• I pressed the old book to my chest, gently stroking the loose spine with a careful finger. My head felt strangely numb as I stared blankly into the clock hanging by my headboard. Nearly an hour had passed since my encounter with closet boy, and I still couldn’t bring myself to peek out the window from which he had so dangerously departed.

    I could hear the annoying “BEEP” of the microwave sound from downstairs. Mom was home, and from the meal she must be preparing I could tell she’d had a hard day. I had crackers, she had Hot Pockets.

    The springs of my worn mattress groaned as I rolled over on my side. According to the box “dinner” would be ready in two minutes and it wasn’t worth fighting with mom if I was late.

    Sighing, I made my way out the doorway and down the stairs. Bus drivers hate tardiness, and my mother was certainly no exception.

    “Hey,” I greeted casually, as I skipped past the last creaky step and into the kitchen.


    Mom set down the plate she was holding and spun me around in a tight hug. Her billowy red hair tickled my bare arms.

    “How was your…”

    Oh please, spare me.

    There was a loud knock at the door.

    I jumped; too anxious from my previous encouter to feel relieved.

    Mom let out a tinkling laugh.

    “For goodness sake Reinette, it’s only the door.”

    She released me from her embrace and started towards the front door.

    I bit my lip nervously.

    “I’ll get it!” I said quickly, making a frantic dash for the entrance.

    Before mom could scold me for not looking through peephole first I grasped the doorknob, twisted, and pushed.

    Standing calmly on the front steps of my porch was ethe first one I suspected, but the last I ever wanted to see.

    “You got some sort of weird door obsession?” I snorted.

    Closet boy ignored me again. Big surprise.


    Still no answer.

    Exasperated, I waved my hand in front of his still face. He didn’t so much as blink.

    Overcome by curiosity I followed the unwavering gaze of his deep blue eyes only to find he was staring directly into my kitchen.

    “Elizabeth,” he breathed.