Part two - Is She the One?
"Wow, i cant believe Sophia, a girl i barely knew, is hanging out with me!", my thoughts suddenly cried out, i tried my VERY hardest to keep myself from shouting in happiness.
After lesson, we all had a extra hour break because one of our tutors was late (Im grateful cause its History ive missed...), so I thought i'd take Sophia to the College's Park; which had all sorts of different coloured trees, plants and flowers.
Hey, least it was better than taking in all the usual insults about not having a loved one..., i thought to myself gratefully.
'Hey, is it okay we sit down on the grass? I feel a little tired...' Sophia asked, her sweet voice just melted my heart like that.
'Yeah, sure.' i replied slowly, i wish my brain was working properly.
I saw her lying down on the grass, her eyes closed while her face had a smile on it.
I smiled and sat down on the grass, which was faintly warm, beside Sophia. She looked like she was asleep; which was extremely soothing to my heart.
'Mmmm... Draiman?' Sophia asked softly, hearing her voice that quietly sort of jumped me a little, but thank god it didnt affect my voice.
'Yeah?' i replied, looking at Sophia's face warmly.
'....You know this dance that guy was talking bout, the one thats on this week?' She spoke, gazing into my eyes like a gentle flame. I noticed for the first time how tired she looked... Probably because it was her first day at College or something.
'Yeah, what about it? I asked, hiding the bitterness in my voice.
'Well, even though we've only meet for like, 3 hours... I was wondering if you'd like to go to the dance..... with me?' She asked warmly.
My heart just somersaulted twice and my mind was filled with two emotions; Love and Happiness. Never, in a 100000 years, did i expect her to ask me that!
I realised this could be my one (and only) shot, So after a few seconds of silence....
'Y-Yeah!' I stuttered. 'I will go to the dance with you.' I said kindly, i started to feel really happy and i think she could tell as well.
What happened next appeared to me in a flash; first she got up, and then the next thing i knew, she was hugging me softly and tightly; her hair parting gently in the wind. I could feel our hearts beating softly against our chests.
'I dont want you to be alone anymore...' She whispered softly in my ear.
Either im imagining things because of the overwhelming emotions, but im pretty sure i felt two warm tears drops sliding down the back my neck...
After a couple of minutes of peacefulness, we both fell asleep...
2 days laters - Terra College - 6 minutes away from the Ballroom
'First time you've been in the Ballroom?' Sophia asked curiously while we were walking. I was wearing a black suit with a red tie while she was dressed up like a Goth; which i found really sweet.
'Well, i went once, but because i never had a loved one, i never really bothered...' I said bitterly. I realised that the tone of my voice had changed so i quickly added, 'But you're with me now, so that doesnt matter anymore.'
Just as me and Sophia walked towards the corridor, the three guys from this morning were walking towards me, i could tell they were speechless.
'Alright Mark?' i asked the blonde guy cheerfully, looking at the shocked expressions.
'H-Hey Draiman... Didnt expect you to be here with...' the third guy with the black hair couldnt finish his sentence.
The blonde hair guy called Mark didnt even look or speak to me, he and his mates just walked off in the other direction as fast as they could.
'Well, i guess you will no longer be tormented by those guys!' Sophia cheered. I couldn't help but laugh, i havent felt like that in ages!
it took us 30 seconds to reach the Ballroom, i could feel the excitement rushing through my entire body.
Just as we opened the door, i felt something slightly warm on my left hand. I looked to see Sophia was holding my hand.
'Shall we go?' asked Sophia. I just nodded and entered through.
'Wow.... am i in heaven?' I was gobsmacked.
The Ballroom was very big; the walls and ceiling were coated in Platinum (which was a rare thing); the lights kept changing to all sorts of all colours. There was a band playing some music and there must have been at least five hundred people, all dancing.
'Do you dance?' Asked Sophia? I looked at her and smiled.
'I can a bit, im not the best though' I admited, my thoughts returning to earth. Sophia laughed softly as we move towards the dancefloor.
'Okay, now we're gonna slow down the tune a little...' One of the band members spoke through the microphone. The Bass guitarist and drummer started off slow while the keyboardist played a soothing tune.
Sophia put my arms round her waist and i did the same and we started to dance.
'Wow, you are very elegant when you dance.' I said as i did a little twirl and caught Sophia in my arms.
'So are you...' She said dreamily.
I realised that we were dancing so perfectly and elegantly that some of the other dancers watched and cheered for us.
'Whoa, looks like we've got ourselves some good dancers!' The Bassist commented, who i could tell was also watching us in shock and wonder.
After about 10 minutes of more dancing, the band decided to have a little break. We decided to go walk outside at the colleges park for some air.
'Wow... you are a good dancer!' I said delightfully as i sat on the grass. 'I haven't danced like that in ages!'
'Well, you're a good dancer as well, considering you said you werent good at it.' Sophia reminded me, i couldnt help but laugh a little.
I looked cloudless sky and saw the moon, which was like a white ball of light. I looked back at Sophia; the moonlight seem to have made her more beautiful.
And then... without knowing what i was doing, i put my arms around Sophia's tender neck, my hands were on her chest. I realised what i was doing and i was about to let go, but Sophia touched my right arm with her hand.
'No... Don't let go...' Sophia said softly, still gazing at the moon.
We stayed there, being together for another 20 minutes and then went back to the danceroom...
'Is she the one...?' I asked myself
Love and Blood - Pt 2
This is Part two of Love and Blood, im hoping this'll make up for my long absenses.
Anyways, Hope you enjoy it, please rate and comment.
*NOTE - I do know the story has nothing to do with the title, all answers will be revealed in Part 3!*
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