• Here we are! Finally all caught up now? Two pretty girls and one gorgeous boy; girls like boy; boy only likes one girl; and he chose her. But now, she's left for camp after that perfect concert night and that perfect hug. So let's move on from camp. Let's get to the boiling point. Let's get to the part where all secrets are spilled, friends are lost, hearts are broken, trust is destroyed, and everyone snaps.

    Ali had asked Travis if he wanted to see her Sunday since that was the day before warped tour, which was an all day concert filled with hundreds of bands. Ali was going, but Travis couldn't, and she was dying to see him. He'd said yes to Sunday, but when she got back? He had plans.

    Her heart was starting to ache, and her head was starting to spin. She finally tried to talk to him about everything once more. He kept saying he needed to figure things out. Now what did that mean? Ali would call and sometimes no answer, but once she did call to say goodnight since she had waited for him again. He was with a girl. He said "friend." But Ali was beginning to feel more and more like a rag doll. Was she too young? What did she do? Ali always blamed herself.

    Has everyone seen the change here? Adorable Mr.Creeperpants and little creeper turn into friends? Just wanted to see if you saw it too.

    So on Sunday, Ali got her hair colored. She laughed with her colorist and decided to change all her light brown, auburn, and blonde shades to something...darker. But it wasn't only her hair that was going darker.

    "So are you dating anyone new?" she asked Ali.
    "Well, kinda sorta. I really like him." Ali said.
    "Tell me about him!"

    Ali told her about his love of music and photography, how he made her feel like herself, how his eyes made her melt, how perfect he was to her, how she wanted this to turn into something more serious, how she wanted him.

    "You have to watch out for those photographers. I dated two." the colorist said.
    "Oh...?" Ali gasped.
    "It didn't end well."

    Ali's heart began to race. She didn't want to believe it or head her warning. But at the same time it seemed eerily odd that that would be said. Ali then mentioned Leah and everything that had been going on there. The colorist stopped doing foils and mixing color. Her brown eyes met Ali's hazel ones in the mirror.

    "She is going to do anything to destroy you. She is going to destroy both of you." the colorist said in a stern tone.

    In that moment, Ali thought back to the spring break when Erin, Ali, and Leah had gone to New Jersey. She thought of those guys the girls had met. Ali had flirted with them and gotten their attention. They then labeled each of the three girls: Ali the pretty one, Erin the quiet one, and Leah the...jealous one.

    But Leah had changed. She and Ali were no longer in jr.high or elementary when Leah paid people not to talk to Ali or talked so much behind Ali's back. Things had changed. They were older. They matured.

    Everyone loved Ali's hair. Travis's mom especially. Ali had been talking to his mom and one of his sisters. Ali was hoping to win their hearts over so Travis would be even more proud to have her. Somehow Ali was always trying to better herself for him. Ali had texted Travis and told him he should comment her pictures. Never before had she had to ASK him to do something like that...she then called him that night. Things seemed okay? They talked for maybe 15 minutes...

    "Well, I really need to do my homework." Travis abruptly said.
    "Oh, okay." Ali said with disappoint filling her words.
    "Oh don't give me that..."
    "We just...we haven't talked much..."
    "...I know."
    "Good night. It was nice talking to you. Muah."
    "...night. muah."

    It was nice talking to you...? What did that mean? Ali broke down, again.

    The next morning was Warped Tour; everyone met at Leah's house. Ali got there and realized how out of place she looked. She wore a tank and shorts. Erin, Leah, and the others were all in dresses. Ali just sat on the bed and held her phone as the others all seemed to be talking at once.

    All the girls piled into the car. Katie and Ali sat in the very back together, and Ali told Katie about the odd conversation with Travis and how she still hasn't heard from him since.

    "I'm not going to lie, that is weird. Like just lay low? I don't know. He's giving you so many mixed signals. Have you seen his facebook page?" Katie sighed.
    "Don't remind me." Ali grumbled, but her phone flashed and hope went through her.

    But it was from Chris. Tears flooded Ali's eyes as she read the message. Apparently, she was trying to break he and his new girlfriend up, was two faced, was a liar, and was going to be deleted by him off facebook. This was his good bye. Ali broke down because she had done nothing. But how could someone she once loved and been with for a year and a half just throw her out of his life...

    Ali felt like second best and just another girl. Her heart stopped beating.

    They arrived to the concert and began running from booth to booth looking at merch, getting VIP wrist bands, grabbing schedules, checking band signings, etc. It was pure chaos. And of course they would run into Chris multiple times. And Travis had still not texted Ali to even check on her or anything.

    After only a few hours, Ali was ready to go home. Seeing the bands and having fun was no longer appealing to her. She wanted a shower and her bed. She wanted to hide under the covers for the world. She was sick of being the bad person. But she carried on and tried to keep the pain to herself. Hours and hours went by, slowly but surely. The sun beat down and the temperature rose. And finally, it was time for the last few bands which were Ali's favorite. Now, to try to meet the lead singer she, Leah, and Erin waited outside the stage area. Ali tried to cover up her pain by singing Poker Face and dancing. Leah and Erin rolled their eyes and sighed with embarrassment. Then he came. Another band guy. He came right up to Ali.

    "Hey there. I like your hat!" he said pointing to Ali's sailor hat that she had bought there at the concert.
    "Haha, thanks. Do you want a picture with me?" Ali squeaked and pulled out her camera.

    But the way his eyes gazed on her made it clear that he didn't want her to act like just another band groupie. He quickly acknowledged Leah and Erin's presence, but turned back to Ali. He put his arm around her, and Ali innocently thought he wanted a picture. But his lips quickly met hers. She tried to laugh it off and talk to him and make small conversations as he kept hanging all over her. He would grab her and kiss her and she'd talk again and pull away. But she knew she wasn't fighting as she should. She was single. She was hurt. She was upset. She was weak. The boy then bit her lip so when she pulled, it hurt. Things were going too far and Ali wanted to stop. She wanted Travis. Finally, the guy stopped and Ali just kept laughing it off. But her heart cried and she was disappointed in herself.

    The night went on and no one said a word to her about that guy or what happened. But as soon as Ali got home, she collasped on the floor and pulled out her phone. She put it on the charger and turned it on. Travis had texted her. She hung her head low and called him.

    "Hey." his voice sang,
    "Hi...look, I screwed up." Ali whimpered.

    She broke down into hysterics about what Chris did, about how Travis treated her differently, and about how that guy kissed her and hung all over her and she would laugh it off and pull away, but she didn't fight like she should have. She swore that if they were super serious or more legit or boyfriend/girlfriend that wouldn't have happened. And she meant it. Tears kept falling and her breathing turned into gasps. She just poured her heart out.

    "Don't cry, baby girl. It's okay. We all make mistakes. I do still like you...I just don't know what's going on right now...go take a shower and call me back. Okay?" Travis whispered.
    "O..kay." Ali said in between cries.
    "What's going on with me...has nothing to do with you. You didn't do anything."
    "I...I will always blame myself."

    Ali took a shower and washed away the sweat, dirt, shame, and some of the guilt. But her heart was barely beating. She called Travis back and things seemed back to normal. Yet sleep didn't come to her. The next morning, she hoped he would text her good morning or text her at all. He didn't. She was supposed to see him that night...so she waited. She picked up her phone and called her friend, Lindsey.

    "Hey, babe!" she called out.
    "Hey there." Ali laughed.
    "What's up?"
    "Haha, I notice that you talk to Travis a lot on facebook and junk. Do you like him?"
    "Well..yeah kinda. Why?"
    "Oh...well...we have been dating and I seriously like him...but things have been weird--"
    "Oh my word, I had NO IDEA. I will back off. It's okay I like another guy too. But here's the thing: he never mentioned that you two liked each other."

    Ali bit her lip till the taste of blood filled her mouth.