• On a cold and winter night, a stripped hat blew away from a young man's delicate head. As he bent down to pick it up from the cold and still floor, he suddenly wondered. "Why does this always happen to me? Why did I have to get fired from my most precious job? Why did I get robbed of my money? Why wasn't my life fortunate? Why was I...................unloved." the man said with great depression. He had a sudden flash back of the horrible past memories of when he was a child. He was always put after his many siblings because he was the oldest. All responsibility was put on him, but he knew, or he thought he knew. He thought that even though his mother always made him work, she still loved him in her own way. However, one day, she suddenly kicked him out of the house. " Get out! Get out!" she screamed." Why are you still here?! Don't you see, I am tired of having you around! I only kept you because there is too much work for me to do. You are unsuccessful and the only thing you can do is housework. Your younger siblings are even more smart than you! I want success! I want money!" I left that day. From my home,from my memories,from my life. My old life. I found out that she was greedy and father left because of that. Three years after, all my siblings found out and left. My "mother" had gotten sued for a reason my siblings would not explain to me, even if I had begged. I started my new life with struggles, but slowly became successful..........until today. Then, it suddenly came to me. Today is the day I left from that horrible home of a prison. I started to slowly walk towards my apartment thinking not as deeply as before. Maybe I can succeed again. Maybe once this day is over I can finally have my new life, that I treasured so much, back. I unlocked the door to my apartment, went in, went to bed, and thought happily about tomorrow.