• Page 3
    After cleaning the entire hallway free of green goo I was exhausted creating the ball of light had taken a lot of energy. I slumped against the wall by the front door of the school, eyes drooping slightly. Then the whole school began to shake. What now? I thought lifting myself from the wall.


    He pulled into the schools parking lot right on time. But the parking lot was empty except for a few cars. He spotted Ivy’s all the way on the other side of the lot. Mason get into the school now Cap said the urgency of his voice scared Mason and he ran to the school, then he felt the tremors. He ran through the main doors of the school almost pulling one from its hinges. The school shook again with enough force to almost throw him to the floor.
    There was a flash of light down at the end of the hallway. Mason ran towards it and saw the Quaker. The huge brown bear-like creature smelled of dirt and grime. The creature stood though it was already too tall for the school’s ceiling, its large head hit the ceiling and put a huge hole in the cheap ceiling tiles.
    There was another flash of light before the Quaker brought down its huge claws down to the tile floor. When the light vanished the Quaker was dazed its head still in the hole it created in the ceiling. Mason saw Tammy and Melody doing what they could to destroy it before it brought down its claws. Where’s Ivy? Then Mason saw her dark red hair over to his left. Sparks danced on her fingertips as light swirled in front of her. Ivy pushed her hands forward and the light flashed again dazing the Quaker giving Melody and Tammy more time.
    Then Ivy fell back falling towards the floor. No! Mason thought running forward and catching her before she could fall against the hard unforgiving floor. Her eyes opened and she tried to push Mason’s arm away. She waved her fingers and more light pooled in front of her. “No you don’t,” Mason said catching her hand in his and the light in front of them vanished. You mustn’t let her use anymore magic or else she-

    Don’t you think I know that? Shut up dammit! Mason yelled inside his head at Cam cutting the voice off.

    “I have to help,” Ivy whispered her eyes half closed as she tried to break free from Mason’s stone grip that held her hands firmly in his. When she figured out she couldn’t do that she closed her eyes. Light once again pooled in front of her waiting for her command.

    “NO,” Mason said his voice hard shaking Ivy making her lose concentration and the light dissipated.

    “Stop it,” Ivy said “I have to help them Mason.”

    “I’ll help them you need to rest,” Mason said gingerly lifting her from the floor. One arm around her shoulders and the other under her knees, cradling her like a child he carried her away from the Quaker. He laid her carefully on the floor and as her eyes began to close he turned and faced the Quaker alongside Melody and Tammy.