• Are hero begins his journey in a city called"Ultimo s."In Ultimo he works as a mad science experiment.His name was Joe Calvert.His family left him on Professor Smugly's door step. A the age of 11,hey learn his whole life story.At the age of 12 he ran way from his home.Now at the age of 13 he adventures the whole world for his family,that left him alone.
    Today is 7 days after he turned 13,and is looking for any help.This he though of after a tip at a bar.So now his in search of friend from the past.The first target is his old friend Bareld.He was an ex assassin Jr. for 9 years.From birth to 9 years old,at the age of 10 he met Joe,and became friends.

    The End of this part see you later!!