• once upon a time a guy named Fin was ordered to get the golden feather but the only way to get one is to travel to the golden bird Aigis' nest which is guarded by the warrior of sikua soo FIn went to his journey he came across the golden horse who can grant wishes just by taming it fortunatly Fin is one of the best tamer soo he did his best to tame the horse and it was a sucsses he wished that he could be in Aigis' nest soo he is there unfortunatly the wariors is there with the sages and the golden horse was left behind soo he is left alone to die and the worse things happen he fell in a trap and the golden bird came and killed him by torturing him by some kind of a wierd screech which was streghten because the pit was made out of bass soo he died right before he was deft....................................................................