• “Children, settle down, this story tells of a place where you can chose your path, your gift, you future life. This place is known as the Mystic Falls, or the Place of Dreams.” The old lady, who everyone knew as the old story teller, said this in a low faded voice, giving a lot of mystery and question to the mysterious unknown place.

    I myself, am not a child, I am the ice worker of the story telling hut of our tiny village. I only work in the long winters when the stories take place daily. Today, in this season I did not work. I did other things around the village like tent to the horses, and help mend fading hunts. Luckily today, I was tending to the old ladies horse, and got to listen to this story, which, for once, interested me.

    I listened intently as the old lady went on, “Very few people have ever been to this wonderful place, and came back, or lived to see it, for the path to this far off fall is deadly and a death wish for all who attempt it without the power, or determination to finish their quest. “The old story teller paused as the fire worker, a worker of the autumn , started to create detailed pictures of mountains that looked like fierce dragons, and twisting roads, then lastly a beautiful breath taking picture of pouring water into an amazingly large spring. The trees were so detailed in the fiery picture, that it amazed me at house the enemy of the land, could make it seem so serene.

    I saw the old lady look at me and I quickly turned back to her spotted with grey, white horse. I didn’t expect her to talk to me, or even to call me over for that matter. When she first spoke, I thought I was in trouble, which I new would result into harder work. Though instead her words were kind, even though they were said with that same smoky, questionable voice.

    “ Renna, why don’t you put that brush down, and come sit by me. I’m sure you need a break from all of your work.” She paused for a moment, and I could feel all eyes on me, “ This is a great story, one that I’m sure you would enjoy.” I turned slowly, and she was looking at me with those grey eyes, so I gave a half bow to her, and quickly sat next to her. Everyone kept staring at me until she started to speak of Mystic Falls again.

    “ Mystic Falls has three main areas that you must pass through.” She said this while pointing to the fire. Everyone’s eyes were on the fire, waiting for something to happen, but the fire just danced naturally as the fire worker did nothing.

    “ First, you must follow the muddy road, and watch out for the bog witches. If you get caught by them or any of their monsters, then you will surely not be spared.” The calm fire suddenly arose and then pictures of three witches appeared, with unnamable beast behind them. Screams came from some of the younger children, and whimpers from others.

    “Then you must pass through the dragons’ mountains. Here this pass is guarded by the five, all power full, and most unsympathetic creatures alive.” I felt chills go down my spine despite how close I was to the fire as I saw five large heads appear and more fire went flying into the air.

    “Your last task would be to walk through the dark forest, the only place where no light mat shine in. The one place where no one knows what sort of creatures live there. You would be lucky to get past the first to test, but now, if you made it to this area, you would not only have to follow the right paths, but fight any monsters that may stand in your way.” The only lady was now standing, and I was farther away from the fire than before. Children where moving away, some left.

    The fire spit up into a large forest seen, not as peaceful as the first, and not near as beautiful. It was a sign of death to our people. I saw eyes flash in and out of different trees. Then, everything was calm again. A picture of a fall, with magic dust flying around it, and stars low enough to touch, it all appeared right before the ones who stayed.

    Then from that picture, I knew I must go and find this place, and have my life change forever, even if it was a risk on my life.