• I was walking around in the park admiring the lonliness. You see, in my family there was always drama so I escape into the night to go to the park,but this night I wasn't alone. I listened to the crickets chirp then I got the feeling so now and then that I was being watched. I looked around to see if it was Shadow really. "SHADOW! IF YOU'RE TRYING TO SCARE ME IT'S NOT SCARING MEH!"I yelled. "Well, I was trying to." Shadow said coming out the shadows. He looked.....pale and white in the moonlight. His skin usually was filled with life,but this time it wasn't. His eyes usally were dark blue, but this time they were crimson. "Um, Shadow, something wrong with you? You look pale and your eyes are crimson." I said. "........No, I'm different in the night."Shadow replied. I looked to see the moon turning red and realized something. 'Red moon, crimson eyes, pale and white skin, and deep icy voice. HOLY CRAP! HE-HE-HE'S A VAMPIRE!!! eek ' I thought. "Um, Shadow I have to go so.....bye?"I said walking away kinda fast. "What's wrong? Scared?"He asked stepping in front of me. "I'm goth and love the night, but I really need to get home. sweatdrop " I said walking around him. "Really? Why stay with me and sit down for a....drink?"Shadow asked grabbing my arm hard. "Drink? Um no I have soda at home. sweatdrop " I said jerking my arm. "Not that DRINK. I meant...BLOOD. twisted " He said pulling me closer. "Let me go. eek LET ME GO NOW SHADOW. Please?"I said with fear in my voice. "......" "Shadow?"I asked. "NO."He said while his eyes started to glow. "LET ME GO NOW SHADOW. LET ME GO NOW!"I yelled jerking very hard. cry "I said, NO."He said holding on to meh very hard. "LET ME GO!!!! PLEASE! LET ME GO SHADOW! PLEASE! cry " I said while tears ran down my face. "Tears aren't going to save you from a vampire."He said bitin my neck. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"I yelled a bloodcurdling scream. He finished after 3 minutes and laid me down on the bench. "Goodbye, Luna....."He said departing then disappearing in thin air. I just laid there in the darkness. "I...hate....you.... crying "I said crying. I finally passed out and all I saw was his face and his words kept repeating in my mind, "Goodbye, Luna....."

    evil THE FREAKIN END? evil