sasuke got up and walked off in opposite directions. Still clueless as to what had happened to him, he sat and thought about whether it had anything to do with Kyubi. Kakashi’s concerned voice shook him from his thoughts as he asked the young boy a question. ‘What happened, Naruto. And I want to know the truth. You had better start from the beginning’. And so Naruto began telling him about that morning, throwing up, going to meet the others, trowing up again and, with all his courage, he dared to ask about the dream and ‘wrong’ feeling. Kakashi look normal as always and thought. Naruto thought too, but this time not about anything in particular. When Kakashi was over thinking, he turned to Naruto and said that he should go back to his home and rest. Take the rest of the day off. Stunned by this, the boy stood and walked off.
As Naruto arrived home, he took out his little notebook and began scribbling down everything that had just happened. He drew a poor image of the girl and wrote about the feeling. Kakashi had said that he was just tired, but with a mildly concerned look across his face. He walked away and went to find his other students. Naruto was still worried and fell asleep with his notes still in hand.
That night, Naruto had a dream, but it was different from all the others, he was standing in a multi-coloured room with five other people. From left to right he saw them as the lavender hair girl wearing a black leotard and blue cape, a small green skinned and haired boy in a purple and black suit, a tall brown skinned man/boy with many shiny parts around his body, a tall red haired girl with emerald green eyes and a purple top and skirt and a medium height boy with a red, yellow and green suit, black hair and a black cape. They all looked at him with pleading stares. He wanted to call out to them, to ask them what was going on, the black haired boy spoke up first. ‘We are the Teen Titans, and we are coming’.
TT: Raven had finally decided to tell Robin about the visions, and he told her not to say anything to the others, he would do that himself. As Raven watched Robin walk away, she felt a knot form within her stomach. What would the others think when Robin told them? She had had many visions before, but only a few of them happened. Her most recent one about ‘Naruto’ was this morning while reading. Her head began to ache and she looked like she fell asleep, but her eyes kept shifting beneath their lids. When her eyes flickered open, the other Titans were standing over her.
‘Dude, what was all that about?’ asked Beastboy.
‘What are you talking about?’ she said quickly, trying not to allow her cheeks to light up red with an unknown embarrassment.
‘You kept saying this name. Oh, what was it again?’, he snapped his fingers as he thought, ‘Oh yeah, Naruto. Who the heck is Naruto. Your boyfriend?’. Raven didn’t know what to do. The very idea of this unknown boy being her boyfriend seemed odd, but she had some sort of connection with him. She wanted to slap Beastboy for his comment but instantly her pale face lit up, the blush caused her to pull her hood up. ‘But I already have a boyfriend. His names BeastBoy. Im sure you know him.’ She stood and walked toward Robin, who she soon dragged from the room. Looking puzzled, he asked Raven for the reason. And she told. They were standing in the hall for a few minutes, and finally Raven told him that she thought they should see this person. He went off to tell the others.
Hastily, the Titans packed a few items while Raven went about getting ready to transport them. Since she knew the boys name, it would be easier to find him. All she was worried about was what they were going to do when they got there. It didn’t take long until everyone was ready to leave. Standing together in a large circle of enchanted sand, Raven said her signature chant ‘Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos’ and they were encased in a black ball of energy, being transported to the place of Naruto Uzumaki.
Naruto could sense them coming. His dream had helped, but by the time he had awoke, there was a strange noise echoing from the kitchen. There was the sound of feet, and voices. One of which was matching the beautiful girl. But it was a different voice that made his ears tingle. It was a deep voice, but it was complaining with a sort of squeak. ‘Wow. Does Naruto really live here, I mean come on, where is the meat, all I can find is this noodle gunk’. Naruto didn’t much like this voice, and sent out one of his shadow clones to investigate. ‘Shadow-clone Jutsu’ and an exact copy of him ran out infront of the intruders. ‘Oi, Raven, your boyfriends here’. Raven turned to see the boy from her visions, standing in the doorway in his green boxer shorts. Quickly she turned away, as the clone (though the Titans didn’t know it was one) and Naruto looked down, finding that they were only wearing boxers. Quickly, they both ran to the bedroom to find his pants and a t-shirt. He made the clone retract back into him and he walked back to the kitchen, his face red with embarrassment and his (traditional) hand behind his head. Robin spoke up trying to stop the silence, ‘So, you are Naruto’. Extending a gloved hand toward the blond boy. When he refused to shake it, Robin withdrew. ‘I am Robin,’ he said pointing to himself, ‘this is Starfire, Cyborg, Beastboy and Raven,’ he carried on, pointing to each of them in turn. When he said Ravens name, Naruto’s gaze immediately fixed on the girl in the cape. He looked her up and down, his eyes staring at every inch of her body, stopping for a few seconds at both her chest and butt. Raven could tell he was staring at her, and turned to face him with an angry look on her face. ‘Now Raven, don’t have a spaz at him, you only just met. He doesn’t know any better,’ Beastboy said, trying to calm her down. He turned to face Naruto, green eyes lookin sharply into blue, an oddly serious look about his face. ‘Dude, you better apologize, right now,’. Naruto nodded and turned back to Raven, her hair was already beginning to rise, and things were becoming encased in a black energy and being flown around the room. ‘Alright, Raven I’m sorry.’ His voice had a tinge of fear in it, but he thought of her as another version of Sakura. Accepting his apology, Raven relaxed. Everything returned to its original place and her hair came back to her shoulders. He looked around to find everything as it should be. Suddenly he remembered that he had to meet the team, yet he was unsure on what to do with the visitors. ‘Um, I have to be somewhere, I’m rather late and have to go right now. Sorry that I cant stay and chat, but I would love to get to know you all.’. He had no idea where it had all come from, he had never spoken like that in his entire life. Quickly he made his way to the door and slipped out. With a sigh, he began to run toward the meeting spot. At least today he didn’t throw up this morning.
When he arrived there, he noticed that Sakura was keeping her distance. Sasuke was normal as ever. For once, Kakashi was there before Naruto. Kakashi notice a group of strange people following Naruto. All were wearing odd clothes. As he was about to ask where they had come from, he received a shake of the head from Naruto. Sasuke saw the people before Sakura. He turned to meet the people as Kakashi beckoned the two to come closer to the group. Still keeping her distance, Sakura walked to see the strange people. Looking them over, her eyes stopped at the green boy, who she soon found out was Beastboy after Naruto introduced them. Walked over to Sasuke, who too was staring at Beastboy. ‘Why are you green?,’ he asked in his normal, not-really-caring voice. When Beastboy went to answer, you could tell that he had never really thought about that. ‘You know what, I have no idea.’ and with a shrug, he turned toward Naruto. A confused look crossed Sasuke’s face. He too looked at Naruto. He was standing next to/infront of Raven, talking to her. When she spoke, Sasuke thought he was hearing the voice of an angel. He walked over to them and stood between and dragged Naruto off. Looking like he was about to be killed, Naruto made a move to stand up, but was being dragged by Sasuke so hard that it was impossible. When he was allowed to stand, he looked Sasuke in the face. Sasuke asked Naruto where he found these people, but as he did so he kept looking behind Naruto, trying to capture another glance of the beautiful girl. Naruto noticed this and began teasing him. He said it out loud, he could see Sasuke’s face light up and his ears turn pink. It was odd watching him, for Naruto was usually seeing him in dark colours. He burst out laughing, but he couldn’t help it. When Sasuke slapped him round the face he quit laughing and clutched his already colouring cheek. While that was happening, Raven was asking Sakura about Sasuke and what it was like to be a ninja. Sakura found it odd that she was asking about Sasuke. When she finally figured it out she had a huge spaz at Raven and kept telling her that Sasuke was hers. Nodding violently, Raven slowly crept away. She walked up to Naruto and Sasuke and dragged Naruto away, he seemed to be getting dragged a lot that day. ‘What did you call us here, because we can leave just as easily. I don’t want to stay here. It’s strange’. her voice was enticing to Sasuke but he had to resist the thought of him and her being an ‘item’. The small green boy walked over and planted a kiss on her pale cheek, causing her to blush and Sasuke to feel a pang of sorrow. She already had a boyfriend. He now had no chance. Turning slowly he began to walk away. A small , pale hand landed on his shoulder but he just shrugged it off and continued walking. Naruto shrugged at raven and walked her and beast boy back over to the rest of the group. ‘I don’t know why you are here. I dreamed about you a few times and then you showed up in my kitchen.” he turned on cyborg. “ and ramen IS NOT NOODLE JUNK ! ! ! ! ”
- by grasshoppercookies |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/13/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Teen Titan / Naruto Tale
- Artist: grasshoppercookies
one of thoise random x-over stories that i wrote a few years ago and just found it again now.
read. rate. review. ridicule - Date: 11/13/2009
- Tags: teentitans naruto unfinished crap xover
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Comments (3 Comments)
- grasshoppercookies - 11/14/2009
- um... since just now when i decided they would... i wrote it a few years ago... so ... i have nothing to say about my old iimagination
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- Naytin - 11/14/2009
- I liked it, i wanna see what happens next. since when are beastboy and raven dating?
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- grasshoppercookies - 11/14/2009
- so sad... nobody has even noticed it... i guess it must be as bad as i thought
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