• Memories haunted my mind.Memories of him and me.Our time was short,but we were close.Close enough to never wanna leave each others side,but no matter how hard we tried we were never together.Maybe because of our parents,but I don't blame them it wasn't their fault they had to work or were overprotective.Then again it wasn't his sister's fault either.She never excpected her brother to be affected by her choice.Neither did her love,but their seed changed his life.His image popped in my head,as I read is final words to myself once again.

    "I don't excpect you to understand,well neither do I,but i'm leaving.
    I love you all to death....but I feel your lives are better off without me.
    I myself don't want to leave,but the longer I stay the more I feel i will hurt you all.I don't want that;not even to my uncle.who I find i'm very much alike,would I wish it.Maybe this is why i'm leaving;i'm afraid to end up like him and hurt everyone.

    To my mother and father;I hope you finish off your life together.Even when my other siblings leave...."

    I skimmed the rest off the note until I got to the end.His last paraghraph.Tears welt up in my eyes just thinking of it,but I held them back.

    "Finaly to Scarlett.I love you and I know your not going to understand this,but I am leaving for you.You have given me so much:love,understanding,strength,and millions of other things.You helped me be a better me,but I...i've done nothing for you.It seems all I do is hurt you.You tell me otherwise but it's hard to feel i'm not.I know your gonna cry and I know your gonna think i'm an idiot for leaving,but I don't want to hurt you.No...i'de never hurt you...not on purpose,and I hope not by incident.So...bye,I love you."

    Tears fell from my eyes,"Idiot.......why did you go?"