• Clouse sat on the couch in the living room, staring at the wall. What is she keeping from me? He asked, thoughtfully. He'd had a glimpse of the red-and-black feather -in the sink- when she froze. Was that why? He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Just as he was thinking this, Ellie burst through the living room door. “I have...” She trailed off.

    Should I tell him? She asked herself. She mentally nodded. I will. She took a deep breath and told him everything(A/N: For those of you who have not read the other chapter BEFORE this one, please read that, first : p).

    After the whole explanation, Clouse was speechless for a moment, moved his mouth a couple of times, then, had this to say, “You're being chased by a god?!” Ellie nodded, looking somber. “What did you do to draw him in?!”

    “I don't know,” Ellie told him, “But we have to leave, now!”

    “We're not going anywhere,” The look on Clouse' face appalled Ellie. He was smirking! “I can take him.”

    “Are you out of your mind?! He's a god!” Ellie stopped for a moment to catch her breath, then, continued, “I know you're a vampire, but you can't take on a god! He'd be too strong for-” Ellie was cut off by the sound of the window in the living room breaking. Glass shards flew in every direction; one grazed Ellie's cheek, but she was more focused on the nightmare that caused the mess.

    “Ah, come on, man! That was fourteen thousand bucks!” Clouse whined.

    “Oh, I'm sorry,” Ezekiel mock-apologized, “I'm also sorry about the drapes!” with a snap, the drapes went up in blue flame. He caught sight of Ellie and smirked. “Ah, yes. The last of the Markawitz'.”

    “Last?” Ellie whispered, tremulously.

    “Yes, Dear Ellie, the last,” Ezekiel told her, his smirk growing, “I've come to claim you, little faerie girl.”

    Clouse hissed and dashed in front of Ellie. “You won't be taking her, anywhere,” He growled, “She's my servant!”

    Ezekiel laughed. “Do you think you can take me, little vampire?” He asked, sounding amused.

    “Yes,” Clouse said, cracking his knuckles, “I do.”

    “Then, let me take care of the faerie so there's no interruptions.” Ezekiel smirked and walked over to Ellie, pushing Clouse aside -which resulted in him hitting a far wall. The god then turned to Ellie who was standing there looking like a small kitten -so tiny and fragile. He pressed the two pressure points on her neck and watched as she collapsed to the ground.

    Clouse rose from the ground and charged at Ezekiel. Ezekiel watched him with an amused expression and threw a fire ball at him. Clouse dodged out of the way, just barely singed. “That your best shot?” He taunted, “This'll be easy, then.” Clouse waited for Ezekiel to come after him, then, punched him in the gut which made Ezekiel double over, but the god stood up within seconds and sent a round-house kick to the side of Clouse's head. Clouse dodged it, but had just barely enough time to duck before another ball of blue flame came at him. He's good, Clouse thought, A little too good. He sent an uppercut to Ezekiel's jaw and extended his finger-nails to where they were long enough to be called claws. Then, he pounced on Clouse and raked the claws down his chest. Clouse screamed and, with a bit of effort, pushed Ezekiel off.

    On the ground, Ellie was beginning to open her eyes. She stared up at the battle scene unfolding and got up to help Clouse. “Hey!” She called out to Ezekiel, trying to divert his attention away from Clouse, “You want me? Come and get me! I'm not afraid of you.” The truth was, she was actually quaking in her sneakers, but she wouldn't say that.

    She saw the look of absolute horror on Clouse' face and thought of running away. Then, she saw the claw marks on Clouse' chest and decided against it; this had to end. Ezekiel turned to face her and disappeared in a flame.

    Clouse figured out what was going on and lunged at Ellie knocking her down. Ezekiel appeared right behind them. “How sweet,” He said, mockingly, “The vampire saves the faerie girl. I just” - he grabbed Clouse by his neck- “hate people who try to be the hero.” He lifted him higher to where Clouse was a few feet off the floor. Then, Ezekiel squeezed his wind-pipe.

    Ellie was frantically trying to come up with something to use against Ezekiel. What do I do? She thought, What do I do? She looked at the coffee table and saw a letter opener. Could she use that? She thought of Clouse at Ezekiel's mercy and shook her head; Ezekiel would hurt him. She decided to just use brute force and hope for the best. She quickly got up and attempted to kick Ezekiel's legs out from under him. In response, he laughed and didn't go down. He looked into her eyes, smirking. He loosened his hold on Clouse's neck -satisfied that the vampire was near suffocation- and said, “ You can end his suffering. Just say you'll go with me and I won't have to kill him like I did your parents.”

    She took the letter opener off the table and spat, “Over my dead body.” Ezekiel growled, threw Clouse aside and grabbed Ellie. She bit into his arm, trying to hurt him enough to where she could run away. The effect was instantaneous; he threw her into a wall and watched as she collided with it. He then smirked and sauntered over to her.

    Ellie landed back first against the wall and slid down with her eyes squinted closed from the pain. “Had enough, Faerie?” Ezekiel sneered, looking down at her. Ellie didn't answer; she just sat there and tried to stay awake. After a few minutes, she lost the battle and sank into the folds of her subconscious.


    Clouse woke to the sound of something colliding with the wall. He opened his eyes to see Ellie sliding down the wall in front of Ezekiel. He heard Ezekiel taunting her and tried to yell, but his throat was sore from Ezekiel choking him. The god hoisted the girl over his shoulder, but Clouse ran for them and knocked both Ellie and Ezekiel over. Ellie flew from Ezekiel's arms and landed on the carpet. She didn't stir.

    Clouse ran over to Ellie and took her in his arms. Ezekiel's glare bore through his chest. “You win, this time, vampire, but mark my words, I will return to get her and I'll destroy you.” The god said as he flew out the window he broke into.

    Clouse just sat there, glad it was over for now.