• We swiftly jumped from branch to branch, moving away from the battlefield. Both of us had tattered clothes with dried blood covering the areas with gashes on the clothing as well. As well as scars, cuts, and bruises everywhere. As I felt the refreshing, cool wind brush my skin gently and go through my hair I gazed at David. He looked like himself, and yet a different person as well. He still had his gentle emerald green eyes and his shaggy black hair that always seemed to be the right length all the time. But he also looked grimmer, like he had gone through the most awful life changing experience.

    Though that was as true as it could get, he also looked stronger, more knowledgeable to the world or my world at least. There was also something else, I knew that something has always been there but I could not point it out. David seemed to feel my gaze on him and turned his head towards me as we moved forward, not needing to pay attention to where the branches were. David smiled his smile, showing me that everything was all right and that he was okay that what just happened.

    This filled me with lots of hope for the future, maybe not far off distance future but at least the future of tomorrow. Then I lifted my gaze from him and looked forward, trying to pin point a good resting place. I saw the trees thinned out soon to a clearing and I heard a lively river near that. “There is a clearing and a river not too far away,” I noted, “let’s rest there.” David nodded quietly as we speed along the treetops. We found the clearing easily and stopped, dead center in it. After a moment of catching our breaths in the silence of the night we examined how bad our condition was. I could not help but smile for it already seemed too obvious that we needed a cleanup. “The river is just past those trees over there, “I said while pointing over at a thick cluster of trees, David turned around to look. I put my arm down the suggested, “we can clean up there, you first.”

    “Sure” David agreed quietly then fully turned himself around and headed towards the river. Obviously, just by the way he replied that we needed some quite before we would more freely talk. As I waited I looked up at the clear midnight sky. I was able to observe the enchanting full moon that filled the view from where I stood in the moon light glow. I could not help but clench my fists around my blood covered knifed that were still in my hands. I looked down at my fists, in surprise that I was still holding the silver blood stained knifes. I held them up and to my side with my arm, up, as I was about to strike them across the clearing at a tree, I decided not o. So I rested my arm at my side and bent down and rested my knifes on the ground, gently.

    As I stood up slowly I heard a voice being cleared nearby. I turned around just in time to see David stepping out of the shadows of the trees into the full moons glow. He was smiling as if just hearing a joke. “What?” I asked smiling as well; it pleased me to see him this way. Plus he was all freshened up, still with the scars and bruises, but no dried blood on his cloths.

    “Oh, nothing,” his smile broadened even more. “I’m just not use to you, laying things down like that. “ He made a jester with his hands as if he were letting something go.

    I smiled, “well I figured there has been enough destruction in one night that I can let go of at least one habit, at least for today.” My voice seemed to become grimmer as I continued talking until I stopped. There was an awkward silence until I said, “I’ll get freshened up.” I started walking towards the river, passing David as well, with our waiting for a reply. Once I was through the trees I looked back to make sure David wasn’t too close. He was walking in the center to the center of the full moon lit clearing. I turned back and towards the river. Before I actually entered the river I realized that on a nearby boulder was a rectangular white box. Curiosity took over me, so I was drawn towards the box and ended up opening the box.

    Inside it was actual clothes! I was thrown back at that, for the last thing anyone would expect is, clothes! I observed them more closely and found that in the box was a halter top, in a medium tone of purple. Also there were sleeves that went from my mid bisects to my wrists in the same color as the halter-top. Then there were dark Capri jeans.

    A complimentary gift from David? I asked myself, who else could it have been? And yet I have to ask why?

    Setting the surprise outfit aside I stepped into the cool river and washed myself off. After I was washed off completely I slipped out of the river and ignored my original cloths and went to my new ones. But I did keep my black belted boots for my shoes. Once everything was put away, and my three amethysts were placed in my pockets I put my hair down and shook my head. As I slowly crept from the trees David turned around from gazing at the full moon, to me. Even more slowly now, I stepped out into the full moons glow. David reached out his left hand towards me, and I could not help but to quicken my pace to take it.

    Once I reached him, and once we held hands together I gently tightened my hold on his hand. He winched slightly and I remembered that we both had cuts and bruises. “Let’s fix these scars,” I said quietly, I pulled away slightly. David looked a bit thoughtful at that remark, and yet confused. I had already used so much energy today, so I could understand his confection. Only two inches away from David, I straightened my arms and faced my palms of my hands downward as I closed my eyes. While my arms were at my side I focused on both of our bodies, on healing them. I felt my hair ride up, as if I was being lifted. Suddenly I felt like I was watching what was happening.

    My hair was floating up in the air; none of it was touching my neck. Also the tips were glowing purple, as well as the palms of my hands. David was bewildered but frozen at his spot. Then suddenly burst of water looking streams circled us with a purple, watery, glow. These streams mainly came from my palms but faint streams burst from the tips of my hair. As it circled us it seemed to only touch the scars, cuts, and bruises that seemed to slowly disappear. Then once everything was healed the streams grew dimmer and slowly started to retreat to my pals and hair. I still seemed to be outside my own body, watching what was happening. As I still floated for a moment I realized the tips of my hair was purple.

    Realizing that David was still there I turned my attention to him. He gasped as if he’d been holding his breath the whole time. His eyes were wide with shock. Suddenly my body collapsed to the ground. David caught me, I observed his face, he was still astonished at what just happened but he was also a bit grim looking. Then, I looked at my own self I knew I was alive for my chest rose up and down as I breathed. But I also looked like I was in a comma. I drifted towards David and whispered, “It’s okay, I just got a lot of energy used up.” I was not too sure that he could hear me, but he seemed to be more comforted. In that same moment I was washed into a pit of complete blackness until I opened my eyes.

    All I could see was David’s warm, gentle eyes, taking me in to a different world. It feels nice to be in his arms. As I realized I was still collapsed I cleared my thoughts and got up, David steadied me as I stood.

    “You okay?” he asked wearily.

    “Yeah,” I breathed, “but I gained my energy faster than I thought I would.” I explained. He nodded with a guarded expression, masking his face. “Well,” I sighed, and he looked up, “I’m sorr-“ but he cut me off.

    “Jackie, after all of this, the only thing I have to ask of you is this: and that is there is no more saying no more ‘sorry’, no more judging, no more anything, at least for a moment.” He paused then looked at his now fully healed arms then said, “thank you.” His ‘mask’ disappeared, “You got rid of the scars.” He pursed his lips, obviously wanting to say more.


    “But I wish you did not, I mean what you did was absolutely amazing, but I thought you went into a comma or something.” He explained. I just shrugged, not sure what to say. Then David smiled, “You truly are magical Jackie.”

    I felt like I all of my blood rushing to my ears and cheeks, but I didn’t care, for when David hugged me tightly right then, I felt safe. Then I started to cry, “Oh, David, I was able to get rid of the scars, but” I sobbed. “What about getting rid of this.” I knew I did not have to explain what “this” was, for now when we used that word in a certain way the explanation was not necessary.

    David pulled me away, but I still held on tightly, he did not seem to mind. Before he said anything he raised his hand and lifted some of my hair from my shoulder. I realized he was observing the purple tips of my hair. David laughed, “Purple suits you.”

    I smiled weakly as he continued, “How about we don’t worry about anything right now okay?”

    “Okay,” I agreed meekly. Then a thought that has haunted my mind for the past few months slipped into my mind. “Not worry about anything right?” I asked while looking to the side, avoiding his eyes.


    I slowly turned my head to his direction and took a deep breath before leaning forward. It seemed as if he leaned as well, but I couldn’t tell, let alone care at this moment. Then as if the moment was there for the taking, we kissed our first kiss. His lips felt so soft and relaxed as if there really was not a worry in the world. Once he, or I, pulled away all that I saw was a huge smile spread across David’s face.

    “Jackie, have I ever told you how magical you are?” He seemed almost breathless and dreamlike while saying that. I smiled and leaned forward and just centimeters away from his face and I whispered, “Twice.”
