• "I'm starting to get freaked out mom," you try to explain it to your mom, but she doesn't listen.
    "Don't worry honey, your probably just imagining it"

    You started seeing him last week. First, it was just in the mornings when you waited for the bus. Then it started escalating. You started seeing him everywhere. Just when you got used to his presence, he started showing off his pistol. It was like he was taunting you. No one you told believed you. That was when kids started disappearing. They were found with bullets in their head. They were killed instantly. I warned them, you thought darkly. I tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen. Then, you had an idea. You packed your stuff and left the house. Just around the corner, he was there. As you started to turn, you could see a grin spread across his face. As if he was the hunter and you were the prey. You could tell he enjoyed the chase. You started running at full speed, but you could still hear him behind you. Just as you were about to round the corner, you heard a shot and the world went black.