• The next day after the cat had gone home and left me alone with my dads mate squeeling and squaking about how adorable we were. While my dad just sat across from us with his cheeks red and his eyes glancing at me. I couldnt tell if he was pissed or embaressed... But I couldnt believe my dads face could actually get that red... It was weird to see it like that, actually.
    I sat in my seat while people stared at me from their own seats and from the door way. I sighed and put my face in my hands. "What the hell are you all looking at?" I hiss.
    They jump and look away.
    I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them.
    I wonder where the cat is right now... Maybe he's being pushed around by other students... The thought made me shutter.
    What if my friends are picking on him!?
    I jumped up and ran out the door, pushing past the snobby annoying s**t talkers.
    Where would he be?
    I sniff the air and can smell it faintly.
    The scent began to fade and I knew I needed to turn a corner.
    My feet slipped and I almost fell over, I brought my hands up as I slid around the corner, holding them against the floor so I wouldnt fall on my a**.
    Where is he!?
    The scent grew stronger. I could also smell excitement and rage.
    What the hell is going on!?
    I felt my heart race and I wanted to rip someone's head off if he was being pushed around.
    He's my annoying cat! No one else's! Mine! I shout in my head as I ran faster.
    People around me starred in amazement. 'Whats going on?' Writen on their obvious faces.
    The scent suddenly stopped.
    I skidded to a stop and looked around. "What!?" I growl.
    Where? Where is he? I dont see him.
    There was hardly anyone around here...
    I jumped.
    No... They wouldnt...
    I turned to a green painted door that had 'Supply Room' poorly writen on it with white paint. "Cat?" I say knocking on the door.
    A muffled noise came from inside.
    I clentched my fists. "Are you in there?"
    "Sh! He'll come in." Says a hushed voice.
    I growl and open the door. "D*** right I'm going to come in-."
    The cat was pushed up against the far wall with his mouth being clentched together by someone's hand and his eyes wide with fear.
    "What do you know? I knew he would come. It's what all lovers do. They can sense when their loved ones are in trouble." Said a voice laughing.
    Dark arms appeared out of nowhere and the door slammed shut behind me. They wrapped around my neck and my waist, restraining me from getting away.
    I struggled. "What the h***!? Whats going on!?" I boom.
    The voice laughed. "I just wanted to have a good talk with this boy here to make it clear that no one, besides you, like him here. Or even wants him here. So it would be best if he just left."
    Wait... I know that voice... But he wouldnt ever... Would he?
    "Sid?" I ask squinting my eyes so I could see through the darkness.
    The face grinned. "It's about time." He tightened his other hands grip on the cats shirt.
    I felt the blood in face run away.
    "Should I continue explaining why he should leave even though Deven's here?" He said looking at the bodies behind me.
    The nodded. "H*** yeah." One of them says smugly.
    Sid nodded and turned to the cat. "Okay."
    The cat jumped and sunk down. "N-no... Please dont say anymore." He begged.
    Sid laughed. "Shall we start talking about your beloved Deven?"
    The cat closed his eyes. "I wont listen."
    Sid shook him violently. "Open your eyes, god d*** it!"
    The cat covered his face protectively with his hands. "Screw you!"
    I squirmed and swung my arms at my captors. "Get off me!"
    The wouldnt budge, in fact, they laughed at my persistancy.
    "I'll tell you all about him. He used to be the most popular guy in school before you came along and screwed it up for him. Right, guys?" He said through his teeth.
    The nodded and laughed. "All the girls chased after him."
    I shook my head. "Thats a lie! I never even talked to any girls!"
    Sid leaned in, his lips only inches from the cats ear. Though he was whispering, I could still hear what he was saying. "You ruined his life, Kit." {Note: That is actually the cats name... Sorry to bring it up so randomly like this...}
    I growled {Like a dog} and thrashed my arms around. "Get off!"
    Why are they doing this!?
    They didnt seem to pay any attention the noise I made, they only kept toying with Kit.
    "Why would you destroy his high school life like that? Are you really that stupid?" He hisses.
    Kit squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head the other way. "Shut up."
    "What do you think your doing!? Why are you saying this!?" I boom.
    He grinned. "Look at him. He knows this is all true, thats why he's so angry. You know it. You know he still hates you." He cooed.
    I narrowed my eyes and grinded my teeth together. "Knock it off!"
    Kit opened his eyes and looked at me and swallowed. "He does?"
    Sid's grin widened, knowing he was getting what he wanted. "Of course. Can't you tell?"
    Kit let his gaze fall to the floor. "Yes..."
    My heart throbbed suddenly and I could feel an odd feeling building in my stomach.
    S***... I think knowing what was coming next.
    Smoke filled the whole room and caused everyone to jump in shock.
    My body tingled and I was on all fours. I growled.
    "What's going on!?" Sid gasped.
    I snarled and barred my teeth feircly.
    The smoke began to slip away and mix with the air.
    Kit was starring at me in fear, knowing what had happened.
    I looked at Sid who was looking at me with such intense fear I thought he was going to crap himself. I barked, warning him to back off from Kit.
    He was shaking and slid down the wall, landing on his butt. "Wha... What's... t- that thing?" He stuttered.
    If I was in human form I would have laughed my a** off at the look on his face. But I was in dog form, so I was still in deffense and revenge mode, nothing could distract me from getting what I wanted.
    The guys that had been holding me screamed and ran to the corners of the room, instead of opening the door and running out there.
    I jumped and landed on Sid.
    He screamed and put his arm in front of his face. "Get this thing off of me!"
    I growled and revealed my teeth to him again. "What did you call me?"
    He jumped. "It talks!?"
    "Deven..." Called a calm voice.
    I looked away and up at Kit.
    "Please dont do anymore." He said kneeling down and putting his hand on my head.

    I sat in front of my dad as he blinked in shock.
    "You did what!?" He blew up.
    I sank down in my seat as a Council member I had never even known exsisted till they suddenly appeared after me and Kit ran away to my house began explaining how they'll deal with the problem. But it ment I would have to be punished as well.
    "We can easily erase the boys memories, but there's a price." He says.
    I cringed.
    "He'll have to come and stay with us at the reservation in Japan." He says calmly.
    My dad sat back in his own seat near mine. "Will that other boy becoming along?"
    He shrugged. "I have no idea... I havent decided to that point yet... Mabye we should though... I mean, it would be better for the schools students' senity if we kept them from there..." He says looking like he was think hard.
    Kit was being held in the other room alone...
    I wanted to see him and apologize to him over and over again about how my old friends had treated him.
    My stomach lurched just at the thought.
    "But then again... If we keep them together it could only cause more problems."
    My dad nodded, obviously he didnt like my new love Kit. "That would be best."
    "But, since it seems their already so attached I dont think it would be fair to seperate them from each other now." He says looking down at me with an odd look in his eye.
    I looked away and felt my stomach flip.
    Why did all of this have to happen? Why did Kit ever have to come here anyway?
    Was I blamming Kit for this now?
    I sighed and looked out the window.
    The man smiled suddenly. "It's settled then. You'll come along with me to Japan when I head back there in a few days. A few of the other Horiscope members were rather excited to hear that the dog had been found. And that the cat had found him."
    I jumped and looked up at him. "I'm going where!?"
    He chuckled. "Japan. You've heard of it, havent you?"