• tab Before I was born my mother was pregnate(with me) and my biological father ran off, just like in thoughs movies but this is real, he was never seen or spoken to again by my family. When i was born my family was very poor. My mother worked on a corn farm, which didnt bring in alot of money. So she had to give me up, as she didnt have enough money for the both of us, she put me up for adoption. I was not put in an orphanage as some people think that every person who was adopted was in an orphanage. I was up for adoption. I lived with my birth mom for 6months then I left for America. I do not remember her face and the only way I can contact her is through one of her friends who speaks english. I can not call her as i can not speak her language. When i was about 6 I learned that I had a brother. Not that he was born... but that he had been living for 4 years and i had not known. I have not even seen a picture of my brother and i do not even know his name. I also learned that i had a step dad... but that was after he died of cancer. I never knew him, spoken to him, or seen him. At that moment i should have morned for him but i didnt. I couldnt help it, I didnt even know him, I do feel sorry that i can not shed a tear for him but that is all i can feel. At 12 I learned that the father I have in america, that doesnt live with us, is getting aheart operation. I hoped that he did not die because he was the last of my fathers. He survieved the operation, thank god, but is having a hard time recovering. Now a great thing is happening to me. My older sister is having a baby. A beutiful baby girl who is due in november. She is to be a scorpio. This is my life so far. A past i can not avoid but embrace. This is why I am telling you this now.