• There it started, Darkovia, in the middle of the forest...the was started, humans and their weapons against dragons and their magic powers...blood shed, people died...dragons too, but they wasn't losing the war...both of them had their leaders, but they didn't help, until a young boy appeared in the Human Leader Camp, he talked with the leader, so he gave the boy a sword and a shield, so he was ready to fight, but he didn't fight, he ran to the Dragon Leader Camp, tried, to sneak in, but when he entered, there was the old Dragon, the Leader...so he said:
    -Oh, i see, a young human has come to me for a fight? I thought we could be friend with the humans, but NO! They always want space for themselves...many of us died because of this...so young boy...do you want to stop this? There's no reason to see more blood...
    The boy accepted to stop the war, so the Dragon Leader gave him a dragon spirit, so the boy could turn into half-human half-dragon, the boy got the spirit and ran to the middle of the war...when he found himself in there, he screamed:
    -Humans and dragons! Please, hear me! Look at my appearance! I'm half-dragon half-human, but i'm not feeling bad, and why are we fighting? What will happen if one of the sides win the war? Nothing will happen! Just death! Together, we can make the world be peaceful, but NO...you're always wanting more and more! Please, trust me, there's no reason to fight...humans, put down your weapons, and dragons, guard your magic...
    So both sides did it, a silence was there, then the humans started talking, dragons too, when their leaders came to the battlefield. The human leader started talking:
    -Is this boy saying the truth? Can we make peace in the world? ..................he's right, there's no reason to fight...so Dragon Leader...do you want to become our ally and make a better world that we live in?
    The dragons didn't evade th question, so their leader said:
    -Hmmm.....thank you Boy, you could make a peaceful world, but back to your question Human...i accept, let's become allies and stop the evil!
    Then everyone started screaming of happiness after the war ended, then both sides came back to their homes and then the world was once again peaceful, thanks to a young boy called.....Ryu.