• “An I got you. We got each other, that’s what…” Lennie continues, “Tell how it’s gonna be.” All is quite as George starts pulling something from his belt. “Please George I’m sorry why can’t you forgive me?” “Lennie I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later, but I didn’t think it would be so hard to do so” Ten don’t George, member d’em rabbits? Member ours land we gonna haves? Please George don’t!” Lennie pleaded then saw what George was looking for. “George! I can, I knows I can!” Lennie stepped a little bit closer to George, When we gest our lands I can learns to read, write, and I can teach others!” “I wish I can believes you” George laughed from what he had just said. “Lennie you big old fool! You really had me going there for a second!” George slowly lifts his gun, “To bad we both know that’s a lie!” “No George I will I tell ‘in the truth I tell you!” “Your not the only one stuck here Lennie! You think I wanna do this? It’s not easy on me either!” George laughed “What am I saying this is really easy! Did I forget to tell you? I hit it big time! I am stinking rich!! When you killed Curley’s girl, he paid me big time to kill you.”
    Lennie then looking devastated said, “George how could you? You is gettin paid to kills me, but why will you follows through?” “Lennie its just business would you just stop fussin and let me shoot you already?” “Why George Why?” Lennie was almost at the point where he would kill himself with all the bedrail, but shook it off. “Fine if you mustn’t kill me, let me at least give you something!” Lennie reached in his pocket and pulled out something wrapped in a cloth. “Member this? When we first met you gave me this chain and I went along and kept it all these years.” “George I love you just like I loved that puppy, were family!” George didn’t know what to do or say and for a moment there was a long thing of silence, then finally George said, “how come you kept this all dose years? Actually I meant why did you keep it?” Lennie stepped back and said “I thought this meant we will always stay friends and as long as I had it we were. Apparently that wasn’t the case and I’m sorry George I’m truly sorry, I’m sorry!” “Lennie please, please.” “I’m sorry George I’m sorry!” “LENNIE!! Stop I’m not gonna shoot you any more, just go and hopefully Curley won’t ask.” “But George?!” Lennie was so confused, but he knew what he had to do, or so he thought. When Lennie left no one knew what exactly happened next, but most said it happened this way. “George I am sorry and you do know I love you, like the greatest brother, but…” Suddenly Lennie took out a big knife and stabbed George right in the back and took off, saying nothing, but “I’m sorry George I’m sorry!”