• . Chapter 2

    Usually scientists can lie and use you as a test subject to an inevitable end but it seems the serum is the truth how do i know? You may ask well ok i'll answer your question as I lay against the transports wall and the ever growing flames inch closer my right armis completely broken bending like a bent straw as i look down shrapnel has pierced both of my legs severing tendents.I grab my broken out of place arm snapping the arm and the bone in place i scream louder than a new born baby shaking from the pain.For some reason I cough up blood then i begin pulling out the shrapnel cutting even deeper blood began gushing out i let out more painfull screams finally done i drop the shrapnel out of my bloody hand looking at my shredded legs i begin hearing foot steps the only thing that lights this room is the flames themselves.Soldiers wearing all black enter the room aiming machine guns they wear masks also looking spector like.The two men enter shining flash lights over the room looking around for something they split up the soldier on the left goes towards the front of the room and the soldier on the right goes to his left looking around.The soldier in the front after a brief session calls to his partner holding up bloody shrapnel someone may be alive immediately they go into fight or flight mode.The fledge soldier turns to his partner shinning a light on him lets find whoevers blood this the soldier in the front nods agreeing a quite voice speaks to the soldier in the back.

    You don't gotta look for me she immediately stabs him in the side of the neck as blood gushes out she grabs his gun shooting his partner.Fionna hears the sounds of the other soldiers screaming it seems like i'm not the only one with an invitation to this party.Gun fire echoed as the fledge soldiers are being gunned down one by one as two immortal's walked threw the hail of gun fire wearing metal masks.Devils walk said the dying soldiers the man and women were devistating as partners they were a two person army. Finally being done they take off their masks as bullets began pouring out of their bodies the man was rugged and handsome with hazle hair he had muscles the women was mexican she had long smooth black hair they still wore their orbtal uniforms.With absolutely no warning the commander of the little search mission hops out of a corner and blows the mans head off he begins laughing as the beheaded body falls to the ground.

    He realizes the women is laughing and isn't the least bit shocked or afraid he aims at her you stupid wench you and your devil killed my men you god damn pigs.I'm going to make you my personal play toy you b***h he says laughing like a mad man unlike them i want die.With lightning fast spped the women throws a buttergly throwing knife hitting him in what men treasure the most.He aims shaking of pure rage i'll kill you"i don't like disrespectful worms" says the women smiling.The man punches him to the ground as the commander screams at the site of his attackers head closing up "you devil you devil" we aren't devils call me Chris and her names Jullia she waves at him still smiling.Look i don't like being shot mostly cause its a drag and s**t hurts so now that you know you can die Chris begin hitting the commanders face with rapid punches.Blood splatters on Chris's face and his knuckles are drenched with blood "so i'm not the only one on the ship huh".

    Chris turns seeing Fionna and her uniform see Jullia even others think your not a women shut up you dumbass says Jullia.So you two are also immortal yea says Chris its a shame what happened to the others any ways we have a mission to complete.Do you want to join us says Jullia we'll complete the mission a little faster theirs a dead silence for a while then Fionna accepts the invitation.They walk out of the transport fully armed after they get a few feet away the transport explodes.