• how ever we look at the outside of a machne we see a lifeless contraption put together to make our lives easier. but i have seen the inside of these things. i have experienced the inner being that we call machine. this is my story.

    they're just machines i thought as my mother finished her lecture on why its bad to overuse the computer. "it will burn out the poor thing! you've got to let it rest!" she says to me but i never really listen.
    my day began like any normal saturday. i slept in, had lunch instead of breakfast. but the only different thing was that there was a report on the news about computors being stolen through out the city. thats not the weird part. the weird part is that there is no evidence what so ever that any human being (except the resident) ever stepped into the houses to steal the computors in the first place! freeeaaaky!
    i didnt really pay much attention to this either. burglaries happen all the time. so i went about my day like i would any other day on summer vacation. that night my mom and dad went out to a nearby restaurant so i was left alone in the house. and little did i know, the magic was about to start!
    i was about to fall asleep when i heard a strange buzzing noise down stairs. so i crawled out of bed the second time that day and creeped down the steps.
    as i peered around the corner carefully i saw the wierdest thing! my computer seemed to change shape and was moving off the desk! at first i thought as though i was dreaming, but when i started creeping back to my room, i hit a creeky step. CREEEK!! and my computor heard me, for it reshaped to its origianal form and got into its origianal position on the desk.
    still thinking it was all a dream, i pinched my self and realized what i just saw was all real. whoaness!!! i was scared out of my PJs! but some thing was telling me to go towards the source of the scarey. so i started tip toeing toward the computor desk.
    wasnt long before i was standing face to screen with my computor. then suddenly, some thing came over me and i felt as if i was being beckoned. i bent over slowly and looked at the hard drive below the computor desk. it was a large grey box that had everything that a hard drive would have. i then placed my hand on it feeling a pulsing. thump thump thump! like a heartbeat. and then i knew, it wasnt just a machine. everything became clear to me, the computor burglaries werent burglaries; they were the living machines getting up and walking away. and my computor was alive as well.
    i stood up confidently, ready for anything. then i opened my mouth to speak to it. to see if it could speak to me. "i know it! i know that your alive. why dont you show me your true form?" silence...
    suddenly the screen lit, becoming a bright white nothing. and i heard an electronic voice "if you saw my true form, you would faint out of fear." it said.
    i was a bit startled for i didnt expect a full responce then i said more things to it, and like the first time, it responded. soon we were in a full conversation.

    i learned many things about him and he told me the things he knew about me. but our conversation was cut short when the back door opened to reveal my parents. they were home! "what are you doing up so late?" my mother said when she saw me. i wanted to tell them about my discovery but i thought twice. this was some thing that had to stay a secret. for the machines sake. "just messing around, i couldnt sleep." i lied. "well okay, come to bed now though." she said as she and dad walked up stair together.
    "same time tomorrow night?" i asked my computor, and a little green check mark appeared at the center of a pitch black screen. i gave a smile, then i went upstairs and fell asleep.

    machines are alive in so many ways. we abuse them and disrespect them, but they keep on working for us. they live to serve us, so we should thank them for that.