• Some things are never meant to be seen, whether supernatural, in your dreams, or reality. Life is a hard thing to overcome, you only live once.

    There are good things in life to look forward to, but there will be obstacles along the way, deaths, tragedies, sometimes thing that are even worse than those own fate, but in the end, it will all work out.

    So to overcome the harsh, cruel reality of the world, you have to overcome your true inner self. No one has to live a hard life, there is a way.

    So never give up on faith, family, love, friendship. It will help you along the way, to make your journey in life easier than the last.

    It might seem useless at most times, but love is the strongest feeling a person can have, so don't take it for granite, it's what will help you through the sorrow, pain, misery, sickness, it will stay by you like an old friend, guiding you every step of the way.

    So don't forget....
    Never loose sight of love.