Lost and forgotten.Torn and cold-hearted.Despair.She had blinfolded herself, no longer wanting to see the world, letting her instincts take over her.She hoped to that she'd walk off a cliffe, or that a truck would hit her.
She ripped off the blindfold and let it drop.She looked around.Hadn't she been standing here when she had put the blindfold on? She thought she had been walking.She didn't know where to go.She didn't have anywhere to go.
No one cares, she thought, no one cares about me.Terrible things are inevitable.
She shivered in the wind.Had it ever been so cold?She had never really been a cold person.
It was midday, but so dark, gloomy.Her cage was so small.She couldn't breathe.Pain.Clogging her heart .She fell to her knees and fought for breath but her cell of pain and despair had no oxygen.
Now memories, thoughts, fears washed in on her.She remembered her sins.They were cold and biting.Her cell got tighter.Her cell was herself.Despair.Agony.
She collapsed. She closed her eyes and lay still in the same position for a hour.
When again she opened her eyes she stood.She began to walk.The wind made her skin icy and feel raw.
She was going somewhere.Somewhere that would always be nowhere.She'd never find her true place.She would walk forever, keeping her mind empty, pushing out emotions.
This time she moved, not fast, but at a normal pace.She didn't look where she was going, didn't catch anyones eye.To nowhere.Walking forever.But stil she couldn't keep out the feeling of despair from her heart.It would stay there forever.She didn't try to push it away.She endured.Torn, she was.Torn because she had been emotionally and physicaly beaten.Despair because she was a sinner. Hate and fear for her enemies.
She walked, sat and read, hardly taking in the words.She wasn't somehwhere, though she was still nowhere.Lost in the dark corners of her mind.Lost within herself.Lost in a place she'd never belong.Lost in the place she'd always be in.Her cage tightened.
okay, made for my english c...
Chapter 3: Love and Hatred
A story of the short and un...
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