• It all begins with Satsuki staring into a mirror wondering when Shige will call.

    “If our production companies ever knew I was minglinging with JPOP, I could lose my ability to wear make-up.” Satsuki said, now standing near the window waiting for shige upon his white stallion of of elegance.

    Pacing from the microwave containing his weight watchers meal and the TV which was covered in sweet & sour sauce from Satsuki’s last adventure. After eating the 45 calorie fig newtons worth 5 points Satsuki saw something amazing, a uni-bow* went by his window carring all of NEWS. Satsuki’s first thought was “OH s**t! What’s going on?” Yamapi jumped off the Uni-Bow swished his hair to the right with an emo flip, snapped his fingers and Tegoshi, Koyama, & Ryo all jumped off the Uni-Bow in unison.

    “You know why we’re here Satsuki, don’t play dumb.” Said yamapi.
    “You’ve got we want and we want it back.” Said Tegoshi (kwii face)

    Looking befuddled and concern for the remaining fig newton, satsuki said the only words that could come to his mind: “Where’s shige?”

    “You’d ask that wouldn’t you? Why else would we be here?” Said Koyama, who then snapped his finger and a tightly bound Shige fell from the ceiling.Crying like a puppy and gag’d with Ryo’s socks he could only lie there as submissive as that night with Satsuki… but that’s a different story.

    “You took shige’s virginity, thus NEWS’ virginity, and we want it back… now give it to us.” Said Yamapi
    “WTF, what have you done to shige?” Said Satsuki running toward shige, stopped by ryo’s teleporting powers.

    A faint voice came from the hallway, “We’ve got no choice, but to…” said the mysterious voice who was cut off by Yamapi, “You’ve got no authority to say anything like that, Massu!”
    “Really, section 3, paragraph 4 of Avex TRAX entertainment juristrctions say that when you’re the cutest member of a band you have more pull than the leader.” – said massu
    “Who said you’re the cutest?” Said tegoshi
    “STOP IT you two, Massu is right though pi, we have to do it.” said koyama, looking concerningly at yampi
    “FINE!, Massu you get your kicks from it, you can do it.” Just after saying that, he snapped his fingers and in unison, Yamapi, Ryo, Koyama & Tegoshi jumped on the uni-bow in unison.
    “What are you going to do, Massu?” sad a very worried Satsuki.
    “I have to kill Shige so that he can be replaced. You should have known that, it’s Ongaku law that JROCK does now mingling with JPOP.” – Said Massu as he walked nearer to shige

    * A uni-bow is a Rainbow Unicorn, Rainicorn was already taken by Adventure Time on Youtube.