• There was no time to think, only act. Sophie stayed ahead of us showing us the way. "It's just a little further." she always said. I started to doubt her, but it was the only way since I didn't want to be blasted to nothing. Morgrim was falling a little behind and Sophia stopped only to glare at us.

    We finally made it and I just wanted to drop dead right there, but Sophie kept going. She climbed up into the air vent and beckond for us to come with her. We both sighed and reluctantly followed.

    When we got out of the vent Sophie pointed and exclaimed, "Look! There she is! That's the VSN Voidstar and now it's our for the taking!" I was overjoyed because this ment I didn't have to walk too far now. Morgrim suddenly broke the joy and shouted, "They're coming!" Sadly he was right, the police were burning through the high security doors.

    "Hurry!" I shouted at Morgrim who was frozen in terror. I couldn't blame him, I would have been frozen in place if Sophie didn't grab me and pull me into the ship. Morgrim was still back in the hanger bay. "Wait!" I practically screamed at Sophie, "You can't leave him behind! What about Morgrim?" "Collateral damage." she said and she activated the hyperdrive. I never saw my poor brother again.

    "Welcome," chimed the computer, "to the VSN Voidstar. I am the ship's central computer ICE. It will be my pleasure to do anything you need. Just shout something if you need me, I'll be right over here, there, and everywhere to increase my maximum performance capabilities."

    "Oh great," Sophie muttered, "we got a new 'emotions' computer. Don't expect a computer from Effyis and Co. to be reliable, they usually brake down or something."

    "I must inform the young madame," ICE countered, "that she gets her information from the earlier 'BG-33 datadroid' and the 'RT-32 Population Control Droid'. Both ended in disasters but I was directly built by CEO Effyis herself! You can count on me to do any job within the perimeter of the ship and ten meters beyond. Can you simultaneously defend the ship from incoming missles, engage the cryogenic sleep pods, activate self cloaking, and make dinner? No, I didn't think so, so don't judge me based on others!"

    I could tell ICE was getting mad, but Sophie was getting madder. I couldn't take any more of this so I went to the living quarters to fall asleep. Even in there I could her them fighting. What I would give to rewind time to this mornning. I miss Morgrim.

    I must have fell asleep crying because a my pillows were replaced with different ones. I walk out and saw Sophie was still in bed. Several robots were scurrying around making sure the ship was running smoothly. ICE chimed in announcing "Five minutes to the Earth Mark IV ruins. Five minutes to the Earth Mark IV ruins. Thank you."