• I tried to hold my tears inside the church. I just didn't want to cry in front of the other paladins. My husband Steven Richards died fighting a Super Mutant Behemoth that was trying to destroy our home. My little girl will have to grow up without her daddy to protect her. Becky was crushed when she heard the news of her father's death. My son Dan looks so much like him I often think he is Steven. We walked to the Arlington cemetery and gave him a proper burial. My six yr old girl asked me "Mommy is daddy going to ever comeback?" I had to tell her no he'd gone forever. She shoved her face into my side and wailed for her daddy. Two months later my precious children were murdered in an explosion from the kitchen stove. I was upstairs using the bathroom when it happened. Then that night i grabbed .32 caliber pistol put it in my mouth and pulled the trigger. crying