• I woke up in the middle of the night, soaked in my own sweat. The breeze that blew in the window terrified me and caused me to, yet again, have a nightmare. This was just the same as always. I was alone, standing in the rain. Everything was all black, pitch black. In the distance I heard a little girl crying. Softly, as if she didn't want anyone to hear her. I approached her with fear.
    "What's wrong?" I asked as I patted her back.
    "My mother," she said as she wept. "she has passed."
    "I am very sorry for that. Where is your father?" I asked.
    "My father is the killer of my mother. I never want to see him again. That is why I am here. I ran away. And I have no idea where I am." She continued to sob. Every moment she got louder.
    "What's your name?"
    "Jane." she said as she turned around. She had beautiful, long blonde hair. Her eyes were baby blue and filled with tears. Her dress was dirty and torn. She was about 12 and was very beautiful. Suddenly there was an old husky voice approaching.
    "JANE! JANE!" the voice screached.
    "Come, we must go!" she said as she started to tug on my arm.
    We ran and ran. Until I noticed she had disappeared. I was terrified. And I knew that without Jane's help, I would never escape. I ran with all of my power. That's when I fell. The old man had a white beard and was practically ugly. He approached me with a knife in his hand.
    "Stop. Please," I cried. "dont." Then he appeared behind me, the knife to my neck.
    "This will be quick." he said.
    Then I woke up. I never finished my dreams. And I hated it. I've always wondered what happened to Jane. I was curious about why I have been getting the same dreams for 2 weeks.
    I decided to go back to sleep. School starts tomorrow and I wouldn't want to oversleep on the first day.