Time to Time
It was an ordinary morning for Elizabeth Q. Montgomery. She had went down stairs for the usual breakfast of eggs, bacon, and some grits that her mother had fixed.
She was an ordinary girl, kind of chunky for her age, intelligent, clumsy, care-free, and very caring for her family and friends. She was 16 years old.
Her facial features were one of a kind. She had one blue eye; Not just a regular blue, like an ice blue. The other, however, was gray. She had hair that looked as if it were flaming, and many of her friends thought it was quite funny. Her nose came to a dull point at the end.
She grew up in the mid-1800’s, it was a time of revolution, new machines being built to make more machines, and it was exciting. She always told herself she would grow up and develop a machine that made moving pictures. She wanted to be a great inventor in the time of new inventions. She most likely wouldn’t get recognized because she is a woman, and they don’t even have the right to vote, let alone be one of the world’s greatest inventors.
. . .
“Mother, may I have some more eggs, please?” She asked in a polite voice.
Her mother was a gentle; yet strict person. Her hair was dark brown, and very curly. She had ice blue eyes. She was very skinny, nearly flat.
Her Father was deceased, He had eyes of gray, and golden blonde hair. He was a bigger man.
“No, young ladies do not ask for second-helpings, It’s rude.” Her mother replied strictly.
“Yes mother dearest.” She was starving, but knew how up tight her mother is.
“Now, go up stairs and get dressed.”
She wore a very heavy dress. It was slanted at the shoulder, and she wore a shawl over it, the dress was ankle length. (The ankle was considered a private part and was hidden.) She wore what looked like witch boots, that tied all the way up.
It took Elizabeth nearly two hours to get dressed. She went back down stairs, and when she did, her best friend, Penelope Bradley, was standing at the door.
Penelope and Elizabeth had been best friends since birth, they spent everyday together until they were twelve years old, when Penelope had moved nearly three states away.
Penelope was a skinny girl, with green eyes and hair of a golden brown. She was 16, and the envy of Elizabeth.
“Penelope!” Elizabeth exclaimed, “I haven’t seen you in ages! How long has it been? Two, three years?”
“I think its been about five.” Penelope replied seriously.
“Well, that’s too long! I have missed you oh so much!” Elizabeth nearly yelled. How long are you staying?”
“I’m staying for the week, I’ve already cleared all that up with your mother.” Penelope said excitedly.
Chapter 2
When Penelope got all of her things placed in the correct places, they left for the opera. (Of course Elizabeth’s mother went.)
Sitting in the opera house Penelope kept making pig noises, making everyone around them laugh.
“Penelope! Quit that this instant!” Elizabeth’s mother exclaimed.
“Yes Ms. Montgomery.” Penelope replied.
“Now you two get up, you’ve already ruined my night! When we get back You two are to walk to the watering hole and bring back two buckets a piece of water! Even if it takes you two trips to get them!” She was very peeved.
“Yes mother.”
“Yes Ms. Montgomery.”
. . .
“Penelope! This is all your fault! So what if I haven’t seen you! I’m mad!” Elizabeth was very open.
“Look I’m sorry. Yes, we have to take back water, we’re pretty strong young women.” She was obviously lying, they are both only averagely strong.
“Okay. Well lets at least sit down for a while. Help me find a log so we can.” Elizabeth had cooled down a little; She couldn’t hold a grudge that long.
“FOUND ONE!” Penelope yelled from across a creek.
“COMING!” Elizabeth yelled back, “Gross, look at all this mud.” She didn’t like mud, she was a germ-a-phobe.
“Step over it wussy! It won’t kill you, my god!” Penelope didn’t really care. She had always been a tomboy, even when they were children.
Sitting on the log, Penelope thought it funny to rock it back and forth, while not noticing that there was a huge hole behind them. Elizabeth was yelling and laughed along with her until they both fell in the hole.
They fell hours and hours then passed out from shock of the fall. Awaking, they both were in an underground cave where they followed it all the way through to a little hole they could climb out of.
They climbed out and were in a state of confusion, they didn’t recognize any of the buildings surrounding them.
When they looked up, there was a girl standing above them. The girl was tall, and chunky. She had hair of black with brown in it. She had eyes of blue. She seemed as if she was a whore with what she was wearing.(Of course only to Elizabeth and Penelope, who were from a complete different time.)
She was wearing a black shirt, with what looked like skull and crossbones, all across her top, and a pair of “cut off pants” As Elizabeth called them. The shorts were knee length, and red with a flannel pattern.
“What are you wearing?” The girl nearly couldn’t talk she was laughing so hard. “That sure is an awesome outfit!” She was being sarcastic.
“Our clothes? Maybe you should look in a mirror!” Elizabeth yelled back, “You look like a whore in those clothes, why, only men wear cut off pants, and that’s only to bed! Your whole ankle is exposed, and don’t even get me started on the top! It’s completely out of style, and why the skull and crossbones? Are you a witch or something?” After Elizabeth said this, Penelope was red faced with laughter.
“This is in style, and no I’m not a witch or something for your information. It’s 2009, get with the picture!” The girl stuck back at them.
Elizabeth looked gob-smacked, her mouth was litteraly hanging open,eyes wide, and slobbering.
“No,no,no! It can’t be!” Penelope said with a reaction similar to Elizabeth’s, “It’s 1855! Are you crazy?”
“Negatory.” The girl pulled out a small calender and showed them the year and the date. It was July 18th, 2009.
“My name is Alexandria, by the way, but you can call me Alex.” The girl explained.
They both stated their names at the same time. Alex barely understood them, but translated what she understood in her mind, and then understood completely.
“Alright, tell the truth are you really from 1855?” Alex asked with an expression that was unbelievable.
“Yes, we are, and will you help us be more modern?” Penelope stated, then asked.
“Why should I help liars! I need some proof first chukkas! Alex said in a mean tone of voice that made Elizabeth and Penelope uncomfortable. Alex was a very mean girl when she wanted to be.
“Let me see here…What is some proof?” Elizabeth asked Penelope.
“My watch! It say 1855, now where would I get a watch like that in this day and time?” Penelope was excited, she always was when she figured something out. “A pawn shop maybe.” Alex argued, “but, I’ll buy it. Now come on stupid, we have to get you looking better before any one sees you.”
“Do we have to?” Penelope asked in a whiny tone.
“Yes, either you do, or let people make fun of you.” Alex said in a sharp voice.
“You will both borrow some of my clothes, and then we’ll go to the store, and find both of you some clothes, and shoes.” She told them.
She threw clothes at Elizabeth and Penelope, who both jumped.
Back at the apartment, Elizabeth put on a pair of alex’s skinny jeans(black), with white paint splatters all over them, and a shirt with tye-dye on it.
Penelope was wearing a normal pair of jeans, with holes all over them, and a shirt with Marylin Manson on it.
“Now I have to get ahold of your hair.” She said with sort of an evil look on her face, “Penelope, you first. Come sit in the kitchen.”
Alex pulled down Penelope’s hair, and when she did, it stuck out an inch from her head, and looked as if it were a lion’s mane. To make it not look so bushy, she ran and got her straightner.
“What’s That?” Penelope asked, scared to death she was going to hurt her.
“A hair straightner.” Alex said
After she straightened her hair, she cut an inch off of it to make it look a little bit better than before.
“Go sit in my room, it has to be a surprise!” Alex nearly shouted.
“ELIZABETH! YOUR TURN!” She screamed into the next room.
While pulling her hair down, Alex relized that her hair was already straight, but needed to be a different color.
“The color HAS to go. Be right back.” She said.
When she came back, she had hair dye in her hands.
“Blonde, brown, or any neon color.” She told her.
“Blonde please.” She instructed.
“Which one, dirty blonde or bright blonde?”
“Bright with a neon color please.” She was scared but wanted something new.
“Which one?” Alex new she was going to freak out.
“You pick!” She couldn’t decide, she was always very indecisive.
When she was done dying her hair, she cut it, also. She cut it about to her shoulder.
. . .
“Your hair!” Elizabeth said.
“Correction, YOUR hair! It has green and blue in it!” Penelope said.
They were both jumping up and down in excitement.
“Oh! I almost forgot, Elizabeth, your now Eliza, and Penelope, your now Penny.” Alex told them. “Had to update the names, they were way out.”
“Okay.” They both said.
The next step was off to the mall for new shreds.
Chapter 3
Sitting in the car, Elizabeth and Penelope were asking all different sorts of questions about it. Like, “how does it work”, “Who invented it”, and “ Why was it invented”.
They nearly drove Alex up the wall, when finally they reached the mall.
“This place is huge! I bet its bigger then Elizabeth’s and my house combined!!” Penelope exclaimed with great excitement in her voice.
“I know! This place would house probably a thousand people, and them some!” Elizabeth replied.
“Ok, ok, get your excitement out first, then we’ll enter the store. Deal children?” Alex said while trying to be serious. That was hard for her to do.
Walking into the store, Elizabeth and Penelope nearly had a heart attack looking at all the clothes. They ran through looking at alll different types of clothing. Eliza liked the floral print, ALOT, but Alex led her away from them, in fear she would look nerdy in public.
“But why not, perfectly normal young people wear floral prints!” Elizabeth said, Fuming.
“Yea, in YOUR time, get with the picture! New is in old is out!!” Alex screamed back, making people stare in curiosity.
“Well, fine then. You win, but I refuse to wear all the black and skull and crossbones you wear! It looks discusting, I’ll look like a man!”
“For your information, you don’t have to Cinderella! You can wear whatever you want! Besides floral print!!!”
“What do you mean Cinderella? Was that an insult? Who or what is that??” Elizabeth asked.
“I’ll explain when we get home, just don’t let me forget.” Alex said, she was calm now.
“OOH! Look at the merchandise over here! WOWZA!” Alex pointed at boys while saying this, “Are they for sale?” They looked and waved.
“Your too young to be talking like that!” Penelope stated quietly in embarrassment. She was easy to embarrass.
“Hey! I’ll talk about what I like, and like what I talk about! OK? OK. Deal.” Alex said while laughing, “Ok, I think you too have enough.”
“No we don’t! Lets stay a little while longer!” Elizabeth said. She was still laughing about the guys.
“We can’t, I have work in an hour.” Alex said in a hurrying tone.
“Fine.” Elizabeth and Penelope said at the same time, making them laugh like hyennas.
Chapter 4
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning!” Alex said.
“We’re home alone! This will be better than that time your mom let us stay out side all night!” Penelope said.
“Yea, well that doesn’t count we got scared and went in at nine thirty.” Elizabeth said.
“AHHH! What was that noise?” Penelope asked sacred out of her witts.
“Haha! It was me!” Elizabeth was laughing at her, gasping for breath, “Sorry, I had to do that!”
“You really make me mad sometimes! You are so immature!” Penelope was fuming.
“You know you were think of doing the same thing, so don’t go pointing your finger at me!” Elizabeth came back sharply.
“Well, I’m off to bed. Today was a long day!” Penelope said while yawning loudly. That was rare for her.
“Ok then. Goodnight!” Elizabeth said back.
While Penelope was asleep, Elizabeth was looking around the room, at all the mysterious gadgets. Looking only, careful not to touch, in fear that she would break one. Staring at each one intentivley, she noticed they were all made in China. She told herself she would ask Alex about this the next day, because she was curious.
She had always been a curious person, and she always paid great attention to detail, just in case she would need the information later on in life. Watching;memorizing.
After looking, she decided to lay down, and rest. She knew the next day would be confusing, and a headache.
Laying in the bed, she relized that most of the technology in there, at one point in time, she had thought of inventing. Just like the t.v., she was going to invent that. It made her so furious that they had fell in that hole, she told her self “If we hadn’t of rocked that log like little stupid children, that wouldn’t have happened.” She thought very long and hard over the next few hours, finally wearing herself out thinking.
“WAKEY WAKEY YOU TWO!!!!” Alex screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Ugghhh.” They both groaned.
“What time is it?” Penelope asked while holding down a yawn.
“10:00 a.m. exactly.” Alex replied in a chipper tone. She was always a morning person.
“Well, 10:00 a.m. exactly is too early!” Elizabeth said mockingly, while laughing at what she said in her head.
“Get up, or I’ll push you out of the bed.” Alex was dead serious about this.
“Okay, okay.” They said together.
Inching out of the bed little by little, Elizabeth decided to ask Alex about the Cinderella remark.
“Alex?” Elizabeth said.
“What was that Cinderella thing you were talk about?” She asked.
“Oh, Cinderella was a poor girl, who had a fairy god mother…….blah blah blah, and she turned her into a princess and all that crap.”
“Watch your mouth!”
“Why? The English language has changed,too.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Well, I don’t care.” She was acting like a mother. She was very mature for her age, and always had been.
“You need to calm down some!”
“Fine, but I’m not going to act like a child as you do.”
“I don’t act like a child! I ought to rip your face off!” She was getting very peeved.
“HEY! You both calm it down! This is the second time you two have got in an argument, and the next time you do, I’m not going to stop it! So I suggest you stop!” Penelope was screaming at them, make them scringe up.
They both gave each other a beastly look, of course while Penelope wasn’t looking.
There was a knock at the door, and Penelope answered it, scared out of her wits at what was there
“Who is that?!” Elizabeth whispered to Alex.
“That is the neighbor, she thinks that you two are some kind of evil spirit. She is a very religious woman.” She explained.
“She looks very evil and creepy!” Elizabeth said, scared to death.
The old woman had fingernails at least 3 inches past her fingers;her eyes were a black color, making her look like a demon; One was crossed. Her hair was a dull gray, and very stringy, with what looked like braids all through it in random places.
“Why hello Mrs. Jargins! I wasn’t expecting you! This is Penny, and that’s Eliza. They are very close friends of mine.” Alex said very quickly. Lying is one of her greatest skills.
“Yes, and very close with the devil also! Girls, I will tell you this only once, either you quit the evil things, or I shall report you to the apartment complex’s owner!” Mrs. Jargin’s voice had a very unpleasant and threating tone.
“Yes ma’am.” They said one after the other.
“Wait, why would he listen to you, besides we can do what we want in here and He knows you are an old coot!” That comment made Penelope and Elizabeth laugh.
“He is my son! He knows when his momma is right,too! So you best vacate the premisis, if you wish to continue what you are doing!”
“I swear we haven’t been doing a thing!” Alex nearly shouted, and then thought, “He’s probably a mamma’s boy.”
“Yell at me again and I will tell him!” She was being mean to them only because she didn’t like them.
“Go ahead! We-have-not -done-a- thing! Why do you think we have anyways?” Alex was getting annoyed; She has a short temper.
The old woman walked out the door without answering, just after she had said something in a forgien language. She was crazy, not in old age only, but in depression, and a little bit of mental disabilities.
“Wonder where she’s from, she sounds like she’s not from here.” Elizabeth pondered. She was a heavy thinker.
“I don’t know, but she sure creeps the hell out of me!” Alex said.
Chapter 5
The next morning, when Alex cam in from work, there was a note of evection on her front door.
“NO NO NO NO NO!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, waking up Elizabeth and Penelope.
“What what what what what?” Penelope asked.
“That old coot got us evected! I can’t belive this!” Alex was raging mad.
“What is evicted, and why?” Elizabeth asked; flabbergasted
“Eviction is when you get kicked out of where you live. It says that the reasons of evection is: Causing trouble in the building, Fighting with an elderly resident, threating harm to elderly resident. That’s bull! I didn’t fight her! We were arguing, and I didn’t threaten harm!”
“That is outrageous!” Penelope said loudly.
“Do we have to be out of the apartment by a specific time?” Elizabeth asked.
“Yes, by next week. Come on you two get in the car, there is no need of me arguing, he will probably just press charges.”
“Press charges?” They both questioned.
“He will go to the cops, and say I threatened him, just like his mother told him. And if he does, the cops will arrest me.” She explained hurriedly in a sharp voice.
“Oh.” That was all they had to say
“Lets go…..NOW!” Her voice was very demanding.
“I don’t like that woman one bit! She is forcing her son to force us to move out!” Penelope complained. That was something that she did very often when mad.
“Ah, shut it. No need grumbling about it, its already over.” Alex had a very uneasy tone.
“You ok??” You sound like your sick.” Elizabeth was worried.
“Yea, im fine!” She made herself sound happy and energetic. That was one of her many talents, along with lying, as I said before.
“Ooh! Look at that house!” Penelope pointed.
“It’s for sale, too! You have a good eye there! Let’s check it out.” Alex said
Once inside, they looked around carefully, making sure there were no bugs, rats, or any mold or holes in the wall. All the floors were hardwood, and the walls were a light grey color. It had a cathedral ceiling. The kitchen and bathrooms all had double doors, and the bathtubs were at least thirty feet around with jets. It looked familiar to Elizabeth and Penelope. “It’s clean, and perfect!” Alex was excited.
“Why hello there!” Said an unfamiliar voice.
“AHH!” Elizabeth screamed making Penelope and Alex laugh until they were blue. It scared them too, but they didn’t scream.
“Is that all you have to say to the…..?” Alex couldn’t finish.
“Landlord.” The lady said.
She was a very short woman, and so skinny she was flat. Her eyes were a greenish-yellow color. Elizabeth thought she looked like a cat.
“I’m Rosa, Rosa Clemmings.” She sounded like an ex-F.B.I. agent, and looked like it too. “You would be?”
Elizabeth and Penelope had to go by their new names.
“Alex, Eliza, and Penny. Such pretty girls.” When she said this, it made them uncomfortable.
“Nice to meet you Mrs. Clemmings.” Rosa shook hands with her, then Elizabeth, then Penelope.
“Same, same.”
“How much is this beautiful thing being sold for?” Alex was anxious.
“Six-thousand even.” Mrs. Clemmings said.
“Only that much for all this?” She was shocked. “It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, a garage, almost brand new siding, cathedral ceiling, and hardwood floors all over the house!”
“Well, there was an accident here back in the 1800’s.” She said quietly, upset about the story she knew about it.
“What happened?”
“Well, in about the mid-1800’s these two young girls went for a walk to get water for the youngest ones mother. They say they had got in trouble or something like that; Never came back. Both of their mothers couldn’t stand it, so they killed each other, in thinking it was the other’s daughter’s idea. It was a bloody mess, all the walls and the floor was They say its still haunted by their ghosts. Just a few years after the accident they found a hole with a cave at the bottom, with skeletons. They thought they had fell in and died, but no one knows, they could have been sent to another time even.” When she said this, she looked at Elizabeth and Penelope like she knew something about them, then carried on, “Their house was in this very spot. They had to tear down the house, there was blood all over the walls, and it had a stench of death and rotting carcass.”
“Oh my gosh, those poor women!”
“Well, have to be going. See ya!” she was gone.
Elizabeth and Penelope screamed at the same time, then quickly fell to tears.
“Its our fault! Its our fault!” Elizabeth was bawling.
“No, It’s that stupid log’s fault!” Penelope was being funny, but it didn’t seem to cheer up Elizabeth a bit.
“Guys, guys. Cheer up.” Alex was trying to help. “Now, I know this place may be depressing, but you will have to deal with it! This is the cheapest house I’ve ever seen!”
“Your right it is!” Elizabeth was getting annoyed.
“Sorry if I’m being selfish.” She was lying again.
“It’s ok.”
Elizabeth and Penelope wiped their tears, hugging each other for comfort.
“So, moving on, lets go back to the apartment, and start packing things up!” Alex said in a chipper tone.
Walking into the apartment, they saw everything already packed, making them a bit scared. Someone had broke in that knew they were moving.
“Hi there! I am so glad your moving!” The crazy old lady was back.
“How in the world did you get in?!?” Alex was panicing.
“My son gave me the key to your apartment so I could pack all your stuff for you.”
“Well, that’s against the law!”
“So is beating up an elderly woman.”
“That’s black mail! You can’t do that!”
“Oh, I can, and I will!” She was starting to get vicious. Her eyes turned black.
“I’m glad I’m moving too, now I won’t have to put up with your BULL!” She screamed the last word.
“Well, my BULL is very belivable! Nearly everyone in the apartment complex knows what you are and what you did!”
“What exactly am I, and what exactly did I do?” She was beginning to be a smart alec.
Just then, the door flung open, making everyone jump in fright.
“Mrs. Jergins!” There was a man standing at the door who looked like he worked at the insane asylum. He was tall, average, and had huge muscles. His hair was black with ice blue eyes. Alex took a liking to him, she gazed in awe. He looked like one of the guys at the mall, she panicked in her mind. “Why are you here bothering these young girls?”
“They’re witches! They put a spell on me!” She was sounding crazy by that point.
“I’m so sorry ma’am, ma’am, and other ma’am. She hasn’t had her medication yet.”
“Well she needs it!” Elizabeth shouted out. Penelope and Alex started giggling like twelve year olds.
“That’s why im here.” He then smiled a sly smile and kind of chuckled.
“Look at those muscels! RAWR!” Alex whispered this to herself, making Elizabeth elbow her and giggle.
“Exuse me, didn’t catch that.” The man obviously heard it, he was just being polite.
“Oh, I said look at her nails. RAWR! Like a cat.” She embarrassed herself to a point of no return. She was red as a beet.
“I know, she thinks she needs them for clawing away bad spirits.” He chuckled again.
“She is the bad spirit.” Elizabeth told Alex. Elizabeth was a smart elec.
“Well, I won’t bother you ladies again. Bye.” He left in that instant.
Chapter 6
“Now that we’re all moved in, why don’t we have a house warming party?” Alex suggested.
“What do you mean?” Penelope asked.
“Well, we could either go out and party, or invite people here.” Alex explained. “I personally would rather go out.”
“Okay.” Elizabeth and Penelope said at the same time.
“Lets go!”
“Exactly where are we going?” Elizabeth sounded worried.
“Bar hopping.” Alex’s voice was sort of high pitched and cheery when she said this. “Now, I know you two definatley won’t know what that is, so I’ll explain. It’s when people go from club to club and hang out with different people, drink, and just have fun.”
“Do you mean drink spirits?” Elizabeth said.
“Spirits? Are you turning into Ms. Jargins?” Alex had no idea what she was talking about.
About to walk in, they realized, that Penelope and Elizabeth were both underage to get in.
“I should’ve thought of that! You two are only sixteen!” Alex didn’t think much, and when she was excited, not a bit.
“It’s okay, lets jut go back to the new house and celebrate!” Elizabeth said with a grin.
“Wow! For once, your acting sixteen, not thirty!” Alex was of course being sarcastic.
“Very funny, now let’s go!” Penelope was rushing them as much as she could, “Hurry, go, go,go, go!!”
“We’re going! What’s got your knickers in a knot?” Elizabeth was actually trying to make a joke.
“I want to celebrate!” She hollered in excitement.
Driving down the road, it started to pour down. It rained and rained the whole ride, but oddly, the rain stopped as soon as they parked in the drive way.
“Hmmmmm, suspicious, very suspicious.” Alex was acting goofy, making Elizabeth and Penelope laugh.
“what are we going to do?” Elizabeth asked.
“First, music!” Alex turned on the radio and played what sound like screaming and noise to them.
“What is this?” It was driving Penelope up the wall.
“It’s called metal! Get used to it! That’s all I listen to!”
“Well we don’t like it!” Elizabeth was covering her ears.
“Well, im going to play this until you get used to it!”
“What is the song even called?” Penelope figured it have some name like stabby-stabby- bleed-punch.
“I don’t know, they don’t always say the name before they play the song.” Alex wished they would.
Within the next hour of partying, making cakes, and drinking what alcohol they found in the cabinets, they were hammered, and started actually liking the music.
“This music is so touching, I’m gonna like……..Cry.” Elizabeth was out of her mind.
“Why would you cry? This song isn’t even sad.” Alex was only a little drunk;She still had common sense.
“Oh. It’s the spirits talking.”
“What spirits?!?”
“Oh yea, spirits is another name for…..” She ripped out a belch and continued. “Liquor. I told you earlier.”
“Well, I’m just so happy that we all are together! Does me good to see all you kids!” Penelope had left the building.
“Whatever y………..” Alex passed out.
Not soon after, Penelope and Elizabeth did too.
The next morning, well afternoon, they woke up around twelve-thirty. All three of them had a massive hangover and regretted drinking the next morning, but still looked forward to it the next time they had a celebration.
“Mother was right, spirits are only for men, I can’t handle it!” Elizabeth still had a little slur, but she was understood correctly.
“Your mother was right! My goodness I have a headache, and my stomach isn’t much better!” Penelope’s slur had gone away, but she had much worse of a hangover than Elizabeth.
“You two are weak! I had twice as much and I’m fine.” Alex was just used to it, over time, she had bulit up an immunity for a hangover.
“Stop yelling before I slap the sense out of you!” Elizabeth was quite cranky, not to be tampered with. To make it worse, she wasn’t a morning person; In this case, an afternoon one either.
“Shut up bafoon, your yelling isn’t helping much either! Let alone the fact you yell when you talk normally, that makes it ten times worse!” Penelope turned out to be the nagger, which wasn’t much better than Elizabeth.
Watching the both of them carefully that morning, Alex had remembered her own first drunk experience. She was a sharp green looking, with kind of a red to her cheeks; she’d blow at any second. Her headache was insanely intense, almost to the point of taking a whole bottle of Tylenol.
She laughed at the fact that they, as prim and proper as they were raised, drank with her. It tickled her to death knowing it was her fault;She told them to slow down a little before they had gone completely mental.
“Hey, Alex, what’s good for a stomach ache this day and time?” Penelope was desperate.
“Either PeptoBismol, or Sprite and soda crackers.”
“How about both! I’m about to die of an upset stomach.”
“Alrighty, be right back!” With that, she flew out of the room, humming, and singing to show off how much of a good drinker she was.
“The nerve of her! Look at her! All bright and cheery! I could just hit her!” Elizabeth knew what she was doing and she hated it.
“Calm down, shes just in a good mood because she talked us into something we knew we’re not supposed to do.” Penelope was trying to take up for her.
Alex heard them talking, but it didn’t make her mad, weirdly enough.
“First, pepto!” She came into the room a little but drone, but still bright and cheery.
“Ugh this tastes like rotten blueberries!” Elizabeth was clearly disgusted.
“I like it. Tastes good to me!” At that point Penelope was licking her lips.
“Option two for the snagglepuss,shall we.” Alex went into the kitchen trying not to laugh; She knew she had made Elizabeth mad.
“Listen here, just because YOU don’t have a horrid hangover doesn’t mean WE don’t!” Alex had never heard such a tone from Elizabeth, It literatly scared her.
“I’m just trying to make the best of this! At least I care enough to try to make you feel better.” She came back sharply, but not on purpose. “Now just sip this, and nibble on the crackers.” She was beginning to loose her head.
Elizabeth knew she had better shut her mouth, there was no telling what Alex could come back with, she was a pro at smart-assing.
As they all sat there, Penelope had a great idea.
“Lets all go walking and try to find the hole we fell in!” She thougt she was just brilliant. “Maybe if we fall back through it, we’ll go back to our time!”
“Wait, wait, wait. There wasn’t a hole in sight when we landed. It’s gone, we can’t ever go back, and I‘m not climbing back through that nasty cave. Yuck!” Elizabeth replied.
“Well, you were always good with inventions! Why don’t you think of a machine that…” Alex cut her off.
“It’s impossible, many of the greatest scientists have tried, and failed miserably. There is no use.”
“She’s right, we would end up blowing ourselves up. Just don’t even think about it.” She was mad, but backed Alex up.
“I guess it was just a pipe dream then. I miss my family so much.” Penelope was withering in depression, she was getting tired of what seemed like a sleepover that would last forever.
“You have a new family now, as do I. Alex may be annoying, and rude, but she is like a mother….a very free lancing one at that.” Elizabeth was trying her best to make Penelope feel better, but she too had the same feelings.
“Aww, thanks! You two are best friends, and yea sort of my kids. I only hope you two won’t turn out brats!” She was being very gentle with her words, and selective. What she was really thinking was, “Oh jesus! Me? A mom to THEM? Yea right! I would’ve already thrown them out!”
“Ahh! It’s a bomb!” Alex was scared out of her witts.
“No stupid it’s the doorbell, I’ll get it.” Elizabeth jumped up and ran to the door.
Opening the door, all she saw was a chest of a man. “Whoa!” Was all she could say.
The man at the door chuckled; It sounded familiar.
“Would Alex Macgrathe happen to be here?” He also looked familiar.
“ALEX! SOME GUY WANTS YOU!” She yelled just to be a smart alec.
He laughed and said “I could’ve done that, but thanks!”
“Yea?” Alex asked.
“Umm, hi. You may not remember me….I came and got Mrs. Jargin’s from your old apartment. The lady with claws like a cat.” He smiled on the last line.
“OH! Hiya there, come on in.” Alex was thinking it was a dream come true. “How did you find out where I lived?”
“Mrs. Jargins said it came to her in a vision or something that you would be here drunk off your a**….just wanted to come see if it was true.” He was holding back a laugh, which made his voice get a little bit higher.
“Well, we’re not drunk right now, but last night is a whole new ball park!” She, too was holding back a laugh. “Did she tell you my name as well?”
“Why yes she did.”
“Hey, dude.” Elizabeth couldn’t belive she said dude. “Did you get taller or something?”
“No, you must of just gotten shorter.” This made all of them laugh, “Being serious, the human mind often remembers people shorter than they really are.”
“Wow, how did you know that?” Penelope was amazed.
“Took a few classes in college about the human mind. It was boring so I quit, and went into phsycology.” He sounded very proud.
“Oh.” Was all they could say.
“So, what did you come here for?” Alex was curious; this couldn’t just be a casual thing.
“Well, I was hoping, that maybe, you would want to watch a movie with me. My friends are willing to take the other two.” He was nervous.
“Sure, When?” Alex replied.
“Saturday night, my friends and I will be here around 8:00. I sure hope you guys like scary movies!” His eyes were gleaming with excitement.
“I love them, but Eliza and Penny may not.” She turned to them and asked, “What do you guys think?”
“HELL YEA!” They both said, even though they had no clue what-so-ever a movie even was.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you guys then!” He left in that instant.
“Alex, what is a movie?” Penelope asked.
“It’s this thing where people make moving pictures for others to watch. They are very entertaining.”
“Wait, wait,wait,wait. Do they have to paint the pictures, then put them all together?” Elizabeth was confused.
“No, they use these things called cameras to capture live people in action. It’s very complicated, you would’ve had to grow up within the time span of 1900 to now.”
“We know what a camera is! Do they have to do it frame by frame?” Penelope asked this time.
“No,again. They do it scene by scene. They can record actual moving people.”
“Oh!!!! Now I get what you mean! I was going to invent one of those! I had it half done in my room back home.” Elizabeth was the first to comprehend, It took Penelope a few moments more.
“Well guys, I’m off to work, see you tomorrow morning.” Alex didn’t really care about her inventions. She then relized it was Saturday tomorrow, but she didn’t tell Elizabeth or Penelope.
Chapter 7
The next day, Alex, Elizabeth, and Penelope were all rushing to get ready. Alex put all of their make-up on to make sure they looked extra nice.
“Uggh, why do you wear this?” Elizabeth hated it.
“It brings out your eyes. It makes them pop.” Alex explained.
“They’re popped enough. What is this called anyways?” Elizabeth was miserable.
“Eyeliner. Why do you have such a problem with this? Penelope loves it.”
“I’m not used to this, I’ve always been all natural.”
“Just shut up, you wearing it whether or not you like it.” Penelope was tired of her attitude.
“Since when are you queen of England?” Of course, they’re not in England, it was sarcasm.
“Since the old one died!” She made Alex nearly fall over in laughter.
“Okay, get your game faces on! GGGRRRR!” Alex was excited.
“Seriously! Now be calm, cool, and collected!” Alex was nervous, obviously, this is one emotion she could never hide because she was jittery and talked faster than a chipmunk on crack.
“I think you need to tell yourself that!” Elizabeth had to make one smart elect statement.
“Why hello!” Alex’s face was red.
She whispered to her date, “What’s your name, I never caught it?”
He whispered back, “Blade.”
“Come on in!” Penelope decided it was the right thing to do was to let them in.
“This is Xander, and Calvin, and I’m Blade, if you haven’t caught my name.” He smiled a sly smile.
Xander was tall, but not as tall as Blade. His hair was Green. (obviously died.) He had purple contacts.
Calvin was the shortest. He had Dark brown hair, and brown eyes.
“Hi.” Xander and Calvin said in unison.
Xander walked up to Elizabeth and said, “Why hello there, how are you?” Without her repling he said, “Same here, So hows the weather?” This made Her laugh. He was a goofy guy.
“So, whats your name?” He asked
“Eliza. I’m guessing your Xander.” She took a liking to him.
While they were all chatting, Calvin walked up to Penelope.
“So, you’re my date. Nice to meet you.” He was very polite. He really was rude underneath the kindness.
“Guess so. Nice to meet you, too. I’m Penny by the way.” She thought Calvin was gorgeous.
“We better go, the movie starts in 30 minutes, and I want a good seat!” Blade yelled.
“I Call driver! WOOT!” Calvin raced to the car.
Penelope sat beside him, Xander and Elizabeth sat in the back along with Blade and Alex. They barely had room to breathe, and it didn’t help them at all when Xander farted. All of them laughed, though.
“Here we are!” Exclaimed Calvin.
Everyone jumped out of the car, only to find that they were closed due to complaints.
“WHAT?!?” Xander was angry. “The movies are closed? What are we going to do now?”
“Stupid, this is the old movie place. We have to turn around.” Blade instructed. “This time, I’m driving. The back seat is no place for me!” He literatly jumped into the front seat. He didn’t tell Alex he was Closter phobic in fear she would laugh.
Off they went into the night in search for the movies.
“Okay, now here we are. I’ll go get the tickets, you guys just chat out here.” Blade said and walked off.
“Well laaaaadddiiiieeessss, lets see who is who.” Calvin pointed to Penelope and said, “Penny! Now I know that one for sure. You come stand with me.”
He pointed to Elizabeth, led her to Xander, Then pointed to Alex and said, “Your date ditched for the moment.”
“The tickets are sold out. You just want to grab something to eat?” Blade asked as he walked.
“Well, you guys could come to my our place for a few drinks, or just chat a little bit.” Alex offered.
“Great idea! I’m driver! This time Xander jumped into the driver’s seat. This seemed to be the guy’s favorite game.
Chapter 8
“Bye guys!” Alex, Penelope, and Elizabeth screamed through the front door.
“Woo! That was so terrifying! In our time, dating is for people in their twenties! Never this young unless you’re a ….how should I say this…” Penelope went into deep thought.
“Easy? A slut, whore, hoe, skank? Any of those?” Alex asked casually.
“Yes, a whore. Now what is a easy, hoe, slut, and skank?” She was curious.
“Same as a whore.” Alex said.
“Hey Alex, you never told us what all these gadgets were.” Elizabeth told her.
“Well, this is a television. It plays videos. As you call them, moving pictures.” Alex walked slowy across the room instructing.
“Wait! That reminds me of one of my inventions! It was a box that had moving pictures! I have a sketch in my old dress! I told you guys about it earlier remember? It’s half finished! Where is it?” She was excited and disappointed because her idea had been invented.
Alex ran and got it, finding that the sketch was gone.
“I have a pretty good idea of where it went. Time to go see Mrs. Jergins, in the old Mout St. crazy. A.K.A., Wayfield mental facility/ institute.
“You haven’t even explained all this yet!” Penelope whined.
“Ya’ll can wait now lets go!” Alex ran and jumped in the car.
In the car, it was silent, a deadly silence, a furious, scared kind of deadly silence. Elizabeth broke the ice.
“What is ya’ll?” She asked.
“It’s a short word for you all. You can use it to define more than more person. Just slang really.” She explained. “NOW GO!”
Pulling into the institue she reminded them to let her do the talking and to wait in the car or lobby. She said she knew how to handle things like this.
"How may I help you ma'am?" Asked a bubbly nurse who had a smile on her face ten miles wide.
"I am looking for a Ms. Jergins." Alex was trying her best to be nice.
"Would that be Sasha Jergins, or Ryar." The nurse was searching through her computer.
"The one with the very long nails." Alex had no clue what her name was obviously.
"That would be Ryar, ma'am." The nurse just looked at Alex like she was stupid or something.
- by Lithium_Dream |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/11/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Time To Time
- Artist: Lithium_Dream
- Description: It's a time traveling story. It's not done yet! I have much more to go!!
- Date: 02/11/2010
- Tags: time time
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Little Milkflower - 02/14/2010
- -.- My eyes hurt. Oww....... burning_eyes
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