• A howl in the distance.
    A sharp cry in the night.
    Blue eyes turn to the sound.
    The eyes of a nearly invisible beast.
    In the land of white.
    More howls to join the lone symphony.
    One stands out, reaches her.
    One that tells her to intervene.
    She lifts one frozen paw.
    Another cry into the night.
    She looks on in awe.

    Then walks lightly for a few meters, and swiftly turns out full run, riding the wind towards the sound.
    But where is that? More howls answer her unspoken question. She runs towards the high snow bluffs.
    Climbing, climbing, following the music. She instinctively slows, notes close and clear. Numerous scents surround her. This is no straggling loner group this is a pack. A family.
    She peers around a snow-covered rock. She stares at the laid back group. In the midst of the crowd, two alpha wolves, a black hewolf, and a red shewolf, looking up, noses to the sky , relaying the most beautiful song she had ever heard. The scent from the alpha shewolf was somehow recognized by her nose, but her eyes see a stranger wolf . Could it be? Their song ended, and the alpha shewolf stepped away from the alpha hewolf and the others. She whimpers cautiously. The red shewolf pricks her ears, growling lowly. Who is there? She demands. She whimpers again, and steps forward.

    ~To Be Continued