• I sighed when I walked into my class. This was a special Class. Why was it so special you may ask well...this was the class that I learrned to control my ice and water in so therefore, there was not alot of people in here. Erica was in this clas and I could not STAND her. She always thought she knew everything and thought she was better than everyone else. Basically she was a whore. Well....that was MY opinion of her.
    "Hey Sophie!" I looked over and seen Ryan and Liz.
    "Hey you two." I said smiling and walked over to them. Liz was my best friend and Ryan was her boyfriend.
    "So you excited about our class today?" I looked at Liz. What in the world was she talking about.
    "What are we doing today?" I said looking at her when I took my seat.
    "We arre fighting against the Fires." I looked at her. I REALLY didn't want to do that. It would bad enough just to fight them, but what if they put me up against Shadow?
    "Wait? Why was I not informed of this?!" I said looking at her and Ryan with panic on my face.
    "Ummmm... Maybe cause You was too buisy asleep?" Liz sighed.
    "I mean do you EVER sleep at night?" she continued. She always loved to rant.
    "Is it for a grade? Do we know who we are up against?" Ryan nodded.
    "Yeah it is and yes we do. You are against Shadow." It felt as if my hearrt dropped down to the bottom of my stomach. I sighed as I seen the teacher walk in and told us to head to the arena...

    I looked and seen Shadow on the other side with his friends.
    "Our first Match up will me Sophie and Shadow." Great... I sighed and walked out onto the field. I seen Shadow look at me with surprise.
    " Wait...why am I faceing you?" he asked softly in my head.
    " They set this up. I eally don't want to have and fight you..." I said softly as I looked up at my teacher.
    "You may begin." I sighed and formed my ice sword.
    "Might as well make this look good..." I said softly in his head as he fomed his flame sword and we started to charge at one another...