• a golden mist formed around him.there was a blinding flash that would have killed a motal.Insted in sucked death out of him and was dostroyed it.The girls soul was forsted into him, he had complete control of her.She got up and said "I am Allicea(pononced al-i-see-a).I'm sopost to seek the creature""Wait am I he ,because if I am than that means that...""You are the creatore of all and in the prophecy you will save or raze the univers""My life is his sword, his soul is his being and ,if with one than more powerful than natoins" then in his pocket sticking up was a sword. Its hilt was made of ruby and the blade made of dimond ."It is your sword, it has been lost for ages.Also the full pophecey is contained in it, but hast to be unlocked. Then...