• Chapter 15 Osaka travels

    "Alright everyone. Please stay in your groups of 4," Mizara sensei called out. Everyone answered with a irritatingly loud "HAI!!!". I slumped in my bus seat. It was a couple hours from Kyoto to Osaka. and I was feeling cramped. I really wanted to stretch my wings, but because I need this human guise, and considering the amounts of freedom I have nowadays, its not exactly easy on me. Kira-san stood up and stretched yawning. She had been using me as a pillow for most of the trip down. Marco-kun and Yukino-san were off the bus already. waiting on us. I stood up and sighed.

    "2 weeks in Osaka. Hope Marco-kun can handle," I said silently to myself. I brushed my black hair behind my ear. a bit irritated. It had gotten long on me. I'll ask Kira-san to cut it later. After exiting the bus we grabbed our bags and headed into the hotel. The rest of our class were getting their key cards for the hotel rooms. The attendant at the counter welcomed us.

    "Welcome to Mizono Tower. one of the finest hotels in the country. Name please?" she asked. Kira piped in

    "Mizono Kira," she said smiling. The attendant almost s**t herself.

    "Mizono Kira?" she asked in disbelief. Kira-san smiled and nodded. The Attendant dropped her pen and bowed.

    "Mizono-sama. its a pleasure to have you staying here. You will be granted the emperor suite," she said loudly. Attracting the attention of everyone near us. Kira-san blushed.

    "Please you don't have to be so formal," she said looking around. whispers started going around the room.

    "Princess of the Mizono house. Heir to the chain. Suited for no less then a great man," the whispers said. I personally didn't like em. We got our room key and ascended the tower. Marco broke the silence of the elevator.

    "Mizono-san, you gonna fill us who don't know in?" he asked innocently. she snapped at him

    "Shut Up Kuno!" she hissed. She was obviously shaken up by all this. She looked down. Dreading to look at us all. I just watched her movements. The elevator stopped at the very top flour. a section reserved only for the Emperor Suite. It was a floor just for us. we exited the elevator to a room fit for kings. wide screen T.V, jacuzzi, fully stocked fridge, large scale bathroom that could fit a baseball team, and of course one bedroom. My jaw dropped seeing this. As did Marco-kun and Yukino-san's. We all entered the room slowly. Being weary of anyone who might be in here. Once the coast was clear, Marco-kun and I reverted to our demon forms. I stretched my wings to full span and smiled happily.

    "Much better," I said sighing happily. I looked around. Kira-san was out on the massive deck. Looking at Osaka. I joined her soon. standing next to her.

    "Everything ok?" i asked her. she just leaned against my shoulder and cried lightly.

    "I have to be married soon," she said between sobs. I recoiled at the statement.

    "NANI!?!" i asked loudly. She nodded.

    "My father arranged it. He said that i was not fit to run this company if he passed. So he's going to marry me off to someone of high standing in order to get a rightful heir," she said silently. I took her by her shoulders and looked her in the eye.

    "I don't know much about these type of things Kira-san, but I do know thats not right. We have to find a way around this," I said strongly. Her green eyes sparkled like shimmering emeralds. It was entrancing. With out realizing it I started examining her face. Her soft eyes that were now transfixed on my own demonic eyes. her soft cheeks i couldn't help but stroke. and her soft moist lips that were inching closer and closer to my own. We were both blushing, getting closer and closer. My heart racing. My first willing kiss was about to happen. we crept closer and closer. I half closed my eyes, as did she. Our lips lightly grazed each others. about to press.

    "SANO!!!" Yukino shouted running on the deck. I was so startled i fell off the ledge. My blushing face turned to the closing in ground as i spread my wings and swooped upward. leaving only a few feathers behind me. I flapped looking at the deck where I just was. Watching Yukino-san and Kira-san argue. Kira-san's bright red face could be seen a mile away. I opted not to head back for a while. Instead i started to fly around Osaka. only landing in areas void of human life. I sat down on a park bench, leaning back and looking up towards the clear blue sky. My face was still flushed from almost kissing Kira-san. Lightly touching my lips the images played over and over again in my head.

    "That was, so bitter sweet," I said aloud.

    "What was, Yuroto-kun?" a voice said from behind me. my heart sank hearing someone's voice. I was about to fly off when i recognized the voice. I turned to see Wataro Meia. I sighed with relife.

    "Thank god its only you," i said sighing and grabbing my heart. She smiled and pushed a lock of black hair from her right eye.

    "I get that impression a lot. So what brings you to Osaka?" she asked

    "Quite a bit really. Kuno Marco needs to visit his mother in a hospital and I have to find Ruki. She is now a captive of the dragons and we have to rescue her," I said.

    "Well thats quite the plate for you Yuroto-kun," she said. she examined me. "And why are you so flustered anyway?" she asked with a light smirk. My blush grew.

    "It's nothing. Just a bitter sweet feeling," i said trying to keep as much to myself as possible. She smiled and nodded.

    "And this bitter-sweet feeling was cause by? or do you want it to be sweet?" she asked cooing lightly. pressing a finger to her lips. I blushed more. With a dumb look on my face.

    "I'd rather not," I said just trying my best to sound normal. My voice squeaked lightly as the thoughts of Kira-san's lips came back to mind. I felt heat radiating from my face as the images started playing again. But that quickly changed. My ears twitched and my body reacted. I leaped forward and pinned Wataro-san to the ground. Just as 3 spears of Stone shot by my wings. Nicking my wing. I sprung off the ground and changed to phoenix form in mid jump. My cloths burning away into Phoenix garb. I glared looking around. My shield ready in on my left arm. Wataro-san looked up at me and the looked around.

    "Great timing as always," she said standing and changing form as well. She drew her bow and a single arrow. Prepping the arrow, she and i scanned the area.

    "Good reflexes dumb-a**," Jonuku called out. I shifted my glare to where he was standing. Atop a pillar of stone. How predictable. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it as a rain of shuriken and kunai knives rained down on us. I drew my sword and swung to deflect what i couldn't with my shield. Wataro-san ducked and dodged them. Launching a barrage of arrows to counteract them. As the rain stopped a hand grabbed my leg and encased it in a sheet of ice. The same happened to Wataro-san. we struggled against the ice as two new faces joined Jonuku on that pillar. Mino and Hyoumaru. I glared looking up at the three of them.

    "Where is Ruki?" I asked. Jonuku grinned that fang filled smile of his.

    "Boss man says she ain't fit to lead. And is dealing with her now. For the time bein' I'm in charge," he said pointing his thumb at himself. I smirked and chuckled.

    "Well that makes our job all the easier in beating you now doesn't it?" I asked taunting him. Wataro-san laughed a bit as we infuriated Jonuku.

    "GET THEM!!!" he shouted. Mino used a smoke pellet to hid her movements, where as Hyoumaru just shot a pillar of ice at us. I looked at Wataro-san and she looked back. We smirked and shattered the ice holding us. I raised my forearm and she jumped on it. I swung hard and sent her air born. Dodging the spear by a few hairs. Wataro-san launched a barrage of arrows towards Jonuku. He smirked and simply raised a shield of earth around him. Withdrawing it only to gloat. But as it lowered my own fiery blitz was headed right for him. He jumped and glared down at me. He looked up to see Wataro-san pointing a arrow at point blank range. As she released the bow string, a kunai cut it. Rendering the shot useless. Mino appeared in a puff of smoke and drove her knee into Wataro-san's back. sending them both to the ground below. In the collision, Hyoumaru charged at me with his zanbato at the forefront. Sidestepping it easily I brought my fist down on it and smashed the damn thing. He stumbled back and then smirked ducking down. Within a half a second a stone spear nearly tore my eye out. Spinning to avoid it at the last second it nicked the corner of my eye. Shutting my now damaged eye Jonuku rammed his palm deep into my chest. Knocking the wind out of me and sending me skyward. Out the corner of my good eye Wataro-san was also sent flying. we collided in the air and hit the ground hard. She was banged up pretty bad. I struggled to get to my feet. As did she. We were out numbered.

    "Well, well, well. What dose the great Yuroto Sanosuke have to say before he dies?" Jonuku asked spear in hand. He held it high above my head and was about to pierce my skull with it.

    "Just one thing, duck" I said smirking and lowering my head. He looked at me confused and then looked up. Getting hit with a lightning bolt. He flew backwards a few yards. Hyoumaru jumped to help him but was caught in a powerful whirlwind. Its powerful gusts wrapped around him tightly and smashed him to the ground. Mino quickly drew her tanto, only to for it to be cut in half by a very powerfully concentrated stream of water. The three looked behind Wataro-san and I. Marco-kun, Kira-san, and Yukino-san were all standing right there.

    "And who said you could start without us?" Marco-kun asked.