• The new planet
    Created by Vincent_pimp_kid

    We landed the ship and jumped to the ground. When my feet first touched the ground, I nearly stumbled. The gravity on this planet is different. It’s lighter and I find that it takes a few steps before I get used to it. Then I look around me. I am in awe of trees with pink and blue leaves. I put my finger on one and it oozes with a purple juice that got on my sky blue shirt. I have black hair and brown eyes and wearing light blue jeans.
    I put my glasses on and noticed the other people in my group. They are in as much awe as I am. I feel proud that I was chosen to bring this group to this new planet. I miss my family and my friends that we had left behind fifth teen years ago, however these people become my family. Together we are on a misson to find a suitable place to live.
    Something rustles in the bushes and we freeze. It emerges and sits at my friend’s foot. It’s difficult to explain what this beast looks like. It is scaly with iridescent colors that shine in the planet’s sunlight. It is about 11 inches wide. I move over to my friend and sit down so I am eye level with the wide creature, It’s eyes sparkling green. It touches my hand and instantly we are able to communicate. I explain why we have come and he shows me what life is like for it and its people. They live like savages!! They run around and kill each other without reason. They sacrifice the enemies they capture. The only reason why they have not destroyed us is because they think we might be useful to them somehow. I am fearful something bad might happen. The creature then scurries away and disappears into the forest.
    I gather my family around me and lead everyone back onto the ship to explain what I saw when it touched my hand. After much discussion we decide we could try to negotiate with them, find out what they wanted and needed” If that doesn’t work then we offer to learn their ways of life and live with them.” Zach said. Zach was wearing a dark red shirt and dark blue jeans. His brown hair was cut short and had light brown eyes. His eyes were covered with his glasses. He looked down at his shiny white shoes which were now a glowing green that the creature had left behind. “But also the thing is we don’t have much things to give them” “Your right Vincent” Olivia answering, pulling out a rubber band out of her long black hair. Olivia was wearing a yellow shirt and dark blue jeans. She had contacts which made her eyes turn hazel instead of brown. “All we have is couple months food and water supply, three pocket knifes, thread, picot feathers, two gold necklaces, a couple of books and and a couple thousand American dollars.” Olivia listed. “Right” I said “some of them may be put to use” “Maybe we can make a deal to trade our gold necklaces for a place to live. “ I continued on “but then again we can’t trust them so quickly after all we know that behave like savages!!” “Yeah Vincent that’s true but what if they don’t accept these thing, then we will have to learn their ways of life, like killing, capturing and sacrificing. Maybe we might even have to learn their languages” Zach sadly pointed out.
    We got out of the ship and headed further out into some direction, because we did not have a compass. The forest was filled with pink and blue leaves everywhere. Suddenly pop out a creature with shiny platinum wings, it flew so faster across me I barely saw it for a second. “Did you guys see that?” “Yeah!” They both exclaimed.
    We got out of the forest and were amazed to see what we saw. It was a village and the houses were built amazingly. The houses were giant and built with shiny crystal looking objects that glittered multi colors in the sunlight. “Wow that looks amazing” Zach overoared with joy.
    “Guys look down there” Olivia pointed. Down by the houses were little people working. They wore clothes with crystals all over. We slowly walked down to the village in caution in cause something horrible happened. Then the next second when we were walking down something horrible happened! One of the tiny people over there spotted us and starting shouting weird words that sounded like “Arak ckinety sperise disappueor”. Then it ran toward us with a stained bloody hatchet. We panicked and ran over by an alleyway and hid in the shade. The thing passed by running and looking like a savage. Its face expression with anger and unsatisfied.
    “That was scary” whispered Olivia. A few seconds later we stepped out of the alley way and head back to the village.
    This time we got inside the village. The tiny people didn’t seem to mind us coming. They seemed too busy to do anything except what they were doing which seemed to be milking golden plants and mining crystal objects that look much like their houses. All of a sudden a human looking like person came out of as it seemed like the biggest house in the small village. He wore clothes with crystals all over also like his fellow neighbors. He had a scar on his left cheek. He looked very pale as if he had been inside for a very long time. He looked at us oddly as if he were observing us and then what he said shocked us super badly. He said “Greeting I suppose your humans?”His voice deep. “How do you know?” I asked “Of course you must have noticed I have human features as I am a human. I came to this planet thirty five years ago. My name is Xenoply. This is planet XCRANIDOSE. The people here are called Crananians. Why is it you have come?” He said. “We have come because all the resources on planet Earth has been used up and I have been specially chosen to bring us to safety” I said. “For all we know we could be the last humans on the universe.” Zach quickly said.
    Xenoply looked a tiny bit concerned. He said “Well we can work something out”. I thought in my head “This is great!” “Well it seems you are carrying some things in your pockets” He questioned. “Yes we are…We’re carrying things leftover that we have from planet Earth.” Olivia answered. We each pulled out things we had in our pockets. I pulled out picot feathers and some thread. Olivia pulled out three books and three golden necklaces. Zach pulled out the American money and three pocket knives. Xenoply looked in amazed at the items we had.
    “Well I’ll give you a deal. If you give me all the things you have. I will let you live in one of the houses here and feed you, but also there is a catch. You will have to learn the life styles of us Crananians. Xenoply said. Me, Olivia and Zach huddled in a group. “What should we do Vincent?” Zach asked. “I don’t know all we can do I guess. We give him our stuff and he provides our shelter and food.” I said. “I guess we will also learn their language and lifestyles huh Vincent?” Olivia silently whispered looking down towards the ground. “Yes I guess so.. Here let’s ask him something.”I said regretting. It the second I said it. “Hey Xenoply if give you our things and we learn your life styles and everything else, you won’t try to harm us ever. You’ll tell all the Crananians to never kill again. Deal?” I Asked. He thought about it for awhile. “Deal. If you do all this and that we will never try to harm you and we will stop killing” He said. “Great!” We all shouted at the same time.
    From that day on Vincent, Olivia and Zach lived peacefully on planet XCRANIDOSE with the crananians in the crystal houses for the rest of their lives. Vincent always thinking in his mind “I’m glad we chose to do this. If we would have fought everything would have been much worse. Everything works fine if you chose the right decision”.