• "Aww, come on!" I yelled, slamming the poker cards on the tree stump. The sun was setting slowly, making the forest dark and reddish in areas. Shadow was grinning his teeth with his cigarette on his lips.

    "Looks like I win again," Shadow said, he smiled. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, it read, "Money owed," and erased the $250 off and written $265 next to my name. "Looks like another $15 you owe me," Shadow taunted. The red and black hedgehog looked at his digital watch, which reads 6:27 p.m., February 14.

    I was lying on my back with my eyes closed, still frustrated that the fact that I kind of suck at poker and I owe him a bunch of green. "Hey, Black," Shadow got up and scrapped the cigarette on the stump. I gave off a humph and looked at him. "I'm going to be with my wife," Shadow respond, "I'll let you be alone with Laura."

    Shadow ran off, I was confused, 'Being with Midnight...I hadn't heard him say that...what does he mean to leave me alone with-' I felt a tug on my tail, I opened my eyes quickly and jumped to my feet and looked. I saw a hand retract back.

    With the shadow pulling back, I heard a giggle...I crossed my arms with an ugly look. "Come out, you..." I respond grouchy, but slowly, the yellow vixen comes out behind the tree. "Oh...um...hey, Laura," I said calmly, I changed my expression."Hey, Blacky!" Laura shouted and ran toward me and hugged. Her arms were wrapped around me, I just stand there, still confused.

    Laura looked up, her beautiful teal eyes glowed with the small sunset shining bright toward us. "What's wrong?" she questioned. "I don't understand whats going on," I replied. Laura let go, and put both her hands behind her back and scratched the ground with her foot. "Well, you do know what day this is, right?" she asked. I walked to the small stump that I sat the last time and thought about it.

    "Date, date, date... It is 2010," I said. "Yup," Laura replied. I looked up...the stars were slowly opening up in the sky. "And it's February..." I added. "You getting close, honey," she said, she walked to the other small seat on the opposite side, picked it up and placed it right next to me. Laura sat down with her hands cupped on her thighs. "Anything?" She asked. "Well," I looked at her, "I would be thinking that it is a full moon coming up tonight...but I can't put a finger on it," I said.

    I put my hand on the other side of me, grabbing the flourishing sparkles of crystal flowers and a box of chocolate, "But I do think...that it's that time of day when you say aww," I respond. With moon peaking its head where the sun first rise, the flowers were brilliant, but the most brilliant girl was her.

    Laura, in happiness, said "Aww, Black, you shouldn't have!" She gave me a big hug...but this time I wrapped my arms around her. "You know that I won't forget...I'm always your Valentine," I whispered in her ear, with a lovely smile on both our faces.

    "Hold on, one moment," I said, I let go of her, pulled out a purple crystal dagger on my left hand, and just with a lazy snap of the wrist, it zipped right through the thick bushes. And at that moment, the piercing of flesh was heard and a screech of pain commence, "AHH!!!! My dang eye!!!" Hector's voice sounded. I laughed, "Now, would you leave us alone?" I said, I crossed my arms and tapped the ground with my foot, waiting for a response. "O.K....I'm sorry!!!" He said and fled.

    I turned and faced Laura, she was standing there with a cute smile. I stared at the tree, this is apparently the tallest tree that Shadow and I have found. "Hey, Laura, hang on my back.

    The breeze of the cool night air blows through our fur with every pounce I make to reach. the top of the oak tree.

    With the last rattle of leaves, we made it to my favorite spot, just a foot away from the top. Branching out a few feet off, it is my spot for thinking and calming my mind. My work supplies and writing ideas are inside the trunk hole. And the rest is the full view of green trees. But at this moment the view of the full moon.

    Lying on my back on the trunk, Laura was hugging me, hearing the silence of the forest, but the small rattles of dancing leaves. My eyes were closed, thinking that this day would become the next step of my life.

    "Black..." Laura mumbled, still with her arms wrapped around me, "I have asked you this question before...and...and I know this doesn't seem to be the best time." I opened my eyes a little and looked at her, "I don't mind at all," I spoke to her. "Well, we dated...or been together for 6 and a half years and..." she paused, she raise her head and faced me, "I'm...thinking that we should...start a family."

    I closed my eyes, I know that question...I know I reacted badly toward her before...but...

    "I'll think about it..." I finally decided

    heart Happy V-Day heart