tab “Felitia, time to wake up. It’s morning.”
tab Her eyes fluttered open and saw Jared’s smiling face inches from hers. Groaning, she snuggled into the armchair, reluctant to start the day. She noticed a blanket had been laid over her some time while she had been sleeping.
tab Jared, you are just too good to me.
tab “Come on Felitia. It’s eight o’clock, you need to get up,” Jared laughed.
tab “Go away,” she groaned and hid under the covers.
tab Jared smiled; he had always wanted to do this. He took the corners of the blanket and ripped it away from her, exposing her to the chilly air of the expansive room around her. She squirmed about and tried to grab the blanket playfully back. He squeezed her sides making her giggle and writhe around even more.
tab “Jared, stop!” she laughed. He paused briefly and she snatched the blanket from him and made a dash for the armchair. He grabbed her waist, stopping her in her tracks and span her around in the air. They both laughed joyfully; being in each other’s embrace was all they needed to be happy.
tab As they calmed down Jared still had his arms wrapped around Felitia’s body. They stared out at the radiant sunlit forest. Jared closed his eyes, deeply breathing in the sweet scent of jasmine from the lotion Felitia always wore. Having her so close to him gave him a sense of heavenly euphoria. The girl he was madly in love with was in his grasp and he never wanted it to end.
tab I’m still just so glad you’re alive. I never wanted to leave you, and I never will. I want you to stay with me forever.
tab Felitia did the same, her eyes closed. She held his arms wrapped around her and tipped her head back to rest on his shoulder, savouring the divine bliss she felt by being in his embrace.
tab I don’t want anyone to ruin this for us. She smiled sweetly to herself. Not Ganymede, or Genevieve, or anyone. Her eyes opened and the bliss snuffed out. Today’s going to be really tough. Genevieve’s going to be after Jared and I don’t know what I’m going to do about it. I don’t want to lose him again.
tab “I better be heading to my dorm,” she said, reluctantly drawing herself from his arms.
tab “Yeah,” Jared replied awkwardly. He tucked his hands into his pockets and stared out the window distantly.
tab “Do you think you’re well enough to come to lessons today,” Felitia asked, fiddling with a strand of hair.
tab “Yeah, should be. I’ve already spoken to the nurse and she said I should be fine, that my recovery was ‘like magic’.”
tab “Magic, eh?” Felitia repeated.
tab “Yeah, strange,” Jared said distantly.
tab “Anyway, see ya at breakfast,” she smiled. He nodded awkwardly in acknowledgement. Walking towards the door she turned her head and smiled once more at him. The light poring on his face made his eyes look even more blue and handsome. Felitia felt butterflies in her stomach as she looked upon him.
tab Wow. He’s so cute. Turning her head again she laughed silently to herself to release the excitement from her body.
tab Jared watched her leave then drew in a long breath letting it out slowly to calm his racing heart.
tab She’s gone. Well that was anti-climatic.
tab Felitia turned a corner into the dining hall and swore as she saw Genevieve sitting in her place, opposite where Jared would sit. She didn’t want to help Genevieve’s act along by appearing cruel and ordering her to leave. Neither did she want to seem kind to her by sitting near to her; the idea was just repulsive. Leaning against the wall outside the doorway she decided to wait patiently for Jared. Once or twice during her wait Genevieve gestured to her to come and sit down, but Felitia ignored her, folding her arms defensively.
tab Shortly, Jared joined her.
tab “Why aren’t you sitting down?” he asked. She turned her head sourly to Genevieve who waved cheerfully back. “Oh, come on. Is that what this is all about?” He took her shoulders and led her into the dining hall. “Look I know you’re nervous about her possibly trying to trick you…”
tab The way he said ‘possibly’ gave Felitia the hint that he thought she was fantasising.
tab “…Just relax, it’ll be fine. Try not to be rude to her; what harm could possibly come from being nice to her.”
tab Felitia glared up at him.
tab You just don’t get it! I’m not worrying about my personal safety. I’m worried about what she’s going to do to you. She whimpered and turned around trying to escape. Jared’s grip on her shoulders tightened and he turned her around again.
tab “You’re not scared, are you?” he joked. Felitia slapped his shoulder, annoyed. They sat down next to each other opposite Genevieve.
tab “Hi Felitia. And Jared! I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I really am so sorry about my brother’s behaviour. He took it way too far. I would never want anyone to get hurt,” Genevieve said overdramatically. Felitia quietly kissed her teeth.
tab Liar.
tab Jared nudged her gently with his elbow.
tab “It’s alright, no harm done,” he said awkwardly.
tab “Tsk.” Felitia rolled her eyes.
tab “Felitia,” Jared whispered through gritted teeth. She slouched back in her chair and crossed her arms, sulking. A heavy silence fell amongst them as no one could find anything appropriate to say to lighten the mood. Jared poured himself a glass of cherry juice and offered the jug around. Genevieve accepted, giving him a sickening smile; Felitia just shook her head and continued sulking.
tab “Genevieve, Genevieve!” A girl, Iona Inglemoor, ran down the centre aisle towards them. “I just heard from one of the teachers. Ganymede was enchanted!” Gasps came from all around them and the whole room burst into worried chatter. Genevieve was holding her hands in front of her mouth and had her eyes wide open trying to force tears.
tab “No! My poor brother! What has he done to deserve this?” she cried melodramatically. She buried her face in her arms and let out a river of fake sobs and whimpers. “I’m sorry Jared. Ganymede must have been under the enchantment when he attacked you. He’d never want any of what happened to take place.”
tab “Well that’s debateable,” Felitia remarked quietly. Genevieve ignored her comment, finishing her prepared speech.
tab “Just think of him, in the cold, dark dungeons, all alone because of some wretched rogue Warlock.”
tab “The poor thing,” Felitia said sarcastically.
tab “Felitia!” Jared whispered harshly in her ear. “You’re being very rude.”
tab “Alright!” She slouched back into her chair. There’s no way it could have been a Warlock. Warlocks weren’t the only one with magic powers, not to mention the fact their extinct. The lying little b***h!
tab “I don’t get it Felitia. Why are you being so cruel to me?” Genevieve sobbed.
tab “I’m sorry,” Felitia said as nicely as she possibly could, but she still couldn’t help pulling a slightly sour face as she did it.
tab “I dread to think what will happen to him now. Will he ever be the same again? Or have I lost him forever?” Genevieve let out another fountain of whimpers and sobs.
tab “b*****d,” Felitia muttered under her breath. Jared stood up abruptly; he had obviously just heard that.
tab “Felitia, a word,” he said calmly, taking a hold of her arm and leading her out of the bustling dining hall. “What is your problem?! Can you not be the slightest bit sensitive? She’s obviously going through a lot of trauma,” he whispered sternly.
tab “Oh come on! I wasn’t even insulting her. In case you haven’t noticed Ganymede tried to kill us; he doesn’t deserve my respect or sympathy,” Felitia disputed, not caring whether she brought any attention to herself.
tab “Maybe not but in case you haven’t noticed Ganymede is Genevieve’s brother. Insulting him insults her. I want you to apologise to her.”
tab “No way! It’s all an act, a hoard of lies! How could Ganymede be enchanted? You know full well a Warlock wouldn’t enchant a fourteen year old boy for no good reason.”
tab “It could happen.” Jared folded his arms awkwardly.
tab “Are you calling my mum a liar?!” Felitia shouted.
tab “No. Just forget about it. What matters now is that you apologise to Genevieve.”
tab “There is no chance I’m going to be nice to someone who has persecuted me for the past six months and is scheming against me,” she retaliated.
tab “That’s ridiculous.”
tab “She’s acting! It’s all fake; you’d have to be an idiot not to see it.”
tab “So I’m an idiot, gee thanks, Felitia.”
tab “No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just…Urhh! Never mind!” She walked off down the corridor. Jared caught up with her and grabbed her arm, unwilling to let her leave without matters being resolved.
tab “I’m not finished!” he shouted. Felitia looked very shocked, even intimidated by the anger in his voice. It was as if the sweet, caring Jared had been locked away and replaced by this monster. “Why are you being this way? It’s unbelievable!”
tab Felitia knew she had to stop lying to him, for both their sakes. Tears started to well up in her eyes; Jared was slowly being ripped away from her in the worst possible way, by his own good heart.
tab “I can’t loose you again!” she almost screamed. She pulled her arm away to escape the excruciating chaos.
tab Jared’s heart pierced as her arm slipped through his hand. The anger was doused and substituted for a sickening sense of dread and guilt. He took a hold of her hand to stop her from leaving. Felitia turned her head to him, her glassy eyes shocked and terrified staring up at him widening the hollowness he felt deep in his chest.
tab “How am I involved in this?” Jared swallowed.
tab Felitia blinked twice, her eyes flitting across his face. It was all she could do; the words refused to leave her mouth.
tab “Felitia,”
tab She lowered her head; she would never be able to bear the sight of his reaction. She had lied to him and she would never be able to forgive herself, let alone hope Jared would forgive her. Only then did she realise she was holding on tightly back to Jared’s hand. She let go, the truth had to be told.
tab “I’m not the one Genevieve’s trying to deceive.”
tab “What do you mean?” Jared asked. Felitia looked up at him as if he had just destroyed a precious ornament of hers.
tab “She is trying to take advantage of your good nature, suck up to you, split us apart.”
tab “Well,” Jared looked quite baffled. “That’s quite different. Why didn’t you tell me about this in the first place?”
tab “You would’ve thought I was being paranoid.” Felitia folded her arms uneasily and leant against the wall.
tab The monster awoke again. A look of hatred sparked in Jared’s eyes.
tab “You’re right; I would’ve, because you are.”
tab Felitia stared at him, shocked to hear such words come from him.
tab “What?! No!” she shouted.
tab “Yes Felitia! You’re imagining it all. You’re worried that if I so much as talk to Genevieve she’ll become more important to me than you. You’re being selfish.”
tab “Selfish! I’m doing this all for you!”
tab “Don’t kid yourself, Felitia. You never loved me! You won’t even let me kiss you. I’ve done so much for you and you’ve never even noticed.”
tab “No, I…”
tab “Be quiet Felitia! It’s all true, don’t deny it.”
tab “You’re lying! If that’s what you think then you never knew me.” She turned round and started to walk away, hiding the river of tears that he had created in her. She had told him the truth, but it had only made everything so much worse.
tab Jared felt sick. The beast had drawn back and now he realised what horrific things he had just said to the girl he loved. He clutched his head, his heart beating furiously.
tab Oh gods! I can’t have just said all that! To anyone but her!
tab “Felitia! Come back!” He ran to her and grabbed her arm once more. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any of it!” She struggled to break away from him. He took her other hand and she immediately stopped. “Just listen, I would never want to say those things. I love you.” He leaned in close to her to kiss her. She closed her eyes for a moment then ripped herself away from him.
tab “No! Stay away from me!” she screamed completely distraught.
tab “Jared, is everything alright? I heard shouting, I do hope you aren’t fighting,” said an all too familiar voice right as Jared was about to speak. Genevieve had appeared from the dining hall and was standing next to him. He turned to her, panicking slightly.
tab “Urh, no. We were just…” He turned back a round to find Felitia had disappeared. He ran down the corridor desperately to find her, but to his despair she was nowhere in sight.
tab “Felitia!” he called, praying she could hear him, wherever she was.
tab “Leave her Jared. She’ll come round and listen to you soon enough. If not, maybe it’s for the best.” Genevieve whispered hypnotically. She slipped an arm around his. “Come back to breakfast.”
tab Even better than I expected. Oh Genevieve, you’re so evil. I love you so much. And now I have Jared, it’s all perfect.
tab Felitia had heard Jared calling after her but had never stopped running. Tears streamed down her face even as she sprinted like a terrified deer down the hallways. The doors and paintings flew past her in a blur. People heading to breakfast turned their heads as they saw Felitia run past furiously, thinking, What the hell is that freak up to now?
One boy protruded out his foot, bucking Felitia and sending her colliding into the floor. He left her slouching on the ground, sniggering.
tab Felitia sat up, tears still trickling down her face and falling from her chin. Her head held down fell limp on her shoulders. A line of blood formed down the side of her jaw from a cut in her lip. Passers by mocked her and threw, insults, only intensifying the pain she felt. She would have ignored it before, but now that her only friend had betrayed her, she felt worthless and insignificant. Emotions welled up inside of her, a blend of fear, anger, hurt but with a hint of love and pity.
tab Her body started to quake; onlookers began to feel uneasy. Their senses were screaming for them to escape; they had never experienced this many emotions merged in this manner coming from an individual, and it scared them. A terrifying aroma of burning combined with a tiny tinge of musk resounded from the epicentre, the shaking girl on the floor.
tab “Jared, why?” Felitia muttered…
tab The bell rang to announce the first lesson. Jared was worried; Felitia was still missing and he knew how precarious her relationship was with Remsum was. If she missed this lesson or any other, she would land herself in a whole heap of trouble.
tab In the distance a girl passed round a corner toward the classroom.
tab Thank the gods! It’s Felitia. Jared gulped; after what had happened between them only less than an hour ago, it seemed impossible to find the right words to say to her.
tab “Felitia,” he said as she came closer, but she merely passed him, eyes low, not even acknowledging his presence. He followed her into the classroom.
tab “Felitia, I know you’re upset. You have every right to be. I never meant anything of what I said.”
tab She sat down at her desk silently, still ignoring his persistent pleas. He laid a hand on her shoulder and she looked sadly up at him.
tab “Felitia, I swear. I wish I could take it all back. I didn’t mean a word of what I said. Please just listen.”
tab She breathed in deeply. It would take more than apologies to stitch up these wounds.
tab “Oh Jared. There you are. We should really be sitting down now. Remsum should be here any second,” Genevieve butted in. Jared obeyed, sitting solemnly at his desk next to Felitia’s. Remsum stepped through the door momentarily afterwards.
tab “Students, according to rumours, Ganymede Caimerode has been enchanted. I regret to inform you all, but those rumours are indeed the truth.” Remsum showed no emotion as he strode to the front of the classroom. The pupils exploded into chatter.
tab “Silence!” Remsum ordered. “There is a Warlock hidden in or around the Academy, on who means to hurt you, one whose soul desire is to eliminate all heirs to the provinces of Elvenrealm. I must therefore ask you, be wary. Never stay alone. There will be a curfew from six o’clock in the evening; you are to stay in the common room and your dormitories afterwards. Report any suspicious behaviour to a senior member of staff. That is all; lessons will continue as usual.” He started to write a complex long division on the blackboard. “Back to economics.”
tab I can’t believe it! Ganymede was really enchanted. No, it can’t be. It’s just Remsum’s excuse; he’s defending Ganymede. How dare he blame his attack on the Warlocks! Striking fear into the minds of others to hide the truth and make people believe him, it’s barbaric!
But somehow that seems a little too extreme. Either way it couldn’t have been a Warlock. It’s not possible.
tab “Felitia,” Jared whispered.
tab Oh leave me alone Jared, you’re just going to say ‘I told you so’. She rested her head on her folded arms on the desk and turned her back to him.
tab “Felitia, please!” Jared persisted.
tab “Jared! Be quiet!” Remsum scolded. He slouched back into his chair.
tab No, Felitia thought, it’s just not possible.
- by kidontherampage |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/04/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Noble Blood Chapter 9
- Artist: kidontherampage
called 'long division'
pretty strange title as all the previous have had titles that automatically relate to the chapter.
aside from the tiny reference near the end it has a deeper meaning
anyhoo, enough of the babbling
this chapter includes jared and felitia seriously flirting then having an epic argument
pretty opposite ends of the spectrum dont you agree - Date: 04/04/2010
- Tags: noble blood chapter
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Psychedelic-Rebel97 - 05/13/2011
- o.o omg... wait... im confused is remsume a warlock? ... i bet he is or even ... ill finish reading the others first hahaha
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- Tomaiki - 04/04/2010
- Wow this is really really good. If this were on the market I'd by it in a heart beat. You're a good writer, keep it up. smile
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