• Next thing I knew, I was staring into an everlasting street. There were buildings and apartments. It seemed exactly like home, yet there was a certain feeling telling me this wasn’t what it saw. No kids playing. No cars beeping. I pinched myself, but nothing happened. Then I heard screaming. I started to run, but I wasn’t going anywhere. It was like a nightmare inside what could be a dream, though I’d need to wake up to find out. I started to remember the hole, and that thing that came to me. Then it came to me! I was in hell. I closed my eyes, screamed, but nothing came out. I opened my eyes again, and saw what I would count as the worst alarm tone ever! There were bloody figures being tortured by life sucking demons. Yet nothing touched me. I ran and ran so I could find a place where those demons weren’t.

    “Hello stranger.”
    I heard a woman’s voice as I ran through the alley.
    “What’s your name?” I turned around to see a middle aged woman dressed in red.
    “I d-don’t know.” I stuttered in fear. In seconds she turned into a red crow and flew in front of me. She landed, turned back into a woman, and stabbed me with a sword. My chest lit up red. It looked like a crow made out of blood. I didn’t feel anything, but soon I felt enraged. I wasn’t in control anymore! Soon I couldn’t see my shadow. Red flames engulfed me. I attacked her in lightning speed. The flames outlined a crow. Faster than a bullet she was up close. She took her hand out, and closed it. The flames were gone. I was in control again!
    “Hey lady! What the hell were you thinking?!”
    “I wasn’t.”
    “Then what the hell just happened?!”
    “You’re not human.”
    “You’re a devils spawn.”
    “Wait so the devils my dad?”
    “No you just have some of his soul. And that crow thing that happened to us is one of the perks to being a devils spawn.”
    “So you’re saying it’s good to have devil in you-“I asked. Confused but not so scared anymore.
    “No. Actually we are more like his minions. Though I refuse to go that low. We’re Beelzebub s or “lord of the flies” in English.” She explained.
    I couldn’t believe it. And I wouldn’t.
    “Look lady, I’m not a devils spawn!” I yelled in anger.
    “Hmmm, let’s see. light hasn’t gone from eyes. Shadows still there. Dude you’re alive and in hell. No other way to explain-.” She paused and looked up in horror.
    “Look kid we gotta run!” she said.
    She ran faster than anything imaginable. I was too. I didn’t feel tired or anything of that sort. We looked up and it was gone.
    Hell sucks more than I thought!