• Akira: The Darkness Pt 19
    -The next morning, but In a dream of Dark Sky Village-
    A man with a dark hood pushed through the crowd in Dark Sky Village. He seemed to be looking for someone. A few strands of metallic gray hair poked out of the hood. But his face still covered with the shadow of the cloak. Anyone who could see his face would only see pale gray eyes, and a bright mysterious smile.
    “ My Little Akira, wake up.” His lips formed those words. Then he vanished.
    -Akira’s View-
    Nijix shook me awake, I guess I was dreaming. But that voice sounded so familiar. I looked to see where Nijix was, he was right next to me but standing up.
    “Wake up Akira! Time to train!” He yelled, I guess it was all business yet again. YAY! A normal day again! I freshened up and went out the door right behind Nijix.
    Instead of his usual care free hair style, he tied it up into a pony tail. His bang covered his eyes still though. I started to think about that voice, that hair, those eyes. It all seemed like Tiyo-san was alive. But I know he is dead, everyone knows. I guess Nijix read my thoughts and looked at me, he smiled and kept walking. We started to run past everyone, including a poor old lady I accidentally knocked down I guess she will hate me forever. We arrived at the meadow a few minutes later. My training started, yet again.
    -Nijix’s View-
    I made Akira do 50 pushups and run around the meadow 15 times. This would push her to the limit. Just like my father did to me in order to train all the boys in my clan. Akira got tired very quick;y. Each time she was tired I made her do 5 more laps. This may seem cruel but it teaches her if she gives up she will be pushed harder. I did 100 push-ups with her, but she fainted at 25.
    “Oh come on Akira! You said you wanted me be a fighter!!” I did a hand stand as I yelled. Akira looked at me fire in her eyes, she was sweating hard.
    “I hate…you.” Was the only thing she could say, she started to do more push-ups.
    “That’s my girl!!” I joked around, she stared at me while doing the push-ups. I guess she was planning to kill me in my sleep, that is just like Akira. We trained for 3 back breaking hours, until Akira said her arms felt weak.
    “I…hate this…training.” Akira couldn’t say more than four words at a time. I laughed and helped her onto her feet, we walked to town but before we could get near the gate Akira fainted.
    -Akira’s Dream after she fainted-
    Huh? Where am I? I was lost, in a realm of dark and light. There was only the stars I blinked and a green grassy hill appeared. Looking at my hand it was tiny just like when I was little. A young boy with short gray hair held out his hand. It was Tiyo-san! I ran to Tiyo and he hugged me, and cried.
    “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you my little Akira.”Tiyo cried silently. He lifted me onto his back. I was overjoyed to see my long lost friend yet again. I cuddled his head full of gray hair.
    “Tiyo-san, it’s ok. It’s ok, you good. Good boy.” My voice wasn’t mine, but it was my little self’s voice. Tiyo-san smiled yet again, his smile brightened up the whole world always.

    “I’m still sorry. Maybe you wouldn’t of hated so much. Maybe we would have been closer like brother and sister. If I only ran away or told them I would work triple the times the normal. Maybe I would have been there for you. I hate myself now my little Akira. I’m…coming back Akira. When you least expect it, I’m going to save you like I couldn’t before. I promise.” Tiyo was very sad, but his words made me smile and sad at the same time.

    I would love to see Tiyo-san again but, the dead are suppose to be dead. Not coming back. A few seconds passed, and I saw my pre-teen self and Tiyo’s too. We were holding hands right by the front gates of the castle I use to live in. We smiled at each other and kissed. Another few seconds passed, and I saw Tiyo and me getting married. Maybe if he lived, I would have had a happier life. Another few seconds passed, and I saw myself smiling. With a baby girl in my arms, her eyes green as mine, and her hair gray like Tiyo’s. I was still on Tiyo-san’s back. He waved his hand and the images disappeared.

    “You see what would of happened if I lived?...We would of named her Trinity. I have gone through these images countless times, thinking about you after my death. My little Akira…It’s time for you to wake up.” Tiyo-san dropped me on the ground softly and placed a kiss on my forehead. A wave of his hand and I was back to reality.

    Nijix was shaking me. His face was blurry.
    “Akira?!! Are you ok??!!!” He yelled at me, patting my face, I would sort of make out the ceiling of our hotel room. I nodded and coughed.
    “Nijix…I’m ok, I’m just ok.” I smile ran across my face as I thought of my long lost friend Tiyo-san.
    Tiyo-san…are you really coming back?