• Prologue

    A shadow separated itself from the mass of black strewn across the courtyard. It looked around with it's blood-red eyes, panting, as if scared the darkness would swallow her up again. She pulled her hood down. The full moon shone on the girl's silk-white hair and also on the dark red liquid pooling at her feet. The girl pressed her hand to her side. She slowed her breathing for a second, listening for the monster that had wounded her. She gently took her hand out from under her cloak and stared at it. Her blood-drenched hand began to shake.
    "Luna Tsukina! Come out now and you won't be hurt too badly. LUNA!" The girl pulled her hood over her head and darted into the shadows just as a woman rushed into the courtyard. She was a horrible sight. Her long black hair was disheveled and dirty, her dress was ripped and torn, and in her hand was a knife with the same colored liquid dripping from it that now shone on the courtyard tiles. The woman saw the puddle and laughed, her maniacal victory cry ringing through the garden.
    "You can't run for much longer, can you, you little demon? My holy blade has wounded you so that I may find you and send you back to your foul master once and for all. You, the demon that has caused everything, can't run from a pure being!" The woman ran out of the courtyard, saying in a maniacally sweet voice, "Come out, Luna, and I'll have your guts for breakfast!" The girl leaned against a wall, softly sobbing. But not soft enough. The woman crept into the courtyard, as silently as a snake. The girl dried her eyes and froze when she saw what was in front of her. The woman smiled.
    "Let's start with a finger, shall we?"
    "No. No. No. NO!" The girl screamed to the sky as blood splattered on the cold, dead tile.