• he stood waiting, timing the exact moment she had left and fell asleep. Anticipating the minute he would move in for his attack. He could hear her soft silent breathing, see her body lying voluptuously outstretched on the cool canopy bed. And the closer he came, the more he caught on to the sweet scent of her perfume on her skin. It lingered in the air. Surrounding him with a seductive aura. Everything about it drove him insane. He stood hovering over her body, thinking of the most quick and painless way he could kill her. Get it over with. But then he wanted her to suffer. he wanted to see the horror in her eyes as he squeeze her slender throat watching the breath slowly leave her body. He wanted to feel her die a slow and painful death. He smiled at the thought. The wanton girl that he had bedded, the little conniving b***h who kissed him with eagerness. Exploring his body with her long seductive fingers. Digging her perfectly painted fingernails in his muscles. Crying out his name each time he went inside of her. He bent closer watching her sweet angelic face take in air and let it out. He knew it would be the last breath she would ever take. He encircled his hands around her neck. And just as quick , her eyes flew open at the touch of a hard rough glove that snaked around her. She jumped and violently rocking her body from side to side trying to wiggle free from the death grasp. But the tall dark figure held her still pushing her back into her bed. She then tried to push his body back . But the brute strength of his grip on her was too strong. Her head started to spin she had to get out of this fast. She started to push her arms up hoping to scratch her killer. But all hopes of that was shattered when her nails encountered a smooth iron mask. Her arms fell back brushing his arm, the hard muscles she felt through his jacket frighten her even more. Fighting to stay alive she grabbed the hands that was squeezing her neck and tried to pull them off. But his hands press even harder. With the little energy she had left and no other alternative, went from fighting to begging. She tried to force the word "please......." but his hands was squeezing the air out of her. she felt the blood rush to her head, giving her a headache squeezing the very essence out of her. Everything seemed to become a blur, tears filled her eyes and not even god or luck would save her now. She felt herself slip away, and found it was much easier for her to just let go and embrace the darkness that was already consuming her. Then it would be over. He felt her body go limp and he smiled satisfied with himself. However a little bit disappointed. She could have put a little bit more effort in escaping, and even if she did he wouldn't let her anyway. He pushed her arms off of his hand and like she was holding a bouquet of flowers. He put her arms in front of each other. He then pulled the sheets up to her waist and took a long look into her beautiful blue Grey eyes. He could have cried if he had the heart to. Other than her slutty body. Those eyes were all that he had loved on her. He thought in that moment he could cut those eyes out. He should have probably done that when he was choking her. But that would be too much trouble. After all she won't have any use for them, what else could she look at. If she went to hell she would be better off without them. She would be damned to eternal pains anyways. And with that he did. The feeling of her eyes in his hands was so soft and slimy. Although he made a mess while dragging them out. The experience was exhilarating. Blood spilled all over, staining her white silk night dress, soaking into the pillow and bed. Slowly falling down her face as if she was crying tears of blood. The ligament that was attached to the eye and brain had fell out. But that didn't matter. He wouldn't need it, he already had her eyes. For a final touch he bent down and kissed her lips saying "farewell love have a nice trip, and while your there say hi to your sister for me". With that he turned his back, and like a demon of the night he disappeared into the dark.