• Part 1 prologue Maria’s Diary

    50 years ago
    Out in space a space shuttle was approaching a huge space colony. A voice in a radio said. “For years this colony had been used for all kinds of researches, for the good of mankind, leaded by great Professor Gerald Robotnik. However lately there have been made some special and yet dangerous experiments, which could put the whole world in danger. Therefore the orders are destroy the ARK and everything onboard, highest priority Project Shadow.”

    (Inside the ARK)
    In the dark corridors of Space Colony Ark, laughing felt the large empty area. In a big gym Shadow and Maria were playing with a small ball. Mattresses and different apparatus were spread around on the floor, which they were jumping on without touching the ground. “ Put it in the basket Shadow!” Maria called and trough the ball to him. He jumped on a springboard and made a huge jump whole way to the basket, which he grabbed with his free hand and dropped the ball through. “Like this?” he asked, Maria nodded and made her way to him. “Exactly” Shadow jumped down and took the ball. “Your turn!” He tossed it to her, but when she grabbed it she got a bit dizzy, lost her balance and started to fall. Shadow acted quick and tried to prevent it from happen, but felt too when she landed on him. He could fell himself blush when his nose touched hers. Maria giggled soft. “You are so cute when you do that”. Shadow helped her up, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush more. “What was that?” he laid his hand there where her lips had touched. She giggled, “It’s called a kiss. People who love each other very much, they kiss.” Shadow looked puzzled “love..?” Shadow didn’t understood fully what it meant, but a part of him did. Were his feelings for Maria love?
    Suddenly the alarm sounded, and they could hear foot steep outside. “What is going on?” Shadow asked. “I don’t know lets go see grandfather, he might know.” Maria replied, Shadow took her hand and they ran for the exit. In the doorway, they where meet by a soldier who was aiming at them, Maria gasped. Shadow stepped in front of her to protect her. From his side he noticed a mattress, and got an idea. In a quick move he took the mattress and trough it at the soldier, the weight of it made him collapse. Shadow grabbed Maria’s hand again and they ran. They headed for the lab where Gerald used to be, but the hall was filled with soldiers, “There is the subject and the girl!!” one of them yelled. Shadow and Maria was forced to stop and turned around when the soldiers spotted them and started to follow them.
    While the bullets were flying around them, they headed to the Escape pod room. Shadow was only thinking of getting Maria to safe. When they entered the room, Maria pushed a button that made the door close. But before it was completely closet it stopped, and left a small opening. Either Shadow or Maria saw it. “ Go to the pod, I deal with the techniques”. Maria instructed Shadow, because it was only her who knew how to operate these. They hugged and Shadow walked hesitated to the entrance of the pod. In the distance they suddenly heard a gunshot. Without thinking twice Maria rushed to Shadow and pushed him inside of the pod, closest the door and the bullet hit her. “NOOO!!!” Shadow yelled from the pod and began hitting and kicking the glass to get out. “Listen Shadow, we once promised each other to visit the earth some day, but I am afraid you have to go without me…” She took herself to the chest but kept standing, in spite of the soldiers’ warnings and Shadows begging, she walked weakened to the liver. ”Remember Shadow, no matter what happens I will always be your friend… sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog.” She almost whispered, “NO WAIT!” Shadow cried back, with the last strength in her body Maria gave Shadow a loving smile. “Give the people… a chance to be happy.” She pulled the liver and collapsed. Shadow was send out in space. “The subject had escaped!!! Get the commander on the radio, we have to stop the creature from reaching earth.” Some of the soldiers started to run, “What about the girl?” one of them asked “Don’t mind her soldier, she is dead and not a threat to any, even if she lived.” The leader called back and continued.

    In the silence dark corridors of the Ark a wind is filling the empty rooms, in front of a door it stops at once, when the door opens a light is turned on an reveals a black hedgehog. He steps inside and sits down on a bed while looking around in this old bedroom. He sighs a little when his sight meets an old black and white photo on the wall of himself and his friend Maria, celebrating his first birthday.

    It has almost been a year after the attack of the black aliens, and doing the time Shadow had more less distanced himself from the rest of the world. In spite of he had helped the humans twice, they didn’t seem to accept him fully, they feared him and kept a large distance to him when he was walking down the streets. A part of him did understand why, he had almost destroyed the planet, and he partly helped the aliens taking over, however they seemed to forget all about that he also saved them, which should make him a hero or at least neutral.
    He was lonely, very lonely. Rouge the Bat had many times tried to help him and cheer him up, encouraging him to join her as her permanent partner in her jobs,
    Rouge was indeed the only living person he could call a friend, and trust as well she trusted him, but his friendship with her far from as strong, warm and loving as he had shared with Maria.

    The ARK was the only place he felt complete peace. It was far away from any one, no one would disturb him here, it was his sanctuary, and of all the rooms onboard, Maria’s old bedroom was his favourite spot, in spite of he almost lived in there, he had decided not to change anything in the room, since it gave him a feeling of presence of Maria’s cheerful and loving spirit.
    He lies down on his back and looks straight up on the ceiling, where there have been painted some stars and a moon. He chuckles a bit for himself when he images 50 years ago when he was helping her painting them, she was standing on one of his hands, while he hand used his other to hold on the back of a seat he was standing on. He remembers how she commented how strong he was, and he had blushed a little, he always liked when she said something nice to him, and there was also another incident from that day he never would forget. Sometimes it happened the ARK collided with a smaller piece of meteor and it caused the station shake, and that day it happened, causing Maria to fall. Shadow had acted fast and grabbed her, but lost his own balance felt back on his back with her on the top. This awkward situation caused him to blush when their noses touched, Maria was quite surprise too and blushed little as well, for moment they just looked in each other eyes not saying a word. Maria broke the silence by just saying “whops” and chuckled a bit while she fluffed his soft white fur a bit before standing up.

    The painted sealing was their little secret, they didn’t tell Gerald.
    Shadow moves one of his hands on the chest where Maria once had fluffed him, it always felt comfortable when she did that, and it tickled in his whole body.
    He closes his eyes.
    “Now I am thinking of the past again... maybe I shouldn’t... Na just because I have put my past behind doesn’t mean it is wrong to remember the good times in my life.” He thought for himself.
    “Still I can’t stop thinking what her feelings for me where... She possibly only saw me as her brother...” He says a little sad and turn on his belly digging his head in the pillow.
    “Maybe my life would be better if I was a human...” he says before he falls asleep.

    Flashback 50 years ago
    "You wanted to see me Doctor?" Dr Gerald sits in his chair and offers the young Shadow a seat, Shadow takes the offer and awkward sits down. "Is there something that bothers you my son? You have been so quiet lately. ”Gerald asks the hedgehog and turn on his pipe, Shadow looks down.” It is nothing really…" Gerald raises an eyebrow and takes a puff from his pipe. "I know you too well my child. You have been very thoughtful; you have been acting like you wanted to ask me about something, but haven’t had the courage. "
    Shadow sits for a moment without saying a word. "Come on what is it?" Gerald asks gently. Shadow takes a deep breath. "Professor… I have been wondering… is it possible to change a creature to another specie with help of science?"
    Surprised Gerald lowers his pipe by the young hedgehog’s question. "Who do you want to change my boy? And to what?" Shadow is mute for a moment but answers. "Me…"
    "You?" Gerald asks surprise. "Yes" Shadow answer. "Then what do you wish to become?" Gerald asks concerned. "A human… my biggest wish is to become a human…" Shadow sits back in the chair, fearing for Gerald’s response.
    "Why Shadow?! WHY?! You are the most unique creature in the whole world; many will envy you for what you are. Why something so simple as human?" Gerald exclaims and stands up from his chair. Shadow can’t make himself say the word and instead he blush for just even think of it, Gerald notices it and calms down, now he understands what this all about. "Ah Maria…" he says and sits calm down in his chair. "You wish to be a human because of Maria?" Shadow nods a little and blushes even more, he felt very ashamed. He never wanted anyone to find out, not even Gerald.
    Gerald sighs and takes another puff from his pipe. "There is nothing to be ashamed of Shadow, love is a natural thing, it is however rare that it happens between species…" He takes a puff from his pipe. "I am afraid I can’t help you my son, even if I could… I am truly sorry." He stands up from his chair and places a hand on a silenced Shadow’s shoulder. "Life is not always fair, but hedgehog or not, you and Maria share something special and that is what matters." The hedgehog sheds a small tear, he stands up and runs out. "Shadow!" Gerald calls after him.

    In the middle of the night Shadow wakes up by the sound of a small bump, he jumps out of bed and is in fighting position.
    “Who ever you are show yourself!” he exclaims but nothing happens.
    “I give you a second chance, come forth or I find you by myself!” Still nothing happened.
    “Fine!” like a wind Shadow runs through the halls and corridors, but there is no one, in the end he returns to the bedroom.
    "Strange I could swear I heard something..." In front of the bed he steps on something. He looks down and spots a small blue book wide open on the floor, he picks it up and sees a drawing of a yellow hedgehog looking girl with blond hair and white wings on the page. He shots the book when he realizes it is Maria old diary.
    “Maria’s diary? what is it doing here? I better put it back... still... No I couldn’t do that” He goes to the bookcase next the bed but hesitates, the drawing in the book eager his curiosity, while Maria lived she had made up many fantasy characters, after drawing them she usually showed them to him, but this one was new.
    “Well... She is dead, I guess there wouldn’t happen anything by taking a look.” he goes back to the bed and opens it on the same page as the picture is. He turns the page and start reading.

    “Dear diary, as you all ready know, since grandpa gave me that strange pendant and started working on that cloning device, I have had these strange dreams lately, the first time I saw her was about 2 month ago. My first impression of this girl was she was some kind of hedgehog angel, a guardian angel who was suppose to watch over Shadow in case I would die from my illness, a new friend of Shadow.
    However the last couple of nights I have appeared in her form, which has making me believe perhaps she is me, maybe it is that form I will take if I died...? No no that sounds silly and still… well I have been wondering how it would be like if I was a hedgehog”

    Shadow raises his eyebrows and holds the book closer.

    “Shadow is strong and fast he never gets tired or sick, it must be very relieving of being able to do what you want. I have always enjoyed my rides with Shadow, the feeling of speed makes me feel free and happy. Doing this year I have started to fell more attached to Shadow and… ops gotta go grandpa is calling catch you later! Cheers Maria Robotnik”

    Shadow turn the page, but it is empty… he turns another one and again and again till he reach the end of the book but the remaining pages are empty. He goes back to the page and looks at the date and realizes it was written that morning before the attack.

    “I guess I never find out…”
    He turns some of the other pages and spots another picture of the hedgehog girl this time she is holding his hand behind him Maria stands in her casual outfit, however it wasn’t blue but pink, above them a line says. “You are never alone…