• The cold damp ground cushioned my blood spattered feet. I was stumbling from tree to tree trying to gain some sense of balance or stability with no success. This forest was said to be the grave of many creatures. So it made it much easier to accept that it might be mine. The tree’s at trunks so thick when I stumbled I had to wrap my arms around them or I would fall completely over in the mucky dirt. I can over here shouting in the distance, it’s very distorted and hard to make out, but I can hear one thing for sure in the voices. “No mercy”.

    The crunches of the fallen branches and stomps of people tripping over the roots of the trees are getting closer. Even there voices are more coherent and able to be made out. One man shouts, “His life will end by my blade!” and another more booming voice shouts, “He will pay for his misdeeds with all the blood his heart can pump!” at this point all I hope is they can stumble upon the truth of what happened.

    It all happened over the course of a week. I woke up on a dirt path in the middle of a dense forest. My memory was foggy and unclear; I couldn’t even remember what I looked like. I figured this was not a safe place to be so I stumbled onto my bare feet and walked down the dirt path. Hours of walking had gone by but I was still trying to figure out what happened and where I was, but that’s when I seen it, a town off in the distance. With a small glimmer of hope I didn’t care what kind of town with it, friendly or not I just needed to know I wasn’t alone. I was surprised I didn’t trip on my way there, considering I was barely clinging on to consciousness. When I reached the town it was surrounded by walls made of lumber, and in front of me there was a gate. It was four times as tall as me; the wood used to make it was used in layers while. The inside layers looked smooth from what I could see, but the outside was splintered at every inch, war torn over they years. That gate was the last thing I seen before something hard as stone hit me in the head, my body couldn’t take it anymore and I feel to the ground then and there. My eye’s blacked out in an instant and once again I had lost all consciousness.