• Frank sat up and blinked rapidly as the sunlight peeking through a gap in his curtains burned his eyes which had been closed pleasantly, it was the first time in a while he had gotten to bed at a decent time.
    He groaned, swung his legs from under the bed, clutched his head steadying himself and tried to get his bearings; he then stood stretching from his fingers right down to his toes. He looked at the window where the sun was still shining in the eyes of its victim, he pouted walked over and threw open the curtains.
    "wow" he whispered it must be said that it was a beautiful day, he could see the tree in his small garden just shading the small bed of flowers his mother had planted, they were tulips and were out in full bloom they stood on a small patch of grass that was split neatly in the middle by a stone path that lead the way up to the crimson front door. His mother loved colours so it was only natural that she made the garden as colourful as she could.
    He cracked his window open and breathed in the fresh air and just as he was about to go and change, he saw a girl running down his street! he recognized her at once, how could he not.
    She had bright red hair that just touched her shoulders cut into somewhat of a side fringe and was wearing a white vest top with green skinny jeans, hung from two straps off her shoulders was a large white cat which was in fact her bag...this was Frank’s best friend Kelsey and like his mother she adored colour and loved to dress exceptionally...out there.
    She stopped at Frank's Iron Gate and clutched her knees from exhaustion.
    Frank grinned she was skinny but she was way unfit.
    "Having breathing problems?" he called from the window in turn making her jump up and snap her eyes on his window instinctively.
    "pffft no" she scoffed looking up at him, he grinned and rested his head in the palms of his hand
    "ewww are you naked?" she pointed at him frowning; Frank rolled his eyes he had totally forgotten that he was still in his boxers.
    "No" he scoffed it was a very good imitation of her "I have boxers on obviously!"
    "Fine then I’m coming up" she huffed folding her arms and walking to the front door. Frank was used to this; she often picked out his clothes for him, ordering him to get more colour into his life
    as Frank was quite different in that sense. Fair enough his room was blue...but it was a dark blue and nearly all of it was covered by posters tacked up neatly into collages. He was into the punk scene, his hair was died black but soft and slightly uncontrollable it was short yet long at the back and fell to the side at the front which was long enough to touch the tip of his ear.
    Frank and Kelsey had been friends for ages they met in High school and liked each other almost instantaneously like they were half of each other.
    The door opened and Kelsey waltzed in hands on her hips.
    "Get dressed lazy butt" she grinned. Frank smiled and moved to his dresser, he was totally comfortable being in his boxers with her...they'd never been shy in that way because it was practically impossible for them both...as Frank was gay.
    He pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans with rips at the knees and a black flag band t- shirt then walked into the bathroom.
    Kelsey sat on his bed waiting for him and began to get bored...she never did well at sitting still that was probably why the half of the school regarded her as a nuisance.
    She grinned as Frank re-entered the room saving her from doing something drastic to cure her boredom.
    "Okay lets gooooo…There is an ice- cream parlour that’s got my name on it."
    "mmm ice- cream" frank agreed enthusiastically
    "well then lets go already" she squealed and began dragging him out of the house.