• As I lay dieing in this 8' by 3' raggedy twin bed, all i can smell is the dampness of this horred place. My wrists are stapped down by the rusty chains, and my feet are tied close together, by the the rope he had aroud my neck at first. I am frezzing cold, my muscles are tight, and I sweat from only knowing the past and not the future.
    He snached me up just like a dog cather only i was a new born puppy. He lead me here at first, connerd me, and physally touched me. I could'nt run, but my mind raced and my legs kicked. I hit him and ran. I finally made it home, feeling safe and no need to call authrity. But i was wrong, and became weaker. I awoke to his hands around my neck, he squezzed me like a tube of toothpaste. I gasped for every little bit of air, but there was no hope. He stopped then taped my mouth shut and tied my hands together. He then tied my feet. He picked me up and carried me out the back door and thew me in the bed of his pick-up-truck. It felt like hours before my body stopped rolling uncontrollable back and forth, then he slamed his dorr shut, and came and ripped me out of the truck and dragged me by my hair. He pulled me into this little shack and blind folded me before i could get a good look at him. Then he undressed me. I don't remember much after that, excpet knowing my whole body painfully hurt and I was emosinally tired and then I realized that the blind fold was off. I looked around only to see my dad dead on the floor. He just slightly held a sigh that read "It was only because you look just like your mother." I was raped by my father, because he had gone cyco after my mom died. He broke my right arm and brusied me bad. I am now 6 months pregnat carrying his baby.