I'm a witch. My name, Jamie. Yes, infact I do live in Salem. Witch trials were held here along time ago but I'm not worried about that rite now because the trials have not been help in 100 years. I only hope that no one will ever think to start that up again because well that would not be good for me.
I have a boyfriend, his name is Tony. He has a brother who lives with him, his name is Charlie. Tony and I have been dating for 3 months. And I've known Charlie the whole time we've been dating. I have a bad feeling about Charlie sometime though but sometime i have the same feeling about Tony sometimes to but I try to ignore it because I dont want my relationship end like that.
I'm Tony. I'm a vampire. So is my brother Charlie. I'm a sort of good vampire because I do drink human blood but I get the blood from the blood bank. Charlie, he just bites people and earases their memory so they don't remember. Huh. I keep my secret from Jamie because she already has to worry about her witch problems so I don't want her to worry about another secret.
Yes I do know she is a witch, but so Charlie. I worry about him noing because long ago in this exact town Charlie had a witch girlfriend, I also knew she was a witch. One day when Mia (witch) was with Charlie. Charlie was waiting for Mia to finsh whatever she was doing outside in the cottage with her witch powers. Then I walked in the house to warn Charlie about the witch trials and how they were picking up witches and putting them on trial. And the punisment for being a witch was death. I knew this because I heard my father talking about it.
Charlie went outside to warn Mia about using her powers. When he got out there she was taken away by the towns people. But she was refusing. Kicking and screaming. But then they put her out with morphne and she was taken away.
" NOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Charlie. " This is your fault Tony you told the concil about her." He said. " Why would I do that she was the nicest person in the world and she never did anything to hurt this town."
The next day she was put on trial. " So you admit you are a witch?" the judge said. " NO because I'm not." Mia said. " But these witnesses said they saw you saying spells." He said. " You know what I am a witch and I'm pround of it because I only used them for good." She said. I was shocked she admitted it. " Did anyone else know about this?"He said " No." said Mia. " Mia Fall, I senteces you to death today in 1 hour!" he said. Then she was taken outside and put on to the wagon and everyone one was calling her a witch witch witch.
Charlie and I walked up to her and asked her why did she do that. She said " Because I'm not going to hide forever." then she said " Charlie I love you and always know that and Tony good luck in life." "Goodbye." Mia said. Then the wagon pulled away. Charlie and I ran up to the tree where she was going to be hanged. We saw her being put in the rope and her last words were " I love Charlie." Then she was dead.
He blames me because he thinks I told them about her being a witch. But that was the past.
'' Hi Tony." I said " Hey Jamie."he said. " Sorry i didn't call forst but i got locked out of my house and my mom is at work so here I am." I said. " Well come in sit down." he said. " Umm.. hey i got to go out for like an hour are you going to be okay here alone?" he said. " Yes ofcourse I will be." I said. He nodded and walked out the ack door.
" Hi jamie." Said Charlie. " Hello Charlie." I said. " Jamie, theres something you should no. I'm thristy." he said. I was confused what did he mean. He stood up to stand in front of her and then I heard him say " Mia." Then all of a sudden he was leaning far into my neck putting his lips on my neck . I pushed him away. " Dude, What in the world first I'm not Mia second of all what was that about.." I said
TO BE CONTIUED................
1 Witch 2 Vampires
A story I came up with. It's about a witch who lives in the town of Salem in modern time .
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