• Since I was young, I've always seen so many different sorts of people. Bussiness men, construction workers, interior designers, actors. So many things to become in life, but so little time. Throughout my life I've been asked, "What will you do in life other than just sit around and think?" Well my answer to that is in this.

    It started when I was just five years old, and asked so many questions, even to things that couldn't be answered. Things from how the sky was made, what was beyond the universe we lived in, how could we talk, and what was out purpose in life in the first place. Well this is what I'm going to find out. Since that age everybody knew i was a bit strange. My teachers always tried to get me to talk, but to no avale has their tries worked.

    Some people thought the purpose in life was for money. I find that kind of pitfull. I don't believe in living for money. My reasons for that are a farely simple answer for those who can't think up anything. Number one - you can always get money one way or another, from stealing, to begging, finding it on the streets, or working for it. People fight over money for power, how indignant of them. Fighting is meaningless unless it has some sort of actual purpose. But money is just paper, or coins no less made out of a metal.

    You can live without it anyways, so why fight?

    To have what you want, or so you can get revenge, for those that had stolen something like money from you. I don't think murders the answer when that happens it's just wasting another life, and yours when you've killed a person, and when you go to jail.

    This is what I thought when I got my first sight of money, and a dollar from the tooth fairey. The thought on murder and such came from watchign an episode of a show when some guy didn't pay back money, and ended up beign killed.

    Now what did all those rich people do with their money? 'Right spend it' I thought.

    Money just one thing that comes and goes. By spending it, or loosing it, lending it to a friend, maybe even having it stolen from a burglar.

    It's not something to live for, it just another thing that's gets into life, and makes things more complicated. Money can cause so many problems.