galaxy transfer
By:Marshall Graham
chapter 1
the adventure begins
It was a swift breeze of the soft morning air the beach smelled as usual sweet and salty. The morning Star rats were about scurrying looking for rotting food. As i got up from my sweet Deep sleep with a few gray lines beneath my eyes. I looked at my pictures of my parents and said to myself in a yawning voice “good morning mom and dad” my parents died from a raid of the village some man came and killed almost everyone i was one of those survivors. But i swore to myself that one day i would avenge them i would kill that man that did it I would make him pay for what he has done. well anyway i haven’t mentioned my name yet my name is sorrow good name huh well anyway I got up that morning said my good mornings to my parents pictures and went off to the village center to meet with everyone. I saw many people at back breaking work but mainly just fishing so i decided to go down to the dock to see Katie. she was their feeding the fish of the sea on the dock. “hi Katie” i yelled from a distance she replied to “hey their sorrow” we chatted for a while then i left left i was off to combat training with the chief and his son. I like longswords that have really cool engravings but for now im stuck with a dumb wooden sword. So we began our painful training this time i only gained 2 bruises yay. after practice i got to talk to my friend Katie “hey Sorrow im bored want to go do something” “Like what” i asked in a curius voice. “Lets go kill some rat lizards” “sounds like a plan” i know i know what your thinking “O know hes going to kill a innocent rat lizard thats so harmless well guess what there not they steal our village food and our newborns so thats why ok so butt out. So we went on our way I looked at katie with her sleek beutiful brown hair and her two pure diamond ear rings and her pale skin that sparkled in the light for a creepy reason. and said to her “are you trying to look your best all were going to do is murder a few rat lizards” “I always have to stay pretty so stay out of my bussiness “fine fine” i snapped after our argument we walked on the dirt trail to the water woods for about half a hour then we arrived and to warm myself up i hacked at a tree with my longsword (yes i have a longsword but i have to use a wooden sword at practice) after that i realized what Katies weapon was and laughed my a** off “a frying pan you have to be joking” i mocked “shut up i beat up a robber with” she replied annoyed then i just had to get her ticked off even more “man you get angry to easily” “shutup” she replied so i laughed at her for a while then we went off we saw a big group rat lizards but Katie jumped on them and pounded them to death. So we saw another group “i call this one” i said in a excited voice i went up and got when with my sword right in the tail it squeaked with pain and jumped up and try to bite and slash my but i dodged smoothly and behead it right their. The body stood their for a while twitching for a while while blood oozed out of its carcass. Katie said with concern “what should we do with the carcasses”? i said “those little bastards deserve what came to them they are such sick little creatures we dont have to worry about the carcass the others will come and eat it” i laughed like a maniac Katie was trying not to gag about the thought. We continued for about a hour killing,killing,killing some more when she said “ok lunch break” she said happily well thats katie always has to pack a luch box anyway after we finished luch (peanut butter and banana my favorite) we continued our killing again until i heard and felt something “do u feel that” I said with concern “no” katie said but the booms kept coming and getting harder and harder by the second until what came out of nowhere from the abyss of trees came a collosal sized rat lizard and i mean it it was about five times a full grown mans height width and most probobly weight. As we stood their staring in awe it roared and snapped me out of my little trance and i woke up kaity from hers and i screamed “run”! We kept running and running till i realized theirs a beach up ahead and if we kept going we would be cornered like trapped well...rat lizards but so i commanded to Katie “ run to the beach dont look back ill meet you their”! she did as i commanded and ran to the beach. i stopped running and stood my ground the rat lizard stopped running and stared at me with confusion. while it was staring I reached to my back slowly so it wouldnt notice and i drew my sword and stood their in battle position just like the village cheif taught me. And i made sure it made the first move and not me because i was taught about that and learned that the hard way . And thats exactly what it did it came charging at me full speed and i dodged that attack beutifully and i lounged and its a good thing its mouth was open because as soon as I lounged it opened its mouth and i stabbed right into its throat blood started gushing i was getting covered in the red sticky mass. And then from losing so much strength the half dead creature toppled down and became fully dead. as soon as it fel the creatures rolled into the back of its head and became white. I sighed with relief knowing that i lived and started to limp back over to where Katie was sheltering. when i arrived she sighed with satisfaction saying “oh my god Sorrow i was so scared i wa...” i intteruptted saying “hey im still alive why not give me a hug” i grinned because i know she wouldnt wnat to because of all the blood on and that plan worked perfectly this time she did have a little bit of chunky yellowish puke come out and she said “damn it Sorrow! why are you so mean” “i dont know i just like to be mean” i snickered after a while she calmed down and decided hey want to go for a swim. “hell yeah” i replied . “cool lets go” I just ran staight in with all my clothes but she had to take all the things she didnt want wet like her pants then her shirt and so on sheesh girls. As soon as she was about to jump in to the blue saltyness .Until she stopped in her tracks and had her mouth wide open like she was gasping or something “what you waiting for” i yelled in excitement until i looked and behind me was a huge wave and it was coming right towards me! i tried to swim but the current got me and i was swept up i kept fighing and struggling but the current was to strong and i was swept up. A few moments passed and i was drifting around just waiting for drowning to end and death to come but it never did .And then i saw something i saw a blinding light so bright it was like looking at the sun but didnt hurt. so i stared and then i saw it looked like a stone a stone that was red and was glowing dimly then all of a sudden breath returned and i could breath and its like gravity was under water because my feet began to descend down to the ocean floor and as soon as i hit it i was staring at this stone after a few minutes i made up my mind and deciced to touch it i thought it was going to burn but it didnt and as soon as i touched it everything went white i couldnt see my hand in front of me i couldnt see a thing it was blinding and then i went unconcius.
chapter 2
another world
Sorrow was out cold laying on the warm sand of the beach. Until he finally got up with alot of pain shooting up to his head. what happened was all he could ask himself and he was wondering how was it possible to end up back on the beach when he was drowning at the bottom of the cruel ocean. Until his memory came back and he remember “that light” he said to himself “when i touched it i went out cold and i cant remember anything past that” But then he remembered something he thought to himself “wait wheres katie” so he shot up quickly and ran back to the village except the forest was sort of diffrent you could say instead of the colorfulness of dancing trees. they were all dead Sorrow couldnt believe his own eyes and what he was seeing. All the trees were black and dead. No life at all anywhere he kinda started to get creepy so he just scuttled right out of their when he arrived to the village he was so happy that he could explain to everyone what happened and to know if katie was safe so he ran to the village as fast as he could ignoring the screaming pain in his sides he just wanted home. When he arrived the first person he wanted to go to was... well anyone so when he arrived he saw his neighbor Poncho he yelled “poncho pocho its me sorrow i need to ask you something i was at the beach hunting rat lizards when all of a suddden when i decided to take a break i was swept up in a brutal tidal wave”. The man just stood their in suprise all sorrow could think was “what what did i say”? then the man spoke “son you never lie to your elders the rat lizards gone extinct years ago and that boy sorrow your talking about he... he died fifteen years ago at age eight. Sorrow stood their confused and just standing their with no thought at all other than knowing he’s their and alive. “But im right here”! he yelled at the man the man replied “if you want proof go up to death rock and look” he said like as if he didnt care. sorrow stood their thinking of his plan of action and then finally decided very quickly he snapped at the man “fine i will and ill proof that im here and your just scaring me” So he stomped out of the village and went on to Death Rock “I cant believe everybody thinks im dead fifteen years ago”! But then he thought “wait i need to stop thinking selfish what about katie”! so sorrow swore that he will go check out katies house later after death rock. when he arrived the man was lieing this place really is “Death Rock”. there was a few skelotons with a little of rotting flesh sticking to them and a few skulls here and their but nothing out of the ordinary. As he finally reached the cliff of Death Rock he saw that the man was right sitting their was a tombstone it looked a little rusted in a few spots and was kinda muddy moist fern on it. The first thing sorrow thought was sheesh you people need to take care of my grave as he looked he saw a few insriptions saying “here lies sorrow age eight a poor boy who lived without his parents for a year then died a horrible fate of drowning”. What? I drowned how im a master of swimming” i know this may sound like a stupid moment but when i was little i swam in the really strong currents and i was able to fight them really well. As sorrow stood their puzzled he all of a sudden heard a voice calling him “hey ghost boy come over here” when the person stepped out of the shadow it seemed to be a girl about the same age to me. She said “So are you a ghost or something” sorrow replied ‘No and whats going on im a full grown man but on this tomb stone it says i only lived to see the age eight” “dont you just love a good mystery” The girl replied jokingly. “This is no time for no jokes everybody says of dead and my tombstone is right in front of me!” “is it my problem?” she said “no but still do you have any ideas” “no i dont but i can probably help you my name is Amanda and im a pirate.” As soon as she said pirate my legs buckled and i was quite scared to be honest with you. “Im going to Counter City you can tag along you can probably talk to the sage that lives their he helps me a lot with my troubles come on!” She encouraged “its gonna be around a two day journey so get ready we will be leaving by sunrise so get some shuteye” “aye aye” i replied and we headed back to the village glumly well i did anyway. As soon as he reached the village Amanda said “I will be sleeping outside of the village ok” “how come” I asked curiously. “meybe some other time but not right now okay?” “fine” i replied dissapointed. Sorrow began to walk back when he remembered what he vowed. he said he would go see katie and see if she was alright. so he walked the steps he knew by heart to katie’s house and when he arrived their he wish he never went. “hello” he yelled into the house he heard a young voice he knew “come in” so he listened and walked in. “Thank god your okay katie!” He said she stood their a little scared and a little puzzled and then replied “excuse me sir but I dont know you and what do you mean thank god your okay?” she asked Sorrow’s heart was broken not her to. is all he thought “Katie you have to remember me please!” he yelled with tears welling in his eyes. Then sorrow heard a voice coming from the huts kitchen “honey who are you talking to”. Thats when the broad shouldered man came out of the kitchen it seems he must have been butchering some meat or something because he had blood on his apron. He was a very muscular man who looked liked to be around is mid thirtys. Thats when katie said “hello honey this man hear seems to be quite a confused man can you escort him out. “sure thing darling” he said gently and he took me by my arm and took me out to the outside of the hut. “dont you ever come back and disturb my wife again is that understood” he said with a serious voice and a stern look. So i just nodded and ran off. I decided to just see if my house was still normal but sadly no. Their was nothing their but a abandoned hut i thought “you have to be seriusly kidding me i guess it will have to do.” So i walked in the abandoned hut gloomly and wrapped myself up with some ragged clothes i found on the ground and fell into a deep sleep. That night i had the most disturbing dream. I was on a throne holding some sorta of jewel that looked like the shape of a raindrop and i was laughing like a maniac. Then a few guys looking like royal guards came in holding a person. As the prisoner they were holding came closer she began to kick and scream until i realized that that women was Amanda. They made her kneel before me and i stepped off my throne and picked up a silver sword that shined even in the moonlight that shined through the window. As i picked up the beutiful sword i realized that my menacing dream self began to walk up to her. As soon as he reached her he grabbed he by the neck with his right hand and began choking her and saying some gibberish that i couldnt hear except for the last part... “fare well” and he picked up the sword and swung and the next thing i heard was a scream and then i woke up with a cold sweat.
- by marshall11 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/27/2010 |
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- Title: part of my book galaxy transfe
- Artist: marshall11
- Description: sorrow is a normal man likes to have fun with his friends and does his learning and works until one day he dies
- Date: 02/27/2010
- Tags: part book galaxy transfe
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