• She had auburn hair pulled up in a messy pony tale that trailed most of the way down her back, random strands of which fell around her heart-shaped face. Her skin was fair, with a hint of rose to it, which only added to her loveliness, and a light dusting of freckles across her high cheek bones.. Her eyes were slightly almond shaped, almost as if there were Asian in her blood. She had soft, pink colored lips turned down in a sad frown, so unfitting for her precious beauty. Her small, but defiant, chin resting in one slender hand, the other laying limply in her lap. She was staring off into space with such a sad, wounded expression that I didn’t quite have the heart to make her get out of my seat. Without consciously deciding to, I continued toward her, coming to stop just in front of her, my eyes trained on her beautiful face.