• CNC- I was a vampire. Many of my friends thought they were, too. That was until some of them started transforming into a whole mew kind of creature! It was similar to a werewolf, but one you would never even dream of. My friend T.L. was so excited and thrilled she was a vamp like me. That was when she began to transform. Her ears started to grow into a point, drakening at the tips. Then she grew fur everywhere, long, shaggy, purple fur! Her hands and feet were now paws but there was something wrong. She still had her normal, human face and could talk and act like her human self. She was so disgusted and disappointed, so was her dad. So then he started asking me how this happened.
    "She would've had to be bitten," I told him. Then my boyfriend showed up. T.L's dad accused me of being a werewolf and making T.L. the way she is, also being mixed with vampire blood/venom. Her dad said it was probably me because I had bitten my boyfriend, who just stood there smiling as I apologized.
    "Were you bitten by anything else besides me?" I asked D.C after T.L. and her dad left.
    He pointed to a mark on the back of his shoulder and said, "The dog." That was when it hit me. The dog was also infected! Then I started running to T.L's dad to tell him how it must have really happened, she, too, was bitten by the dog.

    After a while, me and D.C. were just outside sitting and talking, just having a good time- until someone showed up. It was my ex. D.C. was about to kill him. He got out a throwing knife and started charging but I held him back. I started plaeding to him to just let me talk to him and to please not kill him. After repeating myself several times, he finally backed down. He out the knife away, got up, and left. Everyone was there until my ex told them to leave. I looked to my friend, K.B., and ahrugged my shoulders. My ex became angry and started yelling at them to leave immediately.
    "Why do they have to leave?" I yelled at him. But they decided to leave anyways. I can't really explain what happened next except that as soon as I turned around to face him again, he was gone. All that was left was a rose and a letter. All I remember that was in the letter was him making fun of me for being a vamp. The next thing I knew, CJ was bitten by the same dog T.L. was bitten by. He started transforming, then he started to chase me, so I ran. I ran all around the building and went in the side door, he didn't follow me in. I kept running and saw D.C. on my way, standing in the sanctuary.
    "CJ's transformed!" I told him.
    He darted out the door to help our friend while I ran to the fellowship hall. Most of the people were in there. I hadn't seen them in a while. I couldn't seem to find April though. I saw her dad and he knew by my puzzled look what I was thinking. He pointed in the direction of the women's bathroom.
    I went up to the door and knocked, it was usually never closed unless there were ladies discussing something or someone was upset. She craked the door open only slightly to where I only saw part of her face and eyes.
    "May I come in?" I asked. She shook her head.
    "April, let me in," I demanded. She swung the door open. "How are you feeling?" I knew what was wrong the instant I saw her, but instead of answering me I knew I was right.
    "Get up there! Quick!" she told me. So I did. I got ontop of the stall wall and sat there, waiting. She thought she was going to transform, but I knew she wasn't. She was a true and real werewolf/shapeshifter. She realized that she wasn't going to transform but instead puked. She was a little unsure of what was happening, but I wasn't. I understood completely, partly thanks to my super senses being a vamp and all, but it wasn't hard to comprehend.
    "It wasn't the dog that bit you, was it?" She shook her head. "Who did, April?" I asked.
    "It was Tyler. Please don't tell anyone!!" She replied, seeing the shock and surprise in my expression. I relaxed.
    "Don't worry, I won't. Not a soul for as long as I live. I promise," I assured her.
    "I guess you're going to leave now and forget all about me?"
    "No, never. I will always be here to help you. We will still be friends, even with all that is happening and going on. This will not ruin our friendship. We will always be friends and I will always be with you."