• One day, Ash walked into her bedroom and flipped a few pages in her sketchbook, She scribbled gently on the paper, the pastel smoothly rubbed against the paper, She took out her paint and it soothed onto the beautiful drawing, A bridge, with a woman and a baby, a beautiful sky placed above, water under the bridge, the woman looked worried, but outside the paper Ash thought everything was okay, It was only a drawing, right?

    The next day, she woke up at around 6, She got up, yawned and stretched, and walked into the kitchen and made some coffee. She took a few sips, and set it down on the counter. She got dressed and went back into her office. Her books laying on the desk, her sketch book and everything she needed was ready for her, she looked at the drawing, not just a glance, however, she stared at the sky, the clouds were...moving...The baby was crying. She thought she was going crazy, she touched the ink, and paint, trying to rub off rough sides, but her finger slipped right inside the painting.

    Her face lit up, more than going crazy just looking at it, but she put her arm inside, and then, she just decided to jump in. Too bad she didn't get through that well, she ended up in the water.
    She got up, and went onto the bridge soaking wet. The woman looked at her, her long black hair shimmered in the sunlight, her purple dress, almost as long as the floor, the baby also looked at Ash, and she stopped crying. All of a sudden the sky got darker, no sunset, or anything. Maybe it was Ash's mother inside, looking for her? The office light was on "Maybe she turned it off?" She thought.

    The woman on the bridge, the baby wrapped in her arms, The woman looked fierce, she looked at the baby, and smiled, She whispered "I'm sorry" to the baby, she hovered the baby off the rail of the bridge, and dropped her in the water. Ash looked like she was going to loose it. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" She screamed at the woman, and she jumped off the bridge quickly to save the poor child. The woman glanced up at the sky, and said "You."
    Ash kissed the baby's cheek and said "Poor baby, let's get you to a hospital!".

    "Not so fast, lady" The woman said. She pulled out a gun, and shot both Ash, and the baby.
    And now, they remained on the floor of that painting for eternity, and the painter that drew the painting shed a tear, and said "Every painting has a story"