• flight of the fallen

    It is 212 years after the death of emperor krayakin de korvas, founder of the eastern empire. Much has passed in the years since his death. The western kingdoms have united under one ruler, establishing for the first time in centuries a power base rival in strength to the eastern empire.
    War is on the horizon, the eastern empire sends delegations and negotiators to the western kingdoms sewing for peace. No delegations have returned and the west have closed their doors.

    The great krayakin empire spans throughout most of the eastern world. A multicultural haven of great wonders. Greatest of the cities of the empire is the capital Krayaka the Jewel of the east. A vast metropolis of white marble houses, some great some small with tiled terracotta roofs. winding streets of white cobblestones and market stalls on nearly every corner selling wonders from across the known world. Citizens rush about their daily business in a city teeming with life.
    In the center of the metropolis lies a vast tower of white marble flanked by two gigantic marble statues of aincent heroes. The emperor Rual de korvas rules from his high seat of power. The war council is assembled and heated discussions are taking place.
    “My lords a messenger from the shadow guild”said a tall elderly servant opening the large ornate doors.
    All eyes in the room turned to face the newcomer, he was clad in black articulated leather Armour most of his tall athletic body was covered by a large black cloak. His features hidden behind a sliver mask shadowed by the hood he wore. eyes of the brightest blue stared through slitted eye slots in the mask the assassin surveyed the room taking in his surroundings with the cold hard stare of a natural killer.
    The council room was a large round room atop the highest tower offering all round views of the magnificent city.
    The circular table in the middle of the room was a large polished oak table heavily adorned with ornate carvings depicting heroic scenes relevant to the history of the empire edged in gold leaf.
    Around the table sat ten nobles in fine rich clothes. each had the hardy look of warriors and generals. The assassin noticed with amusement the look of disdain on the highborn faces. Some staring in shock at the dark warrior before them.
    “My lord emperor what is this filth doing here in the presence of highborn and armed too what utter lack of respect!” shouted an elderly looking noble in a gruff voice. Glaring hard at the sentinel standing in the doorway.
    The rest of the nobles murmured in agreement.
    “the assassin is here at my behest and I would show him a modicum of respect for he is no simple killer the man that stands before is none other than the sliver hawk himself he has served me loyally for thirteen years and has never failed me. Now what word of the west? Master assassin.” said the emperor in a commanding voice.
    Hushed whispers echoed throughout the room “the silver hawk here!”
    “no he is but a myth!”
    “forgive us lord we meant no disrespect to your esteemed guest” said the elderly noble who had voiced his opinion earlier somewhat embarrassed.


    The room fell silent each highborn looking to the silver hawk.
    “The enemy raises a vast army over a million strong in foot solders alone. dwarven traitors work the forges night and day to stock their armories, they've recently had success in breeding the hardy northern ponies with their faster native horses creating a new breed of heavy cavalry.
    Their diplomats have succeeded in forming an unsteady alliance with the northern hill tribes and with their help have pushed back the dwarven armies leaving them free to invade the east. Of the fact that they intend to invade the east there is no doubt.”
    Silence fell over the assembled highborn.
    The emperor scratched idly at his short cropped beard his handsome features marred by the long battle scar running down the right side of his face.
    “with out proof of their intentions I cannot go to war, however I cannot sit idly by and let our enemy grow stronger.
    We must rally the armies and fortify our empire, we must prepare for invasion, you all know what must be done go now my generals gather to me a force worthy of our empire” said the emperor his voice resonating with power.
    The highborn filed out of the room one by one hurrying to their appointed tasks. The emperor stood for a moment his emerald green eyes focusing on the sprawling city in wonder and admiration.
    “My great grandfather had this city built, he carved out the empire as we know it, throughout his life he overcame many obstacles, he thwarted five invasions,and alongside his brother defeated our most aincent enemy, the shadow king of Voldar. A battle that claimed his life, I will be damned if I will be the one to see his empire crumble! we will fight the kingdoms of the west and defeat them.”
    The silver hawk stood silently observing the emperor. “what would you have me do lord” he said, his deep voice echoing through the silver mask he wore.
    The emperor turned to regard his loyal servant thinking for a moment on what he would ask. he knew the silver hawk would not fail him.
    “I ask only that you acquire proof that my ambassadors were indeed murdered.
    That is all, and I thank you old friend for your work in these past years where would the empire be without you I wonder?.”
    The assassin bowed then turned to leave. “i will be back in two months with the information.” the great oak doors shut behind him, the emperor returned to his balcony once again admiring all that had been built.